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RobotCub. IST-004370. www.robotcub.org. Cognition (manipulation) Human Development Embodiment Community Building. Main Keywords. Two Goals or a two-fold Goal?. Advance our understanding of several key issues in cognition. Create a physical platform for embodied cognitive research.
IST-004370 - RobotCub RobotCub IST-004370 www.robotcub.org
Cognition (manipulation) Human Development Embodiment Community Building IST-004370 - RobotCub Main Keywords
IST-004370 - RobotCub Two Goals or a two-fold Goal? Advance our understanding of several key issues in cognition Create a physical platform for embodied cognitive research
IST-004370 - RobotCub Main Figures • RobotCub is a 5 years projects • Presently the consortium is composed of 16 Partners, 11 from Europe, 3 from Japan and 2 from the USA. • Total Funding is 8.5 M€ and total effort is 1,651 person-months (138 person-years) • Coordinator is the LIRA-Lab of the University of Genova: Giulio Sandini, Giorgio Metta and David Vernon
IST-004370 - RobotCub Current Consortium
IST-004370 - RobotCub An open system! Robot-Cub engineering goal is to build a humanoid platform whose design is open to the scientific community and can be duplicated and improved by the community of its users. Clearly stated in our Consortium Agreement We are looking for other projects willing to join RobotCub with the same open attitude.
IST-004370 - RobotCub Seeking International Collaboration The European Commission is funding part of the internationalization activities and the project will support the research of groups interested in using the robot platform (about 2 Meuro have been set aside for this purpose). …reference person’s name from each of the ongoing projects interested to contribute…
IST-004370 - RobotCub Main Objectives (60 months) • ..a professionally documented, reproducible open platform shaped like a child-humanoid • ..the understanding through real-world implementation of exploratory and manipulation-based cognitive skills • ..the study and implementation of the initial period of human cognitive development in an embodied artificial system • ..building of an international scientific community
IST-004370 - RobotCub …which rest on several props • Unity of cognition: body and mind-ware co-design: • Requirements: hands, dexterity, etc. • Exploiting holistic design: • Complex bodies requires global optimization • Cost effectiveness: • An open system can lead to a more efficient design/exploitation process
IST-004370 - RobotCub Science-wise • Manipulation as a link between action and perception • Manipulation from grasping to gesture production with communicative intents • From tool use to the creation of tool-ware
IST-004370 - RobotCub General layout (60 months)
IST-004370 - RobotCub Activity allocation Building the robotic platform Doinga lot of science Buildinga community
IST-004370 - RobotCub Activities ACT 1: Mind (Cognitive Neuroscience) ACT 2: Body (Cognitive Robotics) ACT 3: Open System (Dissemination) RC 3.1 Mechanical Drawings RC 1.1 Eye-Head-Hand Coordination RC 2.1 Head-eye and Vision RC 3.2 Electronic Drawings RC 2.2 Arm-Hand and Touch RC 1.2 Bimanual Coordination RC 3.3 Firmware and Software RC 1.3 Interaction and Affordance RC 2.3 Spine-Legs and Walk Community Building Learning and Development RC 3.4 CUB Manufacture RC 2.4 Electronics and Control RC 1.4 Interaction and Imitation RC 3.5 Internationalization RC 1.5 Interaction and Communication RC 2.5 Enabling Technologies RC 3.6 Maintenance and Update
IST-004370 - RobotCub Child-like, how much? 243mm 369mm Approx 934mm 439mm Avg. 14Kg - 30.8 lb
IST-004370 - RobotCub Temporal Dependencies (60 Months) ACT 1: Mind (Cognitive Neuroscience) ACT 2: Body(Cognitive Robotics) ACT 3: Open System (Dissemination) time Define manipulation experiments Define hardware architecture Specifications Experiments with existing platforms Design new components Design Documents 18 months Scientific Dissemination Activities Experiments with new components Executive Documents Realize new components Realize whole system Experiment with whole system Revised Executive Documents Robot-Cub Platform Final Demonstration Maintenance and Update 60 months
IST-004370 - RobotCub The six objectives of month 18 SO-1 A model of human infants’ cognitive development based on recent and well documented experimental results. The model shall include, in an experimentally reproducible way, a description of how the robotic artifact develops over time showing the formation of manipulation skills of varying levels. Psychophysical and behavioral experiments will be planned and carried out to answer specific questions on the implementation and to acquire relevant missing information about the developmental process. Responsibility: Claes von Hofsten (UNIUP)
IST-004370 - RobotCub SO-2 The complete design of all CUB components and a suitable integration plan. This includes the definition of the functional and technical specifications of the CUB mechanics, electronics and software architecture. At this stage of the project, the partners responsible for the CUB design and for testing the CUB individual components will have: a) completed the design stage, b) run a mechanical compatibility test and c) written a preliminary plan for integration. . Responsibility: Giorgio Metta (UGDIST)
IST-004370 - RobotCub SO-3 The initial results of the implementation of cognitive abilities in an artificial system. This objective will be demonstrated through extensive testing of the robots’ cognitive abilities in realistic situations, implemented in several of the existing robotic platforms. In addition to basic manipulatory and visual skills, the robots will be equipped with a number of basic social skills, enabling natural interactions between robots and humans. Responsibility: David Vernon (UGDIST)
IST-004370 - RobotCub SO-4 Results of the testing of new technologies to be used in the CUB platform. Particularly important for the scope and goal of Robot-cub is to monitor and to test continuously new technologies for sensors and actuators as well as the electronic (HW/SW) components of the Open System Platform. Responsibility: Paolo Dario (SSSA)
IST-004370 - RobotCub SO-5 The Community Building activities will be carried out all along the project’s duration. Responsibility: Giulio Sandini (UGDIST)
IST-004370 - RobotCub SO-6 Define and refine the IPR and licencing rules of robotcub Responsibility: David Vernon (UGDIST)
IST-004370 - RobotCub Contacts http://www.robotcub.org Next meeting is November 25-27 in Genova Everybody is welcome!
IST-004370 - RobotCub How do we get there through a roadmap?
1 IST-004370 - RobotCub Synthesize our knowledge of human cognitive development • Neuroscience leads • Organize state of the art understanding of cognition • Prepare, think, plan, new experiments to fill the gaps • Derive suggestions for robotic experiments, CUB requirements, materials, skills, control, etc.
1 IST-004370 - RobotCub Since we’re focusing on manipulation
1 2 IST-004370 - RobotCub Start the robot design investigation • Leveraging on our past experience different aspects of the CUB design are handled in parallel • Specific targeted investigation on, for instance, materials or new sensing, actuation technology might be launched [budget has been allocated for this purpose]
1 2 3 IST-004370 - RobotCub In parallel start mindware investigation • Robotic experiments are initiated relying on existing setups • Aims: • clarify specific aspects of interests along the developmental timeline • Uncover the developmental mechanisms useful in building adaptive machines • Clarify the link between action, perception, and cognition
1 2 3 4 IST-004370 - RobotCub Opening the system • Starting the organization of the open system repository • Establishing adequate level of documentation [both SW and HW] • Establishing standards (e.g. for sharing upgrades) • Attracting the community to the CUB
1 2 3 4 5 IST-004370 - RobotCub Start building a community • Dissemination: advertise the project worldwide • Training: getting young scientists involved with cognitive robotics • Lobbying: getting other funding agencies (third country participants) involved with financing cognitive robotics actions
1 2 3 4 5 6 IST-004370 - RobotCub @ month 18 Coalesce the activities into: • Design of the CUB and integration plan • Design of parts of the mindware architecture and stricter integration plan • Specific results from technology search [to go into the CUB], from neuroscience [to fill the “gaps”], and from the internationalization and training activities [international community building] • …and more importantly a demonstration!
IST-004370 - RobotCub The vision @ 18 months • Robot Play-pal • Sitting around a table, playing with toys, tools, objects… • Learn how to: • Properly grasp a toy/tool • Associate tools to specific actions • Adjust the action wrt the environmental conditions • Combine primitive grasp/manipulative actions • Interact appropriately with the play-pal in learning a new game or task
IST-004370 - RobotCub Milestones @ month 18 • Initial specifications of the CUB (open system) • Definition of the cognitive architecture and initial implementation of manipulative behaviors • Creation of the core components of the international community and plans for an international project