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Towards improved emissions inventories of soil NOx via model/satellite measurement intercomparisons. Heidy Plata 1 , Ezinne Achinivu 1 , Szu-Ting Chou 1 , Sheryl Ehrman 1 , Dale Allen 2 , Kenneth Pickering 2♦ , Thomas Pierce 3 , James Gleason 3
Towards improved emissions inventories of soil NOx via model/satellite measurement intercomparisons Heidy Plata1, Ezinne Achinivu1, Szu-Ting Chou1, Sheryl Ehrman1, Dale Allen2, Kenneth Pickering2♦, Thomas Pierce3, James Gleason3 1Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 2Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland ♦Laboratory for Atmospheres, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 3 Atmospheric Modeling and Analysis Division, NERL, US EPA, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND
Outline • Current Problem • Objectives • Brief introduction to BEIS3 and satellite products • Biogenic Emissions Inventory System • OMI-standard and OMI-DOMINO tropospheric NO2 products • Effect of precipitation on NO emissions • Approach • Discussion and Future Work
Current Problem Production of Tropospheric Ozone Nitrogen Deposition NOx contributes Formation of Particulate matter Stratospheric Ozone depletion
Sources of NOx Soil Biogenic Lightning Sources of Nitrogen Oxides Motor Vehicles Anthropogenic Point Combustion Sources/Power Plants • Modeling NOx emissions from biogenic sources poses a challenge as the frequency and magnitude of their emissions are uncertain.
Objectives • Develop a better understanding of soil based sources of nitrogen oxides • Evaluate whether satellite observations of NO2 can be used to improve emissions estimates for soil derived NOx • Use this understanding and satellite observations to improve model estimates of NOx emissions in BEIS3, which is the biogenic emission module used in CMAQ
Details about BEIS3 Soil NO emissions in BEIS3 are a function of: • Land use and temperature • Precipitation: Emissions can increase by up to a factor of 12 with heavy rain. • Fertilizer: It doesn’t vary with region. Emissions are constant for first month of growing season (April) and then decrease • Canopy:the canopy adjustment factor is 1 for the first 30 days of the growing season then goes down linearly until it is 0.5 and then remains constant.
Details about BEIS3 Land use (crop) and temperature
Details about Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Tropospheric NO2 column NASA Standard Product Estimate stratospheric NO2 column using data from areas without significant tropospheric pollution. Interpolate globally using a wave-2 pattern. AMF assumes annual mean vertical profiles from GEOS-Chem global model OMI Start with same slant column densities from spectral fit of OMI observed radiances Use stratospheric Column NO2 from TM4 global chemical transport model. KNMI DOMINO Product AMF assumes daily vertical profiles from TM4 model
Effect of precipitation on NO emissions • If dry soil is wetted, a large burst, or pulse occurs and then decays rapidly over a period of time following the wetting event. Nutrient Accumulation Wetting Drying NO
Effect of precipitation on NO emissions • <0.1 cm/day no pulse • 0.1<rain<0.5 sprinkle (3 day pulse) • 0.5<rain<1.5 shower (1-week pulse) • 1.5<rain heavy rain (2 week pulse)
Approach Choose dates with likely NOx soil emissions due to precipitation Spring 2005 (April6-May15) Remove days with lightning or days with aerosol index>1 Select regions in which Biogenic emissions are substantial compared to anthropogenic
Approach Choose dates with likely NOx soil emissions due to precipitation Spring 2005 (April6-May15) Remove days with lightning or days with aerosol index>1 Evaluate response of CMAQ tropospheric NO2 columns using OMI-retrieved columns Evaluate response of BEIS3 emissions and CMAQ tropospheric NO2 columns to precipitation events Select regions in which Biogenic emissions are substantial compared to anthropogenic
Episode of April 11 Time
Episode of April 11 Biogenic(mol/s)
Episode of April 11 cm/day 1015 molecules /cm2 Time
Episode of April 12 Precipitation ( cm/day) Biogenic(mol/s) Time
Episode of April 12 Biogenic(mol/s) Precipitation ( cm/day ) and CMAQ(10^15 molecules /cm^2)
Episode of April 12 cm/day 1015 molecules /cm2 Time
Episode of May 9 Biogenic(mol/s) Time
Episode of May 9 Biogenic(mol/s) Precipitation ( cm/day ) and CMAQ(1015 molecules /cm2) Time
Episode of May 9 cm/day 1015 molecules /cm2 Time
Discussion Analysis is hampered by lack of OMI data on days during and sometimes following rainfall events due to clouds. For cases in which CMAQ tropospheric NO2 columns show the clearest response to increases in biogenic emissions: • CMAQ high-bias relative to OMI increases after precipitation events implyingthat the sensitivity of BEIS3 soil emissions to precipitation events is overestimated at least for these cases Firm conclusions must await analysis of additional cases. Can additional cases be found in regions where the magnitudes of anthropogenic and biogenic emissions are comparable?
Episode of May 08 Biogenic(mol/s) Precipitation ( cm/day )
Episode of May 08 Biogenic(mol/s) Precipitation ( cm/day ) and CMAQ(10^15 molecules /cm^2) Time
Episode of May 08 cm/day 1015 molecules /cm2 Time
cm/day 1015 molecules /cm2 Time
Discussion • For regions with a greater fraction of anthropogenic emissions, NO2 pulses reflected in BEIS3 output but response of CMAQ tropospheric NO2 columns is controlled by other factors • Suggests utility of our approach limited to rural regions
Future Work • Continue focus on Northern Great Plains and Upper Midwest Region • Expand analysis to include spring 2006 precipitation events • Re-run analysis with reprocessed OMI data • Refine screening algorithms
Future Work • Refine method used to determine if tropospheric NO2 column response to changes in biogenic emissions is more than expected from normal day-to-day variations • Use satellite-derived adjustments to improve BEIS-3 emissions • Consider modifying BEIS3 to better resolve the magnitude and duration of soil NOx pulses associated with precipitation
Acknowledgments • Financial Support: NASA Applied Sciences Air Quality Decision Support System Program.