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World History 2

World History 2. 2/9 to 2/13. Sunday 2/9 Do Now . List the 5 intellectuals of the Enlightenment and the main beliefs each intellectual had. Due: 5 Enlightenment beliefs and examples. . Sunday 2/9 - Scientific revolution .

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World History 2

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  1. World History 2 2/9 to 2/13

  2. Sunday 2/9 Do Now • List the 5 intellectuals of the Enlightenment and the main beliefs each intellectual had. • Due: 5 Enlightenment beliefs and examples.

  3. Sunday 2/9 - Scientific revolution • Scientific Revolution: replace old assumptions with new theories to launch a change in European thought. • Encouraged to:1. Question Beliefs2. Observe3. Experiment • Discoveries cause people to believe that there are new truths to be found.

  4. Sunday 2/9 – Scientific beliefs • Medieval: geocentric theory – earth was center of universe. (appears that sun moves around the earth) • Copernicus: geocentric theory did not explain movement of sun, planets, and moon.- 25 years of study- heliocentric theory – sun was center of universe-1543 – year he published his beliefs and year he died because he feared…..

  5. Sunday 2/9 – Scientific beliefs • Kelper: used math to determine that planets, starts, and moon travel in elliptical orbits.

  6. Sunday 2/9 – Scientific beliefs • Galileo Galilei:1609- created telescopeJupiter had 4 moons Sun has spotsMoon has rough surface • This meant that planets, sun, stars, moons are not made of pure substances (previous belief) • Problems with the church – Galileo on trial and confessed that he and Copernicus were wrong. (fear of death)

  7. Sunday 2/9 – Scientific beliefs • Scientific Method: logical procedure for gathering and testing information. (influenced by Bacon and Descartes)1. problem/question2. hypothesis3. test/observe4. interpret/conclude • Francis Bacon: experiment • Descartes: use math/logic

  8. Sunday 2/9 – Homework • Complete Questions 10 - 17 in your guided notes using your textbook. (Use pages 626-628 in your textbook) • Due:Thursday 2/9 • 1. Newton summary (law of motion) • 2. List the inventor, inventions, and use of inventions that were discovered in 1590, 1643, 1714, and 1742. • 3. Significance of Vesalius, Jenner, and Boyle.

  9. Monday 2/10 Do Now • In what ways did science and scientific beliefs change? How does this reflect the beliefs during the Enlightenment period?

  10. Monday 2/10 – Enlightenment spreads • 1700’s – Paris was the intellectual Capital of Europe. • Salons: Wealthy women in Paris held social gatherings in drawing rooms. New ideas between scientists, artists, writers, politicians, and intellectuals could be exchanged.

  11. Monday 2/10 – Enlightenment Spreads • Diderot’s Encyclopedia - financed by Marie Therese Geoffrin - collection of works from scholars and intellectuals - banned because believed to cause moral corruption and encourage revolutions.

  12. New Artistic Style: start to see order and reason in artistic style. • Baroque: grand/ornate design (Johann Sebastian Bach and George Friedrich Handel)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APNI2CC0k6A Change to…. Neoclassical:simple and elegant pieces with ideas from classical Greece and Rome. (Ludwig Van Beethoven, Wolfgang Mozart, Franz Joseph Haydn) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_UOuSklNL4

  13. Monday 2/10 – Enlightenment Spreads • Literature:- fiction, suspense, creative plots, explore character actions. • Pamela - Samuel Richardson – servant who refused to follow masters orders • Tom Jones – Henry Fielding – orphans in England

  14. Tuesday 2/11 Do Now • Explain some ways in which Enlightenment thoughts spread and describe how this can be seen in music and literature.

  15. Tuesday 2/11 – Monarchs • Enlightened Despots: monarchs who embraced new ideas and made reforms in alignment with Enlightenment thinkers.

  16. Tuesday 2/11 – Monarchs • Fredrick the Great (II): King of Prussia 1740-17861. Religious Freedom2. Improved Education3. Abolished use of torture4. Serfdom is wrong (but didn’t attempt to change because he needed nobles support)

  17. Tuesday 2/11 - Monarchs • Joseph the II :king of Austria from 1780-1790 (son of Maria Theresa) 1. Freedom of Press2. Freedom of Worship3. Abolished serfdom – peasants need to be paid

  18. Tuesday 2/11 – Monarchs • Catherine the Great: Queen of Russia from 1762-1796. Voltaire and Montesquieu1. Religious Toleration2. Abolished torture and capital punishmentPreached this but never accomplished • Did little for serfs/peasants – led to revolt – originally favored to end serfdom but after revolt she decided she needed noble support more than peasant support.

  19. Tuesday 2/11 – Monarchs • Assignment:complete the graphic organizer for chapter 22.3 on the spread of Enlightenment ideals. • Due:Thursday 2/13

  20. Wednesday 2/12 Do Now • Why do people revolt? What are some revolutions you know of? How do the beliefs during the Enlightenment set the stage for revolutions?

  21. Wednesday 2/12 – American Rev. English Colonies in America - Background • 1700 – 250,000 people • 1770 – 2,150,000 people • People in America for 150 years13 colonies – each with own government • Sense of Independence

  22. Wednesday 2/12 – American Rev. • 1651 – Navigation Act – prevented colonists from selling any of their most valuable goods to anyone but Britain. • Colonists pay high taxes on goods they bought from French and Dutch • But, Britain and Colonists both thrived…..Colonists Raw Materials BritainBritain Manufactured Goods Colonists

  23. Wednesday 2/12 American Rev. • 1754 – French and Indian War – France and Native Americans fight with Britain and Colonists for land • Britain was victorious and gained most of French territories. • Led to Debt – Britain believed colonists should pay for debt because they benefit from the land gained.

  24. Wednesday 2/12 American Rev. • 1765 – Stamp Act – Pay tax on stamp put on any official documents such as deed, will, newspapers, etc. • “No Taxation Without Representation” – colonists outraged with stamp act – never had to pay tax directly to Britain before and believed it violated their rights. British parliament voted for stamp act, but colonists are not represented in British Parliament.

  25. Wednesday 2/12 American Rev. • 1773 – Boston Tea Party – protest on import ta on tea- dumped large amount of British tea in the Boston Harbor. • Colonists start form 1st and 2ndContinental Congress – colonists ban together to make plan against British. • 1775 – Lexington, Massachusetts – gunfire between colonists and British Army ***REVOLUTION***

  26. Wednesday 2/12 American Rev. • Assignment:complete the cause and effect chart explaining the causes of the American Revolution. • Due:Thursday 2/13

  27. Thursday 2/13 Do Now • Describe the causes of the American Revolution.

  28. Thursday 2/12 American Rev. • Declaration of Independent: Thomas JeffersonDeclares rights of citizensAll men are created equal States colonists separation from Britain • “ We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and pursuit or happiness.”

  29. Thursday 2/12 American Rev. • Colonists Succeed1. motivation2. over-confident British generals made many mistakes3. Time – after awhile British citizens called for peace because funding for war in America was expensive. 4. Louis XIV lends a hand (support independence, but also wanted to weaken rival – Britain)

  30. Thursday 2/12 American Rev. • America becomes a Republic – citizens rule through elected representatives • Weak National Government- Congress to declare war, enter treaties, coin money- problems because debt • Want Strong National Government- Federal System: 3 branches – legislative, judicial, executive. Power in state and national government- Checks and Balances: president veto (reject) law from Congress, but Congress could pass with 2/3 vote.

  31. Thursday 2/12 American Rev. • Federalists:support constitution • Anti-Federalists: fear government had too much power • Bill of Rights:protect basic rights such as freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion.

  32. Thursday 2/12 • Assignment:Many of the beliefs used in creating American government stem from Enlightenment thinkers. Complete the worksheet connecting American values to those of Enlightenment thinkers. Due:Sunday 2/16

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