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COAST GROUP. 2013. Reliable – Profitable Growth. Coast Structure (Family). OUR OFFICE`s. Seafood, in Our Genes. Our team of experts were recruited from Måløy, Norway, one of the nation’s major fishing harbors.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. COAST GROUP 2013

  2. Reliable – Profitable Growth

  3. CoastStructure (Family)


  5. Seafood, in Our Genes • Our team of experts were recruited from Måløy, Norway, one of the nation’s major fishing harbors. • With long traditions in catch, processing and global sales of seafood products, Måløy is the ideal setting from which to develop a knowledgeable staff. • The 32 employees at Coast represent over 220 combined years of industry experience.

  6. Our Objective: ”Best in Class” (track record) Nominated as Ernst & Young’s ”Entrepeneur of the Year”, 2007 The only company to be awarded the prestigous ”Exporter of the Year” prize twice (1998, 2006) The only company to be awarded the prestigous ”Exporter of the Year” prize twice (1998, 2006) Coast Sotrafishrecieved Gold Medal in the Norwegian Smoked Salmon Championship, 2002 and 2011 Coast Sotrafishrecieved Gold Medal in the Norwegian Smoked Salmon Championship, 2002 and 2011

  7. Product Range


  9. Hoved drivere for etterspørsel (utover prisfluktuasjoner) er: • Økning i middelklassen i «emergingmarkets» rasktvoksende økonomier • Forbedring av infrastruktur relatert til supermarked i «emergingmarkets» • Befolkningsvekst • Helse aspektet • Produktutvikling

  10. Befolkning i asia Kilde: CIA Factbook 2009

  11. Utvikling av middelklassen Kilde: HomiKharas; The emergingmiddleclass in developingcountries; OECD; Januar 2010

  12. Food spending asia

  13. Verdenstilførselavatlantisklakstil Asia

  14. Norsk lakseeksport – jan-aug • Prisøkning på 44 % hittil i år • 39,97 mot 27,82 • Snittpris fersk hel laks august • 2012: 27,97 • 2013: 41,45 • Volumnedgang fersk hel på -6 % hittil • Volumnedgang i juni (- 8 %) • Sammenlignet med 2010 • Volumvekst 29% • Verdivekst EUR/USD 46 % / 47%

  15. Svakt stigende pris, selv om volum øker markert (2002-13)

  16. Rasktvoksende økonomier

  17. Rasktvoksende økonomier

  18. Omsetning i mill USD

  19. Vekst av restauranter

  20. Konsumavatlantisklaks kilo rundvekt per innbygger

  21. ExpectExcellent Service

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