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Hemolytic anemia. 实验目的 : 掌握溶血性贫血的诊断思路及骨髓象的主要特点。. Hemolytic anemia. Clinical Findings: A 44-year-old female complained of fatigue and weaknessd,frequency and urgency of micturition over the last 2 weeks,she had noticed that her urine was pinkish red in colour.
Hemolytic anemia 实验目的: 掌握溶血性贫血的诊断思路及骨髓象的主要特点。
Hemolytic anemia Clinical Findings: A 44-year-old female complained of fatigue and weaknessd,frequency and urgency of micturition over the last 2 weeks,she had noticed that her urine was pinkish red in colour. On physicial examination,icteric scera and splenomegaly were found.
Hemolytic anemia Laboratory Findings: RBC: 2.6×1012/L Hb:85 g/L Ret:10% WBC: 4.7×109/L N:82% L:17% Mo:1% PLT: 164×1012/L Urobilinogen(+) urine bilirubin(++) icteric index:20U Rous test(-) Hams(-) coombs(+)
Hemolytic anemia Questions: 1 what is the most probable diagnosis in this case? 2 what are the diagnostic bases? 3 what additional tests are need to establish the diagnosis?
Hemolytic anemia 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告
IDA 实验目的: 掌握IDA的诊断思路及骨髓象的主要特点。
IDA Clinical Findings: A ten-year-old boy who came from city gave chief complaint of having no energy. The physician found his nail spoon-shaped.
IDA Laboratory Findings: Hb 56g/L, RBC 3.5×1012, WBC 10.5×109/L, PLT 200×109/L MCV 68.6fl, MCH 23pg, MCHC 23% Ret 0.5% Serum iron 7.5umol/L TIBC 73umol/L The peripheral blood smear revealed marked anisocytosis, microcytosis hypochromia and poikilocytosis.
IDA Questions: 1 what is the most probable diagnosis in this case? 2 what are the diagnostic bases? 3 what additional tests are need to establish the diagnosis?
IDA 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告
IDA 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 Ring cell
IDA 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 basophilic stipping
IDA 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 Howell-Jolly bodies
IDA 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 Howell-Jolly bodies
Megaloblastic anemia(MA) 实验目的: 掌握MA的诊断思路及骨髓象的主要特点。
Megaloblastic anemia(MA) Clinical Findings: A 50-year-old female had seen the physician with complaints of having no energy and feeling tired all of the time. She also reported experiencing a mild pain in the abdominal region and having impairment of sensation to pin prick and touch.
Megaloblastic anemia(MA) Laboratory Findings: RBC: 1.7×1012/L Hb:62 g/L Ret:0.4% WBC: 4.0×109/L N:62% L:37% Mo:1% PLT: 200×1012/L The peripheral blood smear revealed anisocytosis, poikilocytosis two nucleated RBCs, rare Howell-Jolly bodies and basophilic stipping.
Megaloblastic anemia(MA) Questions: 1 what is the most probable diagnosis in this case? 2 what are the diagnostic bases? 3 what additional tests are need to establish the diagnosis?
Megaloblastic anemia(MA) 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 大红细胞
Megaloblastic anemia(MA) 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 红系改变
Megaloblastic anemia(MA) 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 粒系改变
Aplastic anemia 实验目的: 掌握AA的诊断思路及骨髓象的主要特点。
Aplastic anemia Clinical Findings: A 22-year-old female gave chief complaint of severe menstrual bleeding recently, and numerous petechiae and some purpura. She told the doctor she had a severe respiratory infection six months age and had taken chloramphenicol for five months. the physical examination revealed no hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy.
Aplastic anemia Laboratory Findings: RBC: 1.85×1012/L Hb:55 g/L MCV 89fL,MCH 29.7fL,MCHC 31% Ret:0.5% WBC: 2.2×109/L N:38 % L:62% PLT: 35×1012/L
Aplastic anemia Questions: 1 what is the most probable diagnosis in this case? 2 what are the diagnostic bases? 3 what additional tests are need to establish the diagnosis?
Aplastic anemia 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 有核细胞增生极度低下
Aplastic anemia 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 非造血细胞增多
Acute lymphocytic leukemia 实验目的: 掌握ALL的诊断思路及骨髓象的主要特点。
Acute lymphocytic leukemia Clinical Findings: A 5-year-old girl was taken to the emergency roomby her mother,because of an elevated temperture that could not be controlled by aspirn.the patient complained of a sore throat and ear for the last several days. Physical examination revealed a well-nourished but listless child,the tympanic membrane was inflamed.the child had both lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly.
Acute lymphocytic leukemia Laboratory Findings: RBC: 1.7×1012/L Hb:62 g/L WBC: 40×109/L lymphoblasts and prolymphocytes:80% L:12% N:8% PLT: 200×1012/L
Acute lymphocytic leukemia Questions: 1 what is the most probable diagnosis in this case? 2 what are the diagnostic bases? 3 what additional tests are need to establish the diagnosis?
Acute lymphocytic leukemia 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 ALL-L1
Acute lymphocytic leukemia 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 ALL-L2
Acute lymphocytic leukemia 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 ALL-L3
AML-M2a 实验目的: 掌握M2a的诊断思路及骨髓象的主要特点。
AML-M2a Clinical Findings: A 32-year-old female patient complained of fatigue for two days. The doctor noticed that she looked pale and weakness and found some unexplained large bruises on her skin. Hepatomegaly and sternal tenderness was present, but lymphadenopathy was absent.
AML-M2a Laboratory Findings: RBC: 3.3×1012/L Hb:70 g/L WBC: 21×109/L DC: Immature cells :91% N:7% L:1% E:1% PLT: 45×109/L
AML-M2a Questions: 1 what is the most probable diagnosis in this case? 2 what are the diagnostic bases? 3 what additional tests are need to establish the diagnosis?
AML-M2a 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告
AML-M3 (APL) 实验目的: 掌握M3的诊断思路及骨髓象的主要特点。
AML-M3 (APL) Clinical Findings: A female paitient , 36-year-old, complained of fatigue and weakness for more than half a month, and bleeding gums for five days. The physical examination revealed sternal tenderness, without hepatosplenomegaly.
AML-M3 (APL) Laboratory Findings: RBC: 3.6×1012/L Hb:86 g/L WBC: 2.8×109/L DC: Immature cells 73% ; Bands 3% ; Seg. 6%; E 1%; L 17% PLT: 30×1012/L
AML-M3 (APL) Questions: 1 what is the most probable diagnosis in this case? 2 what are the diagnostic bases? 3 what additional tests are need to establish the diagnosis?
AML-M3 (APL) 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 AML-M3a
AML-M3 (APL) 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 AML-M3a
AML-M3 (APL) 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 AML-M3b
AML-M3 (APL) 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 Faggot cell
AML-M3 (APL) 骨髓涂片观察及骨髓报告 t(15;17)
AML-M5 实验目的: 掌握M5的诊断思路及骨髓象的主要特点。
AML-M5 Clinical Findings: A 38-year-old female patient came to the hospital because she had been suffering from swollen, bleeding gums for several weeks. The physician noticed that she was pale and febrile, and had hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and lymphodenopathy.