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RULAND Interactive Farmers Support System for Efficient Water Use Management. Bitola, January 31, 2013 PROJECT MEETING 1. РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА УНИВЕРЗИТЕТ Св. КИРИЛ И МЕТОДИЈ - СКОПЈЕ ФАКУЛТЕТ ЗА ЗЕМЈОДЕЛСКИ НАУКИ И ХРАНА. Agenda RULAND January 31st, 2013 PROJECT MEETING 1 Bitola
RULANDInteractive Farmers Support System for Efficient Water Use Management Bitola, January 31, 2013 PROJECT MEETING 1
РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА УНИВЕРЗИТЕТ Св. КИРИЛ И МЕТОДИЈ - СКОПЈЕ ФАКУЛТЕТ ЗА ЗЕМЈОДЕЛСКИ НАУКИ И ХРАНА Agenda RULAND January 31st, 2013 PROJECT MEETING 1 Bitola Organised by LP2, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Project coordinator of LP2 Doc. Dr. Vjekoslav Tanaskovic, vjekoslavtanaskovic@yahoo.com
Thursday, 31st of January, 2013 Venue: Hotel Premier, Bitola
Realized activities by LP2 and P4 during the period March 26th - July 4th, 2012 Most of the activities realized within the period mentioned above are related to the WP1, i.e. preparation activities covered within Action 1.1. These activities comprised the administration of a cross-border project, referring to the following: Participation of the LP2 and P4 on training session for Grant Beneficiaries held in Kavadarci and Bitola; Signed Grant Contract Letter of request to the EU Delegation in Skopje and UKIM for nomination of new Project Coordinator for LP2 (Doc. Dr. Vjekoslav Tanaskovic), as result of engagement of Prof. Dr. Ordan Cukaliev as Senior Researcher at JRC-Ispra; Signed overall partnership agreement among all project partners; Registration of the project in the Secretariat of European Affairs; Opening of a project bank account, in both MKD and foreign currency;
Realized activities by LP2 and P4 during the period March 26th - July 4th, 2012 Registration of the project in the Public Revenue Office with opening a tax number for the project; Request for pre-financing payment for Grant Contract (Annex V); Making an official project and archive stamp for LP2 and P4; Preparation of procurement plan according to revised Application Form (submitted to the LP1); Participation of the kick-off meeting, held in Florina, July the 4th, 2012; Beside the abovementioned activities, during the period, a management meetings between LP2 and P4 were held. The meetings were used for clarifying the involvement of each partner in the project.
Realized activities by LP2 and P4 during the period July 5th, 2012 - January 31st, 2013 The activities realized during this period are related with the WP1, WP2 and WP3 and actions proposed of the kick-off meeting held in Florina. The following activities were realized during this period: Proposed members of the SC from LP2 Doc. Dr. Vjekoslav Tanaskovic-representative from LP2 Ass. MSc. Ivana Janeska Stamenkovska-substitute Proposed members of the SC from P4 Prof. Dr. Zivko Jankulovski-representative from P4 Doc. Dr. Mila Arapcevska-substitute Still, there is not information about this action.
Realized activities by LP2 and P4 during the period July 5th, 2012 - January 31st, 2013 Doc. Dr. Vjekoslav Tanaskovic was appointed as a project coordinator / manager of the LP2. He is responsible for financial management of the project activities of LP2, as well as for proper coordination of the project activities between the LP2 and P4. Also, he participate in all working packages as a agronomist and irrigation expert, especially in proposing of methodology and models for estimating of crop water requirements, establishment of pilot sites, providing support and cooperate closely with all experts included in the project activities, as well as with partners LP1 and P3, etc. Ass. MSc. Ivana Janeska Stamenkovska was appointed as a project Assistant/administrative manager for LP2. She is responsible for administrative tasks of the project and to provide support in project coordination between LP2 and P4, as well as with partners LP1 and P3, preparation of ToR and tender procedures, preparation of contracts with the expert involved in the project, participation in organization of project meetings, workshops, traveling and accommodations, preparation of progress and final reports, etc.
Realized activities by LP2 and P4 during the period July 5th, 2012 - January 31st, 2013 Prof. Dr. Zivko Jankuloski was appointed as a project coordinator / manager of the P4. He is responsible for financial management of the project activities of P4, as well as for proper coordination of the project activities between the P4 and LP2. Also, he participate in all working packages as a agronomist and irrigation expert, especially in evaluation and creation of data bank, organize terrain activities and pilot sites, providing support and cooperate closely with all experts included in the project activities, as well as with partners LP1 and P3, etc. Doc. Dr. Mila Arapceska was appointed as a administrative manager for P4. She is responsible for administrative tasks of the project activities of P4. Also, she participate in project coordination between P4 and LP2, as well as with partners LP1 and P3 an. She is substitute for Prof. Z. Jankuloski in SC and in managing of the project activities of P4. Doc. Dr. Nikolce Jankuloski was appointed as a project assistant for P4. He is responsible for preparation of ToR and tender procedures for expert engaged by P4, preparation of contracts of experts engaged by P4, participation in organization of project meetings,workshops, traveling and accommodations, comunication with all partners.
Realized activities by LP2 and P4 during the period July 5th, 2012 - January 31st, 2013 According to the activities and deliverables proposed in WP 3 and WP4, LP2 and P4 have appointed the follow experts: Experts for collection, evaluation and developing of data bank, GIS expert for developing of data bank in GIS environment and Soil-water-plant expert. In the next period external services and experts will be engaged, generally for development of software for data acquisition, storage, processing and deriving information when and how much water to apply, development of sensors principles, development of software for data acquisition of parameters collected by sensors, development of trilingual application of farmer support system. (ToR and specifications should be discussed bellow)
Realized activities by LP2 and P4 during the period July 5th, 2012 - January 31st, 2013 Terms of Reference Expert for collection, evaluation and developing of data bank Specific duties and responsibilities: Collection of available data for soil, climate and other data necessary for proper creation of data bank for targeted region of Bitola part of Pelagonia valley; Examination and evaluation of available data for soil, climate and other data necessary for proper creation of data bank; Creation of data bank according to the existing data; Provide activities to fill gaps in existing data; Organize terrain activities and participation in soil sampling with aim to fill gaps in existing data; Organize laboratory analysis of water-physical, mechanical and agrochemical properties of the soil samples from the representative fields; Preparation and delivery a relevant and comprehensive periodical reports for realized activities to the project management; Take a proactive role in the design, implementation and evaluation of the field trials (pilot sites) envisaged under the project; Take a proactive role in collaboration with all involved experts and specialist in the project, as well as with the partners LP1 and P3; Contribute to the preparation of training materials and take part at training events; Project’s public awareness.
Realized activities by LP2 and P4 during the period July 5th, 2012 - January 31st, 2013 Terms of Reference GIS expert Specific duties and responsibilities: Determination and development of methodology for creation of geo-data base; Determination of coordinates of the targeted region of Bitola part of Pelagonia valley; Provide topographic map and digitalization of the targeted region; Evaluation of prepared soil data and creation of soil data bank in GIS; Participation in collection and evaluation of available data for climate, land use and other available data necessary for proper creation of data bank in GIS; Preparation and delivery a relevant and comprehensive periodical reports for realized activities to the project management; Participation in the design of the field trials (pilot sites) envisaged under the project; Take a proactive role in collaboration with all involved experts and specialist in the project, as well as with the partners LP1 and P3; Take part at training events and project’s public awareness.
Realized activities by LP2 and P4 during the period July 5th, 2012 - January 31st, 2013 Terms of Reference Soil-water plant expert Specific duties and responsibilities: Support in creation of soil data bank with emphasis of water-physical properties according to the existing data; Support in terrain activities for soil sampling with aim to fill gaps in existing data with special emphasis of water-physical properties; Support in laboratory analysis of water-physical properties of the soil samples, preparation of retention curves and determination of maximal and practical water application rate; Participation in evaluation and determination of methodology for development of sensor principles for soil moisture measurements; Participation in evaluation and determination of methodology for creation of software for data acquisition, storage, processing and deriving information when and how much water to apply of the crops in targeted region (mathematical/empirical and other models for estimating/calculation of crop water requirement); Determination and development of crops coefficients principles for indirect estimation of Evapotranspiration; Participation in terrain activities for installation of weather station; Take a proactive role in the design, implementation and evaluation of the field trials (pilot sites) envisaged under the project; Take a proactive role in collaboration with all involved experts and specialist in the project, as well as with the partners LP1 and P3; Contribute to the preparation of training materials and take part at training events; Project’s public awareness.
Realized activities by LP2 and P4 during the period July 5th, 2012 - January 31st, 2013 In order of better management of the project as well as achieving better results, an internal agreement between LP2 and P4 was also signed during this period. Both partners, LP2 and P4 have organised 10 internal meetings for defining and implementation of the activities as: Evaluation and determination of experts; Data collection and development of the data bank; Soil sampling and try to fill gaps and completing the information necessary for the geodatabase and location of pilot sites; Preparation of material for leaflets, newsletters etc; Analysis and evaluation of suitable equipment for collecting of environmental data required for irrigation scheduling Determination of topics for proposed workshops; Coordination and preparation of project meeting 1 Also, three progress reports were prepared and delivered to LP. Also, during the meetings, field trips for determination of the locations for completing the database for soil properties and implementation of pilot sites were organised.
Realized activities by LP2 and P4 during the period July 5th, 2012 - January 31st, 2013 Beside the abovementioned activities, during the period, the follow deliverables were realized according to the Grant Contract: Prepared and delivered Progress report 1 (June, 2012) Participation in the kick off meeting, held in Florina (4.7.2012) Prepared and delivered Progress report 2 (September, 2012) Evaluated, collected and developed data bank for targeted region of Bitola part of Pelagonia valley (soil type, water-physical, agrochemical and mechanical properties of the soil, land use, climate) (July-December, 2012) Creation of data bank in GIS (November- present) Preparation and organization of Project meeting 1 (January, 2013) Prepared and delivered Progress report 3 (January, 2013)
The targeted region of Bitola part of Pelagonia valley for preparation of data bank and implementation of field sites
Realized activities by LP2 and P4 during the period July 5th, 2012 - January 31st, 2013 • The follow sources for evaluation and collection of data for preparation of data bank for targeted region of Bitola part of Pelagonia valley were used: • Determination of soil type in targeted region • -S. Vukasinovič (1956) “Zemljista Pelagoniske kotline“, Управа за водостопанство на НРМ • ЃорѓиФилиповски (1995,1999) “Почвите на Република Македонија“, МАНУ • Water-physical, agrochemical and mechanical properties of the soil, • -S. Vukasinovič (1956) “Zemljista Pelagoniske kotline“, Управа за водостопанство на НРМ • -ЃорѓиФилиповски (1995,1999) “Почвите на Република Македонија“, МАНУ • -Живко Јанкулоски, Water-physical investigation of Pelagonija, own investigations • -Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food (Department for Irrigation and Department for Soil) and ZIK. Pelagonija, investigations prepared for ZIK Pelagonija • Climate data • -provided by State Hidrometeorological Service • Land use, Lpis • -provided by Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Managementt
Field trips for determination of the locations for completing the database for soil properties Laboratory analysis of soil samples