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ACUITY REPORTS. Danece Mangone Instructional Consultant/Assessment. Acuity Reports. Roster Reports Assessment Reports Item Analysis Reports Portfolio Reports Summary Reports Prior Year Reports. Roster Reports. Provide completion and performance tier data on assessment testing.
ACUITY REPORTS Danece Mangone Instructional Consultant/Assessment
Acuity Reports Roster Reports Assessment Reports Item Analysis Reports Portfolio Reports Summary Reports Prior Year Reports
Roster Reports Provide completion and performance tier data on assessment testing.
School Roster Report Choose Predictive for the Acuity Universal Screener Choose Diagnostic for the Benchmarks
School Roster Report All classes are listed Click on the class name to see a class roster report
Assessment Report Provides actionable data on how classes are doing relative to the state standards
School Assessment Report Shows how a grade level performed against the State Common Core Standards Shows the percentage of students in that tier on specific objectives Click on the colored objective to see the item numbers and skills associated with it Click on the percentages to see the class and students in that tier
Class Assessment Report Shows how a class performed against the State Common Core Standards Shows the percentage of students in that tier on specific objectives Click on the colored objective to see the item numbers and skills associated with it Click on the percentages to see the students in that tier Assign Instructional Resources
Class Assessment Report Provides actionable data on how classes are doing relative to the state standards
Student Assessment Report Individual student reports. These can be run as a Batch Report.
Student Assessment Report The Student Assessment Report will also have this component.
Item Analysis Reports • School Matrix Report Provides detailed student level response and performance information for all students with in the school on a grade level. A batch report will be created in an Excel format. • Classroom Matrix Report Provides detailed student level response and performance information for all students within a school. • Item Analysis Reports Show specific points of student difficulty so educators can better address each student’s needs. School, classroom, and student reports are available. • All of these reports are available for the Benchmark assessments and the Acuity Universal Screener.
Portfolio Reports Provide overall summary of assessments at the student levels.
Prior Year Reports Reports from prior years are available, but are based on the old core standards.
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Printing Reports • If a black screen appears please follow the following steps. • Click on the Start button on your computer • Click on Adobe Reader • Click Edit • Click on Preferences • Remove the check from “Display pdf in browser”