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Current World Population 7,208,099,478 163,696 Births today 8,162,478 Births this year 67,543 Deaths today 3,367,937 Deaths this year 96,153 Population growth today 4,794,542 Population growth this year. 1. China 1,390,193,922
Current World Population 7,208,099,478 163,696 Births today 8,162,478 Births this year 67,543 Deaths today 3,367,937 Deaths this year 96,153 Population growth today 4,794,542 Population growth this year
1. China 1,390,193,922 • India 1,260,733,818 • USA 321,476,576 • Indonesia 251,524,103 • Brazil 201,303,028 • Pakistan 183,825,925 • Nigeria 176,374,729 • Bangladesh 157,674,567 • Russia 142,627,712 • Japan 127,061,896 • Mexico 123,158,084 Then Philippines, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Egypt, Germany, Iran, Turkey, Congo, Thailand
Genesis 9:18-19 18 The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth. (Ham was the father of Canaan.) 19These were the three sons of Noah, and from them came the people who were scattered over the whole earth.
Genesis 9:18-19 Q: Were three ‘races’ developed from the sons of Noah after the Flood? A: There are 3 major ‘races’ on the earth today There are 150 + nations 3,000 + language and dialect groups
Genesis 9:18-19 Race, ethnicity or ethnic group is a social group of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, cultural, social, or national experience.
Genesis 9:18-19 Membership of an ethnic group tends to be associated with shared cultural heritage, ancestry, history, homeland, language (dialects) or ideology, and with symbolic systems such as religion, mythology andrituals,cuisine, dressing style, physical appearance, etc. The common scientific classification is: • Caucasoid • Mongoloid • Negroid
Genesis 9:18-19 “Anyone who continues to believe in race as a physical attribute of individuals, despite the now commonplace disclaimers of biologists and geneticists, might as well also believe that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy are real, and that the earth stands still while the sun moves.” (Historian, Barbara Fields)
Genesis 9:18-19 Caucasoid:Skull: Dolicephalic (Long-Head),High forehead, little supraobital development (above the eyebrows) .Face: Mainly Narrow Nose: Long,narrow, high in both root and bridge. http://blog.world-mysteries.com/science/how-many-major-races-are-there-in-the-world/
Genesis 9:18-19 Mongoloid (“Oriental”):Skull: High incidence of Brachycephaly (Short Round Head)American Indians while Mongoloid are often Dolicephalic. (foreheads slightly lower than that of the Caucasoid); No Supraobital(above the eyebrows) development.Face: Wide and short, projecting cheek bones, Prognathism(protruding jaw) is rare. Shovel shaped incisors common especially in Asia.Nose: Mesorine: Low and Broad in both root and bridge.
Genesis 9:18-19 Negroid (“Black”):Skull: usually Dolicephalic (long head), a small minority are Brachycephalic (short, round head).Forehead most often high, little supraobital development.Face: Leproscopic (to a much lesser degree than the Caucasion), Prognathism(protruding jaw) common in most Negroid populations.Nose: Low & broad in root and bridge with characteristic depression at root.
Genesis 9:18-19 A human race is defined as a group of people with certain common inherited features that distinguish them from other groups of people. All men of whatever race are currently classified by the anthropologist or biologist as belonging to the one species, Homo Sapiens. This is another way of saying that the differences between human races are not great, even though they may appear so, i.e. black vs white or yellow skin. All races of mankind in the world can interbreed because they have so much in common. All races share 99.99+% of the same genetic materials which means that division of race is largely subjective
Genesis 9:18-19 Scripture is quite explicit in teaching that all mankind now living in the world are descended from Noah through his three sons (Gen. 10:32; Acts 17:26). All the physical characteristics of the different nations and tribes must, therefore, have been present in the genetic constitutions of these six people who came through the Flood in the Ark (assuming Noah and his wife had no more children after the Flood, which the Bible implies). By the regular mechanisms of genetics---variation & recombination---all the various groups of nations and ethnic groups (tribes) developed from this beginning (Morris, p. 232)
Genesis 9:18-19 Q: Why is Canaan singled out in Genesis 9:18 (“Ham is the father of Canaan”) (see Gen. 10:6 “and the sons of Ham were Cush and Mizraim and Put and Canaan”)? Perhaps he is singled out for special mention because of his ancestors occupying the Promised Land (Palestine, or Israel today) when God promised the land to the Jewish Nation through Abraham. At the time Genesis is compiled and written by Moses, the wickedness of the Canaanites is well known, and God has determined to remove them---and give the land to the Israelites---the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (who was called “Israel”).
Genesis 9:20-21 20 Noah, a man of the soil, proceededto plant a vineyard. 21When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent.
Genesis 9:20-21 Q: Before the Flood, what was Noah’s occupation? A: A ship builder, and preacher After the Flood, he became a husbandman, and cultivated the vine. Perhaps in ignorance of the fiery nature of wine, Noah drank and was drunken, and uncovered himself in his tent (v. 21) Habakkuk 2:15 “Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors, pouring it from the wineskin till they are drunk, so that he can gaze on their naked bodies” (NIV) This is the first mention of ‘wine’ in the Bible
Genesis 9:20-21 Q: How could Noah fall into drunkenness? Despite the ‘cleansing judgment of the Flood, men were still sinners, and Satan was still ‘the spirit that now works in the sons of disobedience’ (Eph. 2:2) Q: After having withstood the attacks of evil men for hundreds of years, and remained steadfast in the face of such opposition and discouragement as few men have ever faced, how can he let down his guard and fall into sin?
Genesis 9:20-21 The Bible warns, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8) Satan was unable to corrupt the family of Noah before the Flood, although he succeeded with all other families The formation of intoxicating wine from the pure, healthful juice of grapes is a perfect symbol of corruption and decay. The process of fermentation is a decaying process and the effect of drinking the alcoholic product of this decay can lead to a decaying process both physically and morally (“leavening”)
Genesis 9:20-21 Q: Did the climate changes after the Flood cause the grapes to decay in a way that was previously unknown to Noah? Doubtful. This seems to be the only moral lapse in a long life of faithful obedience to God, and although it was under difficult circumstances (the cataclysmic Flood), it still had a profound effect upon future generations of Noah’s family.
Genesis 9:22-23 22 Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father naked and told his two brothers outside. 23But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders; then they walked in backward and covered their father’s naked body. Their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father naked.
Genesis 9:20-21 Ham saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers Not content with finding pleasure himself in his father’s shame, he had to proclaim his disgraceful pleasure to his brothers (shameless sensuality) The brothers, with reverential modesty, covered their father, walking backward to cover him up (modesty, and purity of thought and action) They received their father’s blessing, but Ham---and through Ham’s youngest son Canaan---Ham received a curse
Genesis 9:22-23 Q: Did this event take place immediately after the Flood? No. It would take years to develop a vineyard and it would take years for Ham to have four children, and time for the youngest of the children to grow to an age of accountability. Gen. 10:6 “The sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, and Phut and Canaan”
Genesis 9:22-23 Q: Was this sinful activity of Noah premeditated? Unlikely. If he would have expected to be seen in his tent, he would have been more careful. But he was not careful, and Satan seized upon this opportunity to embarrass Noah, and entice the younger son Ham---and perhaps Ham’s youngest son, Canaan. The word ‘saw’ implies ‘gazed at’---evidently with pleasure
Genesis 9:22-23 Q: Was Ham experiencing homosexual lust for his father? The passage does not say this. Perhaps Ham is expressing a long-hidden resentment to his father’s authority, and resentment toward his father’s moral righteousness. There is apparently a carnal (fleshly) and rebellious bent in Ham’s nature, which was unrestrained by spiritual strength or family ties
Genesis 9:22-23 Q: Was Ham rebelling against the authority of his family, and ultimately rebelling against God? Yes. Perhaps he resented the moral standard taught and enforced by Noah. Fundamentally, his rebellion is against God Himself.
Genesis 9:24 24 When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him,25 he said, “Cursed be Canaan!The lowest of slaveswill he be to his brothers.” (NIV) NASB: 24 “When Noah awoke from his wine, he knew what his youngest son had done to him”
Genesis 9:24 Q: How did Noah know what his younger son had done to him? • He could have asked his wife • He could have asked his two older sons (probably the middle son would be the peace-maker, but the older son would give Daddy the whole scoop) • The older two sons respected their father, and were reverential in their faith to the LORD.
Genesis 9:24 After the Fall of Adam, God gave a great prophecy that was immediately fulfilled (Gen. 3:15-19) with a curse on the man, woman, serpent, and the land and animals. After the fall of Noah, prophecy was also given which would affect the sons of Noah, and their descendants • Both Adam and Noah sinned by partaking of fruit: Adam from the fruit of the tree of knowledge; Noah from the fruit of the vine • Both resulted in nakedness, and a covering was provided by someone else (God covered Adam/Eve; the 2 sons Noah) • Both resulted in a curse, but both also anticipated ultimate salvation
Genesis 9:24 Q: Why put this story in the Word of God? “In the Bible human nature is painted in its true colors: the characters of its heroes are faithfully depicted, the sins of its most prominent personages are [openly] recorded…is evidence that the characters of the Bible are painted in the colors of truth…that such characters were not sketched by human pens, that Moses and other [writers of the Bible] must have written by Divine inspiration” (Arthur W. Pink, Gleanings in Genesis, Moody Press, 1981 reprint, p. 121).
Genesis 9:24 Q: Why put this story in the Word of God? “It is surely significant and designed as a solemn warning that the first time wine is referred to in the Scriptures it is found associated with drunkenness, shame and a curse … Man at his best estate is altogether vanity, in other words, we see the utter and total depravity of human nature. Genesis 9 deals with the beginning of a new dispensation, and like those which preceded it and those that followed it, this also opened with failure. Whatever the test may be, man is unable to stand .” (Arthur W. Pink, Gleanings in Genesis, Moody Press, 1981 reprint, p. 121).
Genesis 9:24 How strange that Noah got drunk! Some suggest that possibly Noah did not know the result of fermented wine. It is interesting that in all the discussion of the terrible wickedness and violence in the world before the flood, drunkenness was never mentioned. There was murder, for Cain killed Abel. “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). Genesis 6:11 says, “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.” Verse 12 says, “Behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.” And verse 13 says, “The earth is filled with violence” (John R. Rice, D.D., In the Beginning, Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1975, page 238).
Genesis 9:24 “…before the flood, drunkenness was never mentioned.” In fact, the word “wine” was not mentioned until after the Flood. The first mention of the word “wine” occurs in our text, in Genesis 9:21, after the Flood. This may well indicate that no one knew how to make wine, or that it was not made, for some other reason, until after the Flood. Just as men did not eat meat until after the Flood (Genesis 9:3), so it seems that they did not have wine until the Flood had passed (Genesis 9:21). (John R. Rice, ibid)
Genesis 9:24 “Now in that group [of four kinds of drugs] one is hypnotics or sedatives, barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol. [Alcohol] lowers a man’s self-judgment. It pulls down a man’s thinking. It has every possibility of hurt known to the human personality. I quote, “Beverage alcohol is the greatest, single curse of mankind. It first attacks the brain.” I had an expert… tell me the most amazing thing that I can hardly believe. One ounce of alcohol destroys ten thousand cells in the brain, every time it is taken. Ah! It first attacks the brain, then interferes with every function of the nervous system; the ability to reason, rapidity of thought, capacity to recall, memory, and muscular response. It is like putting sand in the bearings of an engine.” (WA Criswell, ibid)
Genesis 9:24 Ham is punished for his dishonor to his father by having a son who would bring dishonor to him. The curse is not on the Hamites, but on the Canaanites, the inhabitants of Palestine…The Canaanites long ago became extinct; the curse therefore cannot be applied to anyone today (Charles C. Ryrie, Ph.D., The Ryrie Study Bible, Moody Press, 1978, note on Genesis 9:25).
Genesis 9:24 Q: Why curse the youngest son of Ham (Canaan) who was the youngest grandson of Noah? The Hebrew here is, “his son, the little one.” Always that phrase, “his son, the little one,” always referred to the youngest member of the family; always. There’s no exception to that. Like Benjamin is called “the son, the little one,” he was the youngest member of the family. David is called “the son, the little one,” he’s the youngest member of the family. Now, the youngest son of Noah is not Ham; the youngest son is Japheth. “The younger son, the little one,” refers to another member of the family: Canaan. • (NOAH: DRUGS, DRUNKENNESS, AND NAKEDNESS, Dr. W. A. Criswell, Genesis 9:20-26; 9-7-1980)
Genesis 9:24 Q: What crime did Canaan commit that he should be cursed, because we have the impression that this concerns Ham? And the darkening silence of the Scriptures…emphasizes the horror of the situation, for this young son, this youngest member of the family, Canaan, goes into the tent, and evidently under the influence of liquor, at the invitation and the encouragement of his grandfather, he falls into homosexual acts, naked and uncovered.… And Ham, he delighted in it like an X-rated movie! Ham thought, “This was the best pornographic panorama I ever saw.” And the Book says that Ham saw it with interest and excitement and delight, and he told about it with satisfaction and exultation. (WA Criswell, ibid)
Genesis 9:24 “Cursed be Canaan!” All through the years that curse of sexual promiscuity and compromise attended the whole nation and generations of Canaan, the Canaanite. The Canaanites’ religion was sexual religion, not only between men and women, but between women and women and men and men, and not only between Homo sapiens, but between men and women and animals.”(WA Criswell, ibid)
Genesis 9:24-25 24 When Noah awoke from his wine, he knew what his youngest son had done to him. 25 So he said, “Cursed be Canaan;A servant of servantsHe shall be to his brothers.”
Genesis 9:24-25 “History confirms the [prophecy]. The Canaanites were partly exterminated, and partly subjected to the lowest form of slavery, by the Israelites, who belonged to the family of Shem; and those who still remained were reduced by Solomon to the same condition (I Kings 9:20-21). The Phoenicians, along with the Carthaginians and the Egyptians, who all belonged to the family of Canaan, were subjected by the Japhetic Persians, Macedonians, and Romans; and the remainder of the Hamitic tribes …shared the same fate, or still sigh…beneath the yoke of the most crushing slavery” (K & D, p. 158)
Genesis 9:26-27 26 He also said, “Blessed be the Lord,The God of Shem;And let Canaan be his servant. 27 “May God enlarge Japheth,And let him dwell in the tents of Shem;And let Canaan be his servant.”
Genesis 9:26-27 “To understand the words of Noah with reference to his sons (vs. 25-27), we must bear in mind, on the one hand, that as the moral nature of the patriarch was transmitted by generation to his descendants, so the diversities of character in the sons of Noah foreshadowed diversities in the moral inclinations of the tribes of which they were the head; and on the other hand, that Noah, through the Spirit and power of that God with whom he walked, discerned in the moral nature of his sons, and the different tendencies which they already displayed, the germinal commencement of the future course of their posterity, and uttered words of blessing and of curse, which were prophetic of the history of the tribes that descended from them. In the sin of Ham ‘there lies the great stain of the whole Hamitic race, whose chief characteristic is sexual sin” (K & D, p. 157, quoting Ziegler)
Genesis 9:26-27 Because Jehovah is the God of Shem, Shem will be the recipient and heir of all the blessings of salvation, which God as Jehovah bestows upon mankind. Q: Is the Biblical record of Exodus a fulfillment of this prophecy? A: Partially, with the Nation of Israel coming out of Egypt, and conquering the Canaanites of Palestine
Genesis 9:26-27 Q: Is the modern line of ‘Shem’ the nation of Israel and other Jews throughout the world? Yes Q: Does this include all descendants of Abraham, including the Arabs? Probably.
Genesis 9:26-27 Q: Could the blessing pronounced upon Jehovah, the God of Shem, be a reference to the eternal Son of God, the Lord Jesus? Yes. (Luke 3:36, Jesus’ genealogy through Noah) 3:23 “And when He began His ministry, Jesus Himself was about thirty years of age, being supposedly the son of Joseph, the son of Eli (the father of MARY, not Joseph)… (3:31-38) Nathan – David (Bathsheba) – Jesse – Obed – Boaz (Ruth)– Salmon (Rahab) – Nahshon – Amminadab – Admin – Ram – Hezron – Perez – Judah (Tamar) – Jacob – Isaac – Abraham – Terah – Nahor – Serug – Reu – Peleg– Heber – Shelah – Cainan – Arphaxad – Shem – Noah – Lamech – Methuselah – Enoch – Jared – Mahalaleel – Cainan – Enosh – Seth – Adam - God
Genesis 9:26-27 Q: Is the curse on Canaan and Ham, specifically fulfilled in the Negroid peoples, and may it be used to justify keeping Blacks in economic servitude or even slavery? No. “It is obvious, however, that the prophecy applies not only to black Africans but also to all other descendants of Ham (most of whom are not black)” (Morris, p. 238)
Genesis 9:26-27 “Note that these three streams of nations (Shem, Ham, and Japheth) are not three ‘races.’ Though some have thought of the Semites, Japhethites, and Hamites as three races (black, dusky brown, and white---or Mongoloid, Caucasian, and Negroid), this is not what the Bible teaches, nor is it what modern anthropology and human genetics teach. There are dusky and black people found among all three groups of nations. The Bible does not use the word ‘race’ nor does it acknowledge such a concept. The modern concept of ‘race’ is based on evolutionary thinking. To the evolutionist, a race is a subspecies in the process of evolving into a new species, and this idea is the basis of modern racism.” (Morris, p. 244)
Genesis 9:26-27 “…it is true of the blessing and curse of Noah, as of all prophetic utterances, that they are fulfilled with regard to the nations and families in question as a whole, but do not predict, like an irresistible fate, the unalterable destiny of every individual; on the contrary, they leave room for freedom of personal decision, and no more cut off the individuals in the accursed race from the possibility of conversion, or close the way of salvation against the penitent, than they secure the individuals of the family blessed against the possibility of falling from a state of grace, and actually losing the blessing. Hence, while a Rahab and [others] were received into the fellowship of Jehovah…the Pharisees and scribes had woes pronounced upon them, and Israel was rejected because of unbelief” (Romans 11:11f) (K & D, p. 160)
Genesis 9:28-29 28 Noah lived three hundred and fifty years after the flood. 29 So all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years, and he died.
Genesis 9:28-29 • Noah was not affected greatly by the changed atmospheric conditions following the Flood, and lived another 350 years, dying at the age of 950 • He lived longer than any of his ancestors except Jared (962) and Methuselah (969) • If there are no gaps in the genealogies of Genesis 11, this means that Noah continued living until Abraham (Genesis 12) was about 58 years old, when he (Noah) died. • However, there may be gaps of uncertain duration that exist in the genealogies of Genesis 10. • Noah certainly lived until after the dispersion of Babel