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QQTube - Launch And Grow Your Business On LinkedIn

QQTube - Launch And Grow Your Business On LinkedIn

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QQTube - Launch And Grow Your Business On LinkedIn

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  1. QQTube - Launch And Grow Your Business On LinkedIn LinkedIn has been best described as Facebook for business. LinkedIn does work much like Facebook in that we connect to people we know and would like to maintain a relationship with or even get to know better! In business relationships is everything! We cannot build a career or a business without the awareness and interest of other people. In fact, the more people who are aware of us and, better yet, have an interest in our business and us the better. Ask yourself! If ten times as many people knew about me and my business would I be better off than I am today? Of course you would, that is the basis of all paid advertising. The problem with paid advertising is that although it works the cost makes it beyond the reach of many small businesses and it does not work on the career level for employees. It could be also argued that in many professional services business advertising simply does not work – people need trust or personal referrals to do business. This is exactly where LinkedIn has its strongest point. If we need a pizza or shovel chances are we might just use Google and contact the business located closest to us. On the other hand, if we needed a good dentist or accountant or a designer for the new restaurant we are planning to launch than we will put a bit more care into our selection. Chances are that we will ask someone with a great smile or money in the bank or a well-designed business. We want someone we feel we can trust – and to find those people we go to our network. Our network is made up of people we like and trust or people we know something about. If there is already a great dentist in our network then that is where we go! If not, then we ask someone in our network for a referral. We do it everyday! We ask for a great restaurant to take our spouse for a special

  2. anniversary dinner, we ask for hotel recommendations, we ask when looking for a new staff member for our business. And what happens when we ask? We tend to follow the advice! Networks are powerful and the bigger our networks the more power we have at our disposal to use for our business. If you are new in business then you should consult professionals like QQTube specially to enhance your business presence specifically on platforms like YouTube. By doing this you will get sufficient time to focus on other meticulous work which is necessary for business growth. In the past, business people would join clubs and spend hundreds of hours every year meeting people to build relationships in order to establish a large and trusted network. Today those years of efforts can be done within a few short months. Another powerful aspect of LinkedIn is that your profile and contacts are yours. If you build a high profile while working for a particular company then when you change companies or sectors your entire network continues with you – the power of this cannot be underestimated if you find yourself in a new job or launching a new business. Using LinkedIn it is possible to build any kind of business! Simply joining and listing your name, however, is not enough. You need to work hard and be a bit clever to get further ahead. How To Start Your Profile On LinkedIn: Your LinkedIn profile is a business card, CV, company background and public relations professionals all in one package. LinkedIn profiles are highly ranked by search engines. If you have a profile on LinkedIn and to a google search of your name chances are your LinkedIn profile will be on the first page of the search – this is powerful! 1: Use a professional headshot for your photo. Get a friend with a decent camera or invest in a professional headshot. People viewing your profile will make an instant decision based on the quality and professionalism of your photo. Forget the funny, silly shots. Don’t think you need a photo? Think again! People will not trust you and your effectiveness will be cut to a fraction you’re your profile does not include a photograph. 2: Under your name is an opportunity to state your professional headline – make it clear and compelling. For those with a sense of humor please leave the humor out of your profile. Would you use humor on a CV if you were serious about getting a job? 3: Put all of your relevant experience on your profile, the more that is there the better chance you have of building a connection with someone who has worked in the same sector, studied at the same school or who has the same hobbies as you. 4: Link all of your websites, twitter feeds, blogs to your profile. Also do reverse. Link your blogs, company website profiles, etc to your LinkedIn profile. SEO loves this kind of activity. 5: If you are a designer there are applications to post your portfolio and other work. 6: Build a PowerPoint to explain your business and use the application to show that on your profile. 7: Do a search of all the LinkedIn applications and make use of all of the relevant applications to build as a robust profile as possible.

  3. 8: It is important to make your page public to benefit from the search engine effectiveness of LinkedIn. Check out your settings. How To Build Your Profile On LinkedIn: Once you have your profile page set, a professional photo and have created links to your others sites, blogs etc and fully fleshed out your profile page making use of all of the applications then now is the time to get noticed. 1: Use the function that allows you to import your outlook or other address books in order to invite everyone you know to connect with you. 2: Add a LinkedIn logo and link to your LinkedIn profile to your business profile on your website, your blog, your company’s monthly email newsletter, to the signature on the bottom of your emails – everywhere! Leverage! 3: Create a company listing for your business. Company pages are not overly dynamic on LinkedIn but they are part of the overall mix and it would be smart to list your business as it is searchable and can further establish your reputation. 4: Groups – LinkedIn is more than just individuals profiles there are thousands of groups on every industry, sector, school, country, city, and hobby – whatever. Group are an opportunity to connect and share with link-minded people. LinkedIn allows you to join fifty groups and you should find fifty groups to join. Each group is like a little club and some even have real like networking events. When you join a group write your first post immediately – say hello, introduce yourself, and ask people to connect with you! 5: Recommendations are important in business – they establish trust and reputation. Once you connect with customers, employers, or trusted colleagues give and ask for recommendations with regard to your work. 6: Connecting is important but there are two schools of thought. One school suggests that you should never connect with anyone whom you would not accept a telephone call from or would not feel comfortable telephoning. I think this is limiting and does not recognize the changing world of communications. Get active, post questions, ideas, and thoughts – get involved and connect! Again would it be better for your business if you know ten people or ten thousand people? Now quality does count and ten amazing connections are better than the equivalent of the phone book so use common sense here. The point is that LinkedIn is a place to make, build and exploit contacts. The more people you are connected to the more people who will view your business with you. You can look at LinkedIn as a personal network or business marketing – the choice is yours – but if you need more business than consider the later! How To Build Awareness For Your Career And Business On LinkedIn: So, you have been on LinkedIn for a month. You have a professional profile, joined fifty groups, connected with all of your existing and past contacts, connected with a ton of new people and now have 500 + LinkedIn contact! Yes, that is possible.

  4. 1: Build content by using functions on WordPress and Twitter and others to automatically repost your content to LinkedIn. If you have additional content – for instance an email newsletter then you can post links to those outside sites with a catchy title to grab attention. 2: Establish expertise by answering questions. If you know if show it and answering questions is a great tool. A suggestion here is to use an outside editor such a MS Word to compose and spell check and then copy and paste – save looking silly with dumb typos which do happen! Yikes! 3: Launch your own networking group. This takes time and efforts but after a year or two and with some efforts you could have a group that you control with one thousand members or more. Use this network to create an in-person networking event and establish your own personal supply of prospects or a referral network. As group leader you will automatically have credibility. 4: Launch your company group and invite customers, prospects and other interested individuals in your industry to follow events at your company. These tend not to be as popular as industry groups but they can work well if presented well and maintained. 5: Blogs, email newsletters and twitter feeds have options to repost content to LinkedIn. Every time you make a comment it shows on your feed and on the feed of every person who is connected to you! You may have an opt-in company newsletter with eight hundred subscriber but t reposting can allow the possibility of one-hundred million readers – in theory – certainly the opportunity the exposure and gain new opt-in readers. And to do all of these things you should consider professionals guidance which provides better assistance like QQTubethrough it’s personalized services and great results. 6: Repost to all group. Once you post to your LinkedIn profile you have the option to repost to every group you belong to and to forward the link to every individual you are connected to on LinkedIn – this is called leverage! How To Build Your Business Today And For The Long Term With LinkedIn: 1: Connections must be maintained and so find reasons to message people with a simple hello message – comment on or like their posts. 2: Spend time everyday on LinkedIn making at least one post or answering one question. The cumulative effect will be powerful. 3: If you have a strong connection with someone in your city then meet face to face for coffee and see where you can take the relationship. 4: You may be bored and want to entertain yourself will silly posts but never put anything in writing that you might later regret. LinkedIn is a business forum and, in my opinion, business is no place for politics, sex or religion. 5: Work the data and use the theory of the six degrees of separation. Take time to look at your connections networks – they may very well know someone who could make all the difference to your business. 6: Build, maintain and exploit relationships. LinkedIn is business and you should always be thinking about promoting the growth of your business with every keystroke! Work it!

  5. 7: Pay for membership and get deeper access than can be provided by a free level membership. Depending on your budget and your particular industry being a paid member can be a great value! LinkedIn is goldmine – work it hard and it is worth premium membership. Building sales for any business is about many, many things – never just one! LinkedIn, however, is one important tool that can be used to effectively build your business. Do whatever it takes as developing connections might take some time but once its done then you will see it’s power of communication.

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