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Chapter 6: Listening to the People

Chapter 6: Listening to the People. Students are expected to: 7.3.2 Analyze how the struggle for responsible government was an issue of political empowerment and disempowerment. British North America.

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Chapter 6: Listening to the People

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  1. Chapter 6: Listening to the People • Students are expected to: 7.3.2 Analyze how the struggle for responsible government was an issue of political empowerment and disempowerment

  2. British North America • Before Confederation (when Canada became a country in 1867), it was known as British North America. • Areas of land were owned and controlled by Great Britain. • New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, the Province of Canada and Vancouver’s Island were all colonies.

  3. Upper and Lower Canada • Lower Canada: French-speaking (what we now know as Quebec) • Upper Canada: English-speaking (now Ontario) • Together they became known as Province of Canada

  4. Political Empowerment • Political empowerment means that you have a say in how things are organized and how decisions are made. • Before Confederation in 1867, most people living in British North America did not feel they had political empowerment. • The decisions were made by a select few called the elite.

  5. Representative Government • Go to page 100 and copy the chart into your notebook.

  6. Representative Government • Each colony had this kind of government. • The Queen has the most power. She elected a governor in Britain who was sent to each colony. • The governor had help from a Executive Council and Legislative Council. In all colonies except Lower Canada, these were males of British heritage.

  7. In Lower Canada, the councils were chosen from the French elite. • The Legislative Assembly also helped the governor make decision. They were not always part of the British elite. This was just a small part of the government representing the regular people, but they were mostly wealthy, professional men.

  8. Voting • Women couldn’t vote and not all men could vote. • In the 1830’s British males over 21 who owned land could vote. • No other groups could vote.

  9. Assignment • Read page 99-102. • Complete “Think it through” on page 102.

  10. Writing an opinion paragraph • Topic sentence: state your opinion • Body: reasons why (give 2 or more and explain) • Concluding sentence: restate opinion and wrap it up/give final thoughts

  11. The Push for Change • After the 1830’s, people tried to change the way things were. There was too much power in the hands of a small group. This was called a reform. • Reformers were mainly educated, professional people who wanted to change things to help minority groups who did not have a say.

  12. Responsible Government • The Reformers wanted Responsible Government instead of Representative Government. • Responsible Government would mean that the elected members had the most say and not those appointed by Great Britain. • The elected members would be voted for by the people, so they would represent the majority. This would give people a say in issues such as local laws, tax money, and how the colony’s income was spent.

  13. The reformers felt it would take the power out of the hands of the elite. • Of course the elite did not like this and it caused many arguments. • Churches and newspapers often influenced people to take sides. Some wanted things to change and others wanted them to stay the same.

  14. Assignment • Read page 103 and write a definition for Responsible Government.

  15. Review Questions – Page 103 • What is the difference between Representative Government and Responsible Government? • What kind of government did the Reformers want in the 1830’s? • What is the difference between a government leader being elected and being appointed? • Why is Responsible Government more fair than Representative Government?

  16. Video • Canada: A People’s History (Rebellion and Reform) • Take notes to answer the following: Explain how the unfair, Representative Government of 1830’s BNA changed to a more fair, Responsible Government by 1867.

  17. Assignment • Complete Chapter 6: worksheet 1. • Complete Worksheet 2 (page 1 only, leave last question for now).

  18. The Road to ConfederationUpper and Lower Canada: The Roots of Discontent • In the wake of the Constitution Act of 1791, people in Upper and Lower Canada were unhappy that elected assemblies were controlled by appointed councils • This meant that the British administrators, who were out of touch with the needs of the people, were making all of the decisions • It was especially bad in Lower Canada, where the elected members were French and the appointed members were English

  19. The Road to ConfederationUpper and Lower Canada: The Roots of Discontent • In both Upper and Lower Canada, then, people were politically divided as being either: • conservatives(if they supported the colonial governors) or; • reformers(if they opposed the colonial governors)

  20. The Road to ConfederationUpper and Lower Canada: The Roots of Discontent • In Upper Canada, the ruling elite was the Family Compact • In Lower Canada, the ruling elite was the Chateau Clique

  21. The Road to ConfederationRebellion in Lower Canada • In Lower Canada, the reformers were led by Louis-Joseph Papineau • Even though he was a colonial aristocrat, he still wanted to see change in the system of government and to get rid of the Chateau Clique • He petitioned Britain for change, but Britain only responded by giving even more power to Lower Canada’s governor

  22. The Road to ConfederationRebellion in Lower Canada • Papineau, who was a great orator, rallied the people of Lower Canada to rebellion in the winter of 1837-38 • The rebellion was brief and the reformers were defeated by the British

  23. The Road to ConfederationRebellion in Upper Canada • Meanwhile, in Upper Canada, the reformers were led by William Lyon Mackenzie, who repeatedly challenged the Family Compact

  24. The Road to ConfederationRebellion in Upper Canada • During the election of 1836, Mackenzie and his reformers became infuriated when the ruling elite used bribery and intimidation to secure the result • Mackenzie led the reformers of Upper Canada in a revolution, but, like Papineau’s reformers in Lower Canada, they were also quickly defeated by the British

  25. The Road to ConfederationThe British Response • The British responded to the rebellions by sending a prominent political reformer name Lord Durham to be governor-general of its North American colonies

  26. The Road to ConfederationThe British Response • After investigating the situation, Lord Durham recommended to his British superiors that: • Colonists in North America be given the same rights as British citizens (ie. that they be granted responsible government) • Upper and Lower Canada be united under one government • French-Canadians be assimilated into English culture

  27. The Road to ConfederationThe Act of Union • Britain rejected Durham’s recommendations for responsible government. They did, however: • unite Upper and Lower Canada (now called Canada West and Canada East) under a single parliament • make English the only official language • give equal representation to both sides, even though there were far more French-speaking Canadians than English-speaking Canadians

  28. The Road to ConfederationThe Act of Union • In 1848, however, two reformers – Robert Baldwin and Louis Hippolyte Lafontaine – were elected. They made way for responsible government and lifted the ban on the French language

  29. The Road to ConfederationThe Act of Union • Initially, English-speaking Canadians were in favour of equal representation • There were more French-speaking Canadians than there were English-speaking Canadians, so it was to English Canada’s advantage • But over time, English-speaking Canadians began to outnumber the French-speaking Canadians • They began to demand representation by population so that they could have more elected representatives • As a result, Canada West (English) and Canada East (French) were always at odds, and the Act of Union became a failure

  30. Assignment • Read pages 108-111 • Complete Compacts and Cliques assignment. • Complete Worksheet 2 (last question on page 1 only).

  31. Assignment • Read pages 112-116. • Complete rest of worksheet 2 and 3.

  32. Chapter 7: The Road to ConfederationThe Great Coalition • After Baldwin and Lafontaine retired in 1851, reformers and conservatives were unable to get along. Consequently, very little was accomplished over the next few years.

  33. The Road to ConfederationThe Great Coalition • In 1864, however, three influential leaders – George Brown(English reformer), John A. Macdonald(English conservative) and George-Etienne Cartier(French conservative) formed a coalition • Their goal was to unite all of the British North American colonies

  34. The Road to ConfederationMaritime Union and the Charlottetown Conference • Meanwhile, the Maritime colonies (NB, PEI, NS) were talking about forming a union separate from Canada. They decided to meet in Charlottetown to discuss it.

  35. The Road to ConfederationMaritime Union and the Charlottetown Conference • The leaders of the Great Coalition heard about this, and they came to Charlottetown to try to convince the Maritimes to join them. This was the Charlottetown Conference. • Thus, Charlottetown is considered to be the birthplace of Confederation.

  36. The Road to ConfederationMaritime Union and the Charlottetown Conference • At the Charlottetown Conference, the leaders agreed to meet again a month later in Quebec to negotiate the details (called the Quebec Resolutions) of union

  37. The Road to ConfederationOpposition to Confederation • At first, the leaders of the Atlantic colonies found little support for Confederation. • In Nova Scotia, Premier Charles Tupper was pro-Confederation, while a man named Joseph Howe led a campaign against Confederation. In the end, Nova Scotia joined without seeking public approval.

  38. The Road to ConfederationThe Dominion of Canada • From 1866 to 1867, the leaders from Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick met with Britain to go over the details of the Quebec Resolutions

  39. The Road to ConfederationThe Dominion of Canada • In March 1867, the British North America (BNA) Act was passed into law, and on July 1, 1867, the Dominion of Canada officially came to be.

  40. The Road to ConfederationProvinces and Territories in order of entering Confederation • 1 July 1867 Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick • 15 July 1870 Manitoba, Northwest Territories • 20 July 1871 British Columbia • 1 July 1873 Prince Edward Island • 13 June 1898 Yukon Territory • 1 Sept 1905 Saskatchewan, Alberta • 31 March 1949 Newfoundland and Labrador • 1 April 1999 Nunavut Territory

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