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U.S. Economic Indicators Analysis

Explore key U.S. economic data including GDP, retail sales, corporate profits, production indices, and more to understand the current economic landscape. Stay informed with the latest trends and figures.

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U.S. Economic Indicators Analysis

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  1. US Gross Domestic Productseasonally adjusted annual rate

  2. Consumptionseasonally adjusted annual rate

  3. Investment Spendingseasonally adjusted annual rate

  4. Foreign Tradeseasonally adjusted annual rate

  5. Inventory Investmentbillions of 2005 dollarsseasonally adjusted annual rates

  6. Nonfinancial Corp: Profits After Taxbillions dollars, seasonally adjusted annual rates

  7. Industrial ProductionIndex 2007 = 100

  8. U.S. Retail SalesIndex 1997 = 1.00

  9. New Orders for Manufactured GoodsIndex 1997 = 1.00

  10. Inventory-to-Sales Ratios

  11. Retail Sales: Furniture Storesmillions of dollars, seasonally adjusted

  12. Retail Sales: Electronic/Appliance Storesmillions of dollars, seasonally adjusted

  13. Retail Sales: Building Material/Garden Supply Storesmillions of dollars, seasonally adjusted

  14. Retail Sales: General Merchandise Storesmillions dollars, seasonally adjusted

  15. Retail Sales: Food/Beverage Storesmillions of dollars, seasonally adjusted

  16. Retail Sales: Nonstore Retailersmillions of dollars, seasonally adjusted

  17. Retail Sales: Food Services & Drinking Pacesmillions of dollars, seasonally adjusted

  18. Retail Sales: Misc. Retail Outletsmillions of dollars, seasonally adjusted

  19. Production Index 2007 = 100

  20. Final Sales to Domestic Purchasers(seasonally adjusted annual rates)

  21. Demand for Freight Transportation ServicesIndex 2000 = 100.0Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics

  22. Corporate Profits: Retailersseasonally adjusted annual ratesbillions of dollars

  23. Corporate Profits: Wholesalersseasonally adjusted annual ratesbillions of dollars

  24. Production of Primary MetalsIndex 2007 = 100.0

  25. Production: Wood ProductsIndex 2007 = 100.0

  26. Production: Chemical ProductsIndex 2007 = 100.0

  27. Production of Petroleum ProductsIndex 2007 = 100.0

  28. Corporate Profits: Chemical Producersseasonally adjusted annual ratesbillions of dollars

  29. Corporate Profits: Petroleum & Coal Producersseasonally adjusted annual ratesbillions of dollars

  30. Production of Plastic ProductsIndex 2007 = 100.0

  31. Production of Cement and Concrete ProductsIndex 2007 = 100.0

  32. Production Grain & Oilseed Milling ProductsIndex 2007=100

  33. Food ProductionIndex 2007 = 100.0

  34. Inventory-to-Shipment Ratio:Food Products

  35. Production of Meat ProductsIndex 2007 = 100.0

  36. Production: Dairy ProductsIndex 2007=100.0

  37. Construction SpendingIndex 1997 = 1.00

  38. Housing Startsthousands of unitsseasonally adjusted annual rates

  39. Production of Construction SuppliesIndex 2007=100.0

  40. Mining OutputIndex 2007 = 100.0

  41. Oil and Gas ExtractionIndex 2007 = 100.0

  42. Mining excluding Oil and GasIndex 2002=100.0

  43. Employment: Wholesale and Retail Trades IndustriesIndex 1997 = 1.00

  44. Non-Manufacturing Business ActivityIndex 50+: ExpansionSource: Institute for Supply Management

  45. State and Local GovernmentSurplus (+)/Deficit (-)current dollars, seasonally adjusted annual rates

  46. State/Local Governments Investment Spending on Equipment/Softwarebillions 2005 dollars, saar

  47. West Texas Intermediate Crude OilDollars Per Barrel

  48. Price of a Gallon of Diesel FuelCents Per GallonSource: Energy Information Administration

  49. U.S. Retail Price Gasolinecents per gallonSource: Energy Information Administration

  50. Producer Price Index - Class 8 Truck/TractorIndex June 1987 = 100.0

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