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Definition. It is a syndrome characterized by AIRFLOW OBSTRUCTION that varies markedly, both spontaneously and with treatment.Narrowing of the airways is usually reversible, but in some patients with chronic asthma there may be an element of irreversible airflow obstruction. Cont.. It is character
1. ASTHMA A. K. Nayyar
2. Definition It is a syndrome characterized by AIRFLOW OBSTRUCTION that varies markedly, both spontaneously and with treatment.
Narrowing of the airways is usually reversible, but in some patients with chronic asthma there may be an element of irreversible airflow obstruction
3. Cont. It is characterized
pathologically by bronchial inflammation with prominent eosinophil infiltration physiologically by bronchial hype-reactivity, and
clinically by variable cough, chest tightness and wheeze
4. Epidemiology It affects approximately 10-15% of children and 5-10% of adults
Prevalence is greater in industrialized countries
Prevalence is increasing world-wide
5. Pathology of asthma Infiltration with inflammatory cells (esp. eosinophils and T-lymphocytes)
Patchy epithelial shedding
Airway smooth muscle thickening
Subepithelial fibrosis
Mucus gland and goblet cell hyperplasia
widespread mucus plugging in fatal asthma
6. Mechanisms of asthma Inflammation underlies airway hyperresponsiveness
The inflammation is of characteristic pattern and it involves interaction between many inflammatory cells
This results in the release of multiple inflammatory mediators
Inflammatory mediators result in bronchoconstriction, mucus secrition, exudation of plasma and airway hyperresponsiveness
7. Cont. Neural mechanism may amplify the asthmatic inflammation
Structural changes may occur with subepithelial fibrosis, airway smooth muscle hyperplasia and new vessel formation. These changes may underlie irreversible airflow obstruction
8. Types of asthma Allergic (extrinsic) asthma
Non-allergic (intrinsic) asthma
Occupational asthma
Aspirin induced asthma
Asthma of infancy(<2 yr of age)
9. Allergic asthma Onset usually in childhood
May persist into adulthood
Remission in adolescence is common
Associated with allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis in variable combination
10. Intrinsic asthma Onset in adults
No external inciter is recognized
Often associated with perennial non-allergic rhinitis
Accounts for approx. 10% of adult asthma
11. Occupational asthma Due to exposure to chemical sensitizers at work
Unrelated to atopic status
Some occur in atopics due to allergen exposure at work
12. Aspirin induced asthma Special type of intrinsic asthma
It is a metabolic, pharmacological disorder
acute asthma attacks on first and subsequent exposure to aspirin and NSAID
13. Asthma of infancy Recurrent bouts of significant airflow limitation in small airways from viral infections
Often remits as child gets older
not associated with atopy
Sometimes called wheezy bronchitis
14. Clinical features Symptoms
Physical signs
15. Symptoms Wheeze-- intermittent, worse on expiration, chracteristically relieved by an inhaled ß2- agonist
Cough-- usually unproductive
Chest tightness
Prodromal symptoms may precede an attack
16. Triggers Allergens (house dust mite, pollen, animal dander, moulds)
Irritants (tobacco smoke, air pollutants, strong odours, fumes)
Physical factors (exercise, cold air, hyperventillation, laughter, crying)
Upper respiratory tract viral infections
Occupational agents (chemical sensitizers, allergens)
Drugs (beta blockers,NSAID)
Food additives (metabisulphite,tartrazine)
Change in weather
Endocrine factors (menstrual cycle, pregnancy,thyroid disease)
17. Physical signs Expiratory ronchi- widespread
Hyperinflation of chest
Use of accessory muscles
Associated signs: nasal polyps, flexure eczema
18. Features suggestive of asthma in young children Symptom free intervals
Nocturnal cough
Coughing after exercise
Coughing when laughing or crying
Good response to correctly inhled or nebulized bronchodilators
Personal or family history of atopic disease
Onset unrelated to respiratory syncytial virus infection
19. Features suggestive of alternative diagnosis in young children Failure to thrive(? Cystic fibrosis, immunodeficiency)
Absence of symptom free interval
Sudden onset of persistent symptoms
Persistent URTI/ otitis (? ciliary dyskinesia)
Vomiting / recurrent pneumonia(? Acid reflux, aspiration)
Premature birth (?bronchopulmonary dysplasia)
Onset in RS virus season(?Post RSV broncholitis)
20. DD in adults Mechanical obstruction of airways
Heart failure
Carcinoid syndrome with hepatic secondaries
21. Principles of treatment Educate patients to develop a partnership in asthma management
Assess and monitor severity with objective measurement of lung function
Avoid or control asthma triggers
Establish medication plans for chronic management
Establish plans for managing exacerbations
Provide regular follow-up care
22. Clinical evaluation of severity Number of daytime attacks lasting more than 24 hrs and needing extra medication
The presence of completely symptom-free intervals lasting more than 4 weeks without medication
The frequency of waking at night due to asthma symptoms
The amount of absence from work or school because of asthma
The ability of the patients to keep up with peers in normal physical activity
The number and type of medications required on regular basis
The frequency of using extra relief medications on an ‘as needed’ basis
The frequency of hospital admission
The of life-threatening episodes