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Above mentioned According to our records (or books) Advise. (Usually superfluous) Conclusions and facts-source of information not necessary. (Not synonymous with write, tell, or inform.). HACKNEYED PHRASES. As to your proposition Assuring you of our prompt At all times At this time .
Above mentioned According to our records (or books) Advise (Usually superfluous) Conclusions and facts-source of information not necessary. (Not synonymous with write, tell, or inform.) HACKNEYED PHRASES
As to your proposition Assuring you of our prompt At all times At this time Proposition is indefinite-substitute a noun- “ offer,” “suggestion.” (Indefinite) Omit-idea is strengthened Use now HACKNEYED PHRASES
As soon as possible At any early date At the present writing Attached find; attached hereto or herewith When(leaves the door open for procrastination) Be specific Use now Use “attached is.” HACKNEYED PHRASES
Awaiting your further orders Beg; beg to advise Omit-substitute statement that you will be glad to help reader. Lowers your prestige(you are not begging). HACKNEYED PHRASES
Best By return mail; at once Fails to create a vivid mental impression. Give points to show what is best-rather than say it’s best. (Use specific date) HACKNEYED PHRASES
Contents noted Duly Enclosed please find; Herewith;--you will find (Unnecessary) refer either by date or contents (Unnecessary) Use-Enclosed is_____ HACKNEYED PHRASES
Even date Favor For your information wish to advise; we take pleasure in (Use exact date) Letters, orders are not “favors.” Be specific. (Superfluous language) give facts, omit introductory remarks. HACKNEYED PHRASES
Greatly appreciate Hand you herewith Has come to hand Omit greatly. Cannot "hand" an enclosure; use enclosed is. Self-evident - omit HACKNEYED PHRASES
I have your letter of (date) I thank you kindly Kindly let me have In due course Omit it. Omit kindly. Use, please let me have. Specific date. HACKNEYED PHRASES
In this connection Instant Kind favor Liberty (we take the liberty to tell you) Omit it. Name of month. Kind order. Discourteous-untrue when giving requested information HACKNEYED PHRASES
Line (along this line) Oblige Our records show. Our Mr. Smith Introductory flourish - substitute an exact term. If you desire to express appreciation-do so. (He wants facts) omit this phrase. Say Mr. Smith, our representative HACKNEYED PHRASES
Party Per Permit me to say or thank Substitute "person" or name Latin term-legal-omit Unnecessary HACKNEYED PHRASES
Proposition, matter Recent date Said; same; re Take care of your order or inquiry Indefinite-use exact time. Use date. Legal terms - omit Tell what action is to be taken. HACKNEYED PHRASES
Thank you in advance Under separate cover Up to this writing Discourteous-Write letter after help has been received. Be specific - how Substitute-"now," "today," or exact date HACKNEYED PHRASES
You claim or you state We see by your letter Your letter of (date) tells us You imply that the reader was dishonest or in error Weak, unnecessary openings. Avoid repeating material contained in letters unless absolutely necessary-then just give facts. HACKNEYED PHRASES
The writer We shall give our prompt attention We take pleasure in sending you herewith Be natural, say "we" or "I". Give specific date action will be taken or omit entirely. Substitute "We are glad to send you" HACKNEYED PHRASES