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CS 501 Final Presentation

CS 501 Final Presentation. 05/08/2007 Presented by Justin Henck Will Cheng Homan Lee Yan Zhang Kelly Li. Agenda. Purpose, Requirements, Deliverables Homan Gaim Will Web Kelly Demo Yan and Justin Looking Forward Homan Reflection Homan. Agenda.

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CS 501 Final Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CS 501 Final Presentation 05/08/2007 Presented by Justin Henck Will Cheng Homan Lee Yan Zhang Kelly Li

  2. Agenda • Purpose, Requirements, Deliverables • Homan • Gaim • Will • Web • Kelly • Demo • Yan and Justin • Looking Forward • Homan • Reflection • Homan

  3. Agenda • Purpose, Requirements, Deliverables • Gaim • Web • Demo • Looking Forward • Reflection

  4. Presentation Purpose • Go over requirements and compare them to our accomplishments • Demonstrate our system • Reflect on what we have learnt • Final formal communication before delivering final system on 5/10

  5. Overall System Requirements • Set up and manage experiments for computer mediated communication • Gather data on instant messages • Web Interface as a platform - We will go over more details of the specific subsystem requirements in their respective sections

  6. Deliverables • Gaim • Collecting and sending data to server • Accomplished • Packaged for easy download • To be delivered on 5/10 • Web • Receiving and storing data from Gaim • Accomplished • Web Management system • Accomplished • Outputing data • Accomplished • Deployment on server • To be delivered on 5/10 • Documentation • To be delivered on 5/10

  7. Agenda • Purpose, Requirements, Deliverables • Gaim • Web • Demo • Looking Forward • Reflection

  8. Gaim Plug-in: Requirements • Requirements from first presentation • Data input handled without mouse • Accomplished • User reminded to rate each message • Accomplished, pop-up for each message sent • Pop-up stays up until rating entered • Messages cannot be sent until rating entered • Minimize user effort required for participation • Accomplished, one number to rate/close • Text focus returns to IM window after rating

  9. Gaim Plug-in: Testing • Unit testing • Open box testing for specific functions (recording of messages, keystroke logging) • System testing • Open box testing by development team • Acceptance testing • Change rating • Rate nth message • Test cases • Msg length, xml tags • Deviant user behavior

  10. Gaim Execution Flow

  11. Agenda • Purpose, Requirements, Deliverables • Gaim • Web • DEMO • Looking Forward • Reflection

  12. Web Overview • Requirements • Experimenters’ experience • Subjects’ experience • Permissions overview

  13. Requirements • Output data • Accomplished (web and csv file) • Customization of experiments • Accomplished • Allow for easy student enrollment • Accomplished • Allow users to download client software • Packaging will be delivered on 5/10

  14. Experimenters’ experience • Create Experiments • Customize • Consent • instruction • practice questions • Add Participants • firstname, lastname, emails, startdate, enddate, courses • download/upload participants (excel) • Review results (download into csv/excel)

  15. Participants’ experience • sign up in class • receive email (click link) • consent form -> demographics -> instruction -> practice questions • download gaim • receive reminder emails everyday

  16. Permissions • 3 levels • Administrator has to be manually added • Administrators can create experimenters • Experimenters can view and work on all experiments • Experimenters create assistants • Assistant can view and work on experiments they're assigned to

  17. Agenda • Purpose, Requirements, Deliverables • Gaim • Web • Demo • Looking Forward • Reflection

  18. Demo Demo

  19. Agenda • Purpose, Requirements, Deliverables • Gaim • Web • DEMO • Looking Forward • Reflection

  20. Looking Forward • To be delivered by 5/10: • GAIM • Saving messages locally, send them in batches • Packaged with Apate plugin • Pidgin 2.0.0 compatible • Web • Security • Stress testing • Graceful exit • Email  debrief page  uninstall explanation page • Documentation • Web interface documentation • Gaim plugin documentation • Source documentation • Setup documentation

  21. Agenda • Purpose, Requirements, Deliverables • Gaim • Web • DEMO • Looking Forward • Reflection

  22. Reflection • Good modular architectural design increases efficiency and allows for focused development • Teamwork is paramount to success • Building and maintaining good client relationship and getting constant feedback is crucial • Slack is important in a project plan since external factors, such as sickness and unforeseen changes with external dependencies, can slow down project progress

  23. Questions Questions?

  24. Thank you Thank you

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