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Explore the concepts of gases, liquids, and solids, including their properties, behaviors, and the laws that govern them such as Boyle's Law, Charles' Law, and Avogadro’s Law. Understand real gases, kinetic energy, molecular speeds, and deviations from ideal gas behavior.
Solids, Liquids and Gases • Condensed States: much higher than gases and they are hard to compress. This includes solids and liquids. • Fluids: substances that flow freely or conform to their vessel. This includes liquids and gases. • Vapour: The gas phase of a substance that is generally in the presence of the solid or liquid phase. • Gases: • less dense than the condensed states • easily compressed • exert pressure on their surroundings & expand without limit • described in terms of P, V, n and T • diffuse into each other and are miscible
Ideal Gas Law • PV = nRT • P = pressure of the gas • V = volume of the gas • n = moles of gas • R = Universal Gas Constant • T = temperature of the gas in KELVIN
Boyles Law • If we hold n and T constant then • PV = k (constant n & T) • where k is a constant • or • V = 1/P * k • y = mx + b ; y = V ; x = 1/P ; m = k ; b = 0 • V 1/P • P1V1=k & P2V2=k then P1V1=P2V2(constant n, T)
Charles Law • If we hold P and n constant then • V/T = k (constant n & P) • where, k is a constant • or • V = T * k • y = mx + b ; y = V ; x = T ; m = k ; b = 0 • V T
Avogadro’s Law • If we hold P and T constant then • V/n = k (constant P & T) • where, k is a constant • or • V = n * k • y = mx + b ; y = V ; x = n ; m = k ; b = 0 • V n • V1/n1 = V2/n2
Combined Laws • Boyle’s Law: V 1/P V1P1=V2P2 (constant n & T) • Charles Law: V T V1/T1=V2/T2 (constant P & n) • Combined Gas Laws: V T/P V1P1/T1 = V2P2/T2 (constant n) • Avogadro’s Law: V n V1/n1 = V2/n2 (constant P & T) • summarized: V nT/P (no restrictions) • Ideal Gas Law: PV = nRT
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures • If we have a mixture of ideal gases • nTotal = nA + nB + nC + ...... (constant V, T) • multiply through by RT/V • (nTotalRT)/V = (nART)/V + (nBRT)/V + (nCRT)/V + ......... • PTotal = (nTotalRT)/V PA = (nART)/V ....... • PTotal = PA + PB + PC + ...... (constant V, T) • The total pressure of a mixture of ideal gases is the sum of the partial pressures of each gas.
Gas Collection Over Water • For a gas collected over water @ T: PTotal = Pgas + PH2O • PH2O is the vapour pressure of water @ T • Temperature (oC) Vapour Pressure of H2O @ T (Torr) • 19 16.48 • 20 17.54 • 21 18.65 • 22 19.83 • 23 21.07 • 24 22.38 • 25 23.76
Mole Fraction • mole fraction = XA = (nA)/(nTotal) • XA is a unitless quantity • XA = (PAV/RT)/(PTotalV/RT) • cancel V, R and T • XA =PA/PTotal • or • PA = XA * PTotal
The Kinetic-Molecular Theory • 1) Gases consist of discrete molecules that are very far apart • 2) Gases are in continuous motion, travel in straight lines and have varying velocities. • 3) Gases undergo elastic collisions (no net loss of energy) • 4) There are no attractive or repulsive forces between the gas molecules.
Kinetic Energy and Molecular Speed • Kinetic Energy - the energy a body possesses by virtue of its motion. • KE = (1/2) m u 2 • m = mass (kg) • u = velocity (m/s) or molecular speed • A sample of gas has a Maxwellian-Boltzmann distribution of molecular speeds and KE.
_ _______ • u • T = temp. • M = molecular mass • If a sample of Xe and O2 were at the same temperature which sample would have the highest avg. molecular speed? • O2 • u1u2 • u12M1 = u22M2 • u1/u2=(M2/M1) u(O2)/u(Xe)=2 Xe O2 Ne
Diffusion and Effusion • Diffusion - The movement of a substance into a space or the mixing of one substance with another. • Effusion - The escape of a gas through a small hole. • If one balloons is filled with H2 and one balloon is filled with O2 at the same temperature, which will escape faster and by how much? • u(H2)/u(O2) = (32 amu/2 amu) = 4 • Therefore, the H2 will escape approx. 4 times faster than the O2
Real Gases - Deviation from ideality • Ideal Gas Law - PV=nRT • Two main assumptions: • 1) the gas molecules do not occupy any space • 2) there are no attractive or repulsive forces between molecules (no intermolecular forces) • van der Waals equations - (p + (n2/V2)a)(V-nb)=nRT • correction for assumption #1: (becomes significant @ high Pressure) • Vreal gas = Videal gas - nb • n = moles & b = exp. determined constant Videal > Vreal Volume occupied by an ideal gas Volume occupied by a real gas
van der Waals equations - (p + (n2/V2)a)(V-nb)=nRT • correction for assumption #2 (no intermolecular interactions): (becomes significant @ high Pressure & low Temp.) • If we re-write the van der Waals equation solving for p: • p = ((nRT)/(V-b)) - (n2/V2) a • a is an experimentally determined constant like b and they are both temperature and pressure dependent • a is large at low temperatures and for polar molecules • pideal gas > preal gas