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A wee bit more of Chapter 10. Sorry… . Impact of French Revolution (1790s). SIGNIFICANCE: Single most important issue separating Fed & Rep Many Americans saw French Revolution as 2 nd chapter of American Revolution France & its “Reign of Terror”
A wee bit more of Chapter 10 Sorry…
Impact of French Revolution (1790s) • SIGNIFICANCE: Single most important issue separating Fed & Rep • Many Americans saw French Revolution as 2nd chapter of American Revolution • France & its “Reign of Terror” • When fighting spread to the Caribbean in the French West Indies, the US had to pick a side • Washington: technically US still obligated to help out under Franco-American Alliance; declared U.S. as NEUTRAL b/c of weak military
So long…farewell… • Washington served 2 terms as POTUS • Farewell Address: • Warned against evils of political parties • Warned against permanent foreign alliances • Isolationism dominant US foreign policy
John Adams as 2nd POTUS • Adams defeated Jefferson • TJ was VP! • Post-French Rev. Americans realigned itself with GB (Jay’s Treaty) • Trouble with France plagued Adams • XYZ Affair (1797) • Adams sent delegation to Paris to ease tension with France • US delegates met by 3 French agents who tried to con the Americans into talking to French minister Talleyrand • Negotiations broke down • War hysteria swept the US
Alien & Sedition Acts • Purpose: Federalists passed a series of oppressive laws to reduce power of Jeffersonians & silence anti-war opposition • Alien Act • Raised residence requirements for US citizenship from 5 yrs to 14 yrs • Sedition Act • Anyone who impeded the policies of gov or falsely criticized its officials (i.e., POTUS) would be liable to a heavy fine & imprisonment
The Triumphs & Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic Chapter 11
Revolution of 1800 • Jefferson became President • Peaceful transfer of power • First party overturn in the history of the country Inaugural Speech Quotes: • “We are Republicans, we are all Federalists” • “Honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.”
Jefferson as President • Jefferson ironically kept most of Hamilton’s fiscal policies (BUS, tariff, funding of debt) • Focused on healing rift b/t both parties • Naturalization Law: 5 year req. for citizenship • Repeal Hamilton’s excise taxes • Reduced nat’l debt by cutting gov spending • Reduced standing army to build navy • 12th Amendment—electors had to specify their vote: one for pres & one for VP
John Marshall & the Supreme Court • Judiciary Act of 1801 • Fed. Created 16 new judge positions • Adams signed last minute judges into office • John Marshall • Appointed CJ under Adams • Most influential CJ in US History • Maintained Federalists principles in rulings