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Jennifer Overhulse-King, Principal Owner St. Nick Media ServicesJennifer Overhulse-King is a writer, as well as a marketing and public relations expert, with an extensive journalism background and specific insurance industry expertise. She has over 15 years of writing and editing experience and h
1. C05 – Using SOA to Modernize Critical SystemsTuesday, November 11th, 4:00 – 5:15
2. Jennifer Overhulse-King, Principal Owner – St. Nick Media Services
Jennifer Overhulse-King is a writer, as well as a marketing and public relations expert, with an extensive journalism background and specific insurance industry expertise. She has over 15 years of writing and editing experience and has been published in print and web publications such as: The Stars & Stripes, The Louisville Business Courier, The Kentucky Post, The Dixie News, The Encyclopedia of Sculpture, Suite 101, Book Magazine, Insurance & Technology, Tech Decisions, Best’s Review, National Underwriter, Insurance Networking News, AT&T’s Networking Exchange, IASA’s Interpreter and the Journal of Insurance Operations. Jennifer is a member of the Insurance Marketing Communications Association (IMCA), the Insurance Accounting & Systems Association (IASA) and is editor of IASA’s Interpreter. CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
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Moderated Q&A at the end of the session – save your questions
Topic introduction – Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
Many insurance companies reaching critical mass
Technology implementations can mean watershed or tears shed
With that in mind… CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems Good afternoon, we appreciate you hanging on until the last time slot of the day for us. Maybe they saved the best for last.
I’m sure you have all been reading the papers and you know that times are tough, the auto industry is seeking a bailout, the markets continue to fluctuate, and no one can expect the insurance industry to remain untouched.
Unfortunately, this economic crisis hits just as many insurance companies are reaching critical mass with core administration systems. The systems running many insurance companies are old, they have been built onto, built over and built around for years, and it’s just not enough anymore. In order for insurance companies to stay profitable, they can’t rely on organic growth and “business as usual.”
Technology is often talked about as the silver bullet that can fix all that ails, and in some cases that’s true. However, any technology implementation can go from a watershed moment that transforms the company to a tears shed moment that derails strategic goals if the needs of the company and solutions chosen are not carefully analyzed.
Today, you will hear about Arrowhead Insurance Group’s struggle to modernize key systems using SOA, and then Andy Scurto of ISCS will drill down further into what SOA and Web Services can do for your company and what’s coming next in terms of this technology.
Good afternoon, we appreciate you hanging on until the last time slot of the day for us. Maybe they saved the best for last.
I’m sure you have all been reading the papers and you know that times are tough, the auto industry is seeking a bailout, the markets continue to fluctuate, and no one can expect the insurance industry to remain untouched.
Unfortunately, this economic crisis hits just as many insurance companies are reaching critical mass with core administration systems. The systems running many insurance companies are old, they have been built onto, built over and built around for years, and it’s just not enough anymore. In order for insurance companies to stay profitable, they can’t rely on organic growth and “business as usual.”
Technology is often talked about as the silver bullet that can fix all that ails, and in some cases that’s true. However, any technology implementation can go from a watershed moment that transforms the company to a tears shed moment that derails strategic goals if the needs of the company and solutions chosen are not carefully analyzed.
Today, you will hear about Arrowhead Insurance Group’s struggle to modernize key systems using SOA, and then Andy Scurto of ISCS will drill down further into what SOA and Web Services can do for your company and what’s coming next in terms of this technology.
4. Moderator:
Jennifer Overhulse-King, Principal Owner – St. Nick Media Services
Today’s Speakers:
Adam Nordost, Director of Professional Services – Commercial Lines – Arrowhead General Insurance Agency, Inc.
Andy Scurto, President – ISCS, Inc.
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
5. Adam Nordost, Director of Professional Services – Commercial Lines – Arrowhead General Insurance Agency, Inc.
Adam Nordost is the Director of Professional Services – Commercial Lines for Arrowhead Insurance Group, one of the largest general agencies in the U.S. and an independent program manager with annual premium writings in excess of $900M providing an extensive range of insurance products nationwide in a turn-key fashion. Since joining Arrowhead in 2002, he has worked with multiple business divisions, technology vendors, and over fifteen carrier partners to implement highly customized policy admin, rating and billing systems for eleven lines of business in thirty states. Currently, Nordost oversees all information systems (IS) initiatives for Arrowhead’s Commercial Divisions starting with Arrowhead Exchange, Arrowhead’s point-of-sale platform to agents and brokers, through the entire life cycle of a policy ending with data feeds to carriers and agencies. He holds a BBA in MIS from Texas A&M University CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
6. Role of Technology at AGIA
Viewed as a key ingredient to revenue generation and not simply a cost center.
Faster time to market and ability to distribute to a broad base of producers cited as key success factors.
Technology investment leads to differentiation in the marketplace.
Heavy emphasis put on “ease-of-doing-business.” Examples include: online quoting/binding, e-payments, online endorsements and policy inquiry services for agents and insureds.
Critical in creating operational efficiencies through standardized web-based workflows, e-document delivery and automated processes.
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
7. AGIA’s Growing Pains
Fast growth of new divisions led to technology and operational silos
Softening market conditions put pressure on premium growth and increased focus on cost controls.
Resources strained as more and more projects queue themselves up.
Core services were not externalized and hence had limited reuse leading to redundant services in organization.
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
8. Time for a Game Plan
Overhaul governance model to ensure a better alignment of IT and business needs/expectations. There needed to be a greater emphasis on solutions with broader application throughout the organization.
Buildup our toolbox with a combination of in-house solutions and vendor products.
Externalize core services through an SOA architecture to facilitate greater reuse within the organization.
Coincide platform consolidation (retiring non-strategic applications) with operational consolidation efforts.
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
9. CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
10. CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
11. CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
12. Realized Benefits of Rating as a Service
Opened up a new distribution channel for AGIA products. Net impact was significant and the number of “e-aggregator” partners continues to grow.
Eliminated discrepancies between various internal and vendor systems used for online quoting, binding, policy issuance and endorsements caused by small differences (rounding, manual errors, etc.) in rating programs.
Faster time to market for programs by:
Eliminating redundant development of rate changes and new rate implementations
Allowing parallel development of systems and rating due to new separation of duties
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
13. CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
14. Additional and Ongoing SOA Benefits at AGIA
Faster time to market (upwards of 50%) for programs by eliminating redundant services within the organization
Adoption of an enterprise print solution allows for shared form libraries across divisions and platforms.
Integration of Active Directory into internal applications centralizes access management, improves password security and reduces the number of logins/passwords an employee must remember.
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
15. If you have questions specifically regarding this portion of the presentation, please contact:
Adam Nordost
Director of Professional Services – Commercial Lines
Arrowhead General Insurance Agency, Inc.
701 B Street, Ste 2100
San Diego, CA
Phone: (619) 881-8414
Email: anordost@arrowheadgrp.com
And now, our next speaker, Andy Scurto of ISCS, Inc.
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
16. Andy Scurto, President – ISCS, Inc.
Andy Scurto is ISCS’s President, Founder and Chief Technical Officer and has been with the company since its beginning in 1994. He is the principal designer of ISCS's insurance processing solutions, and the firm's primary advisor to insurance organizations on operations improvements, MGA programs, data processing and communications. Scurto has over 20 years' experience in IT and development, which includes 18 years working specifically with insurance industry systems. He received his B.S. in Computer Engineering from San Jose State University. CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
17. What Is SOA?
SOA – Service Oriented Architecture (sometimes used synonymously with Web-Services)
Wikipedia Defines:
Architectural style for creating and using business processes, packaged as services, throughout their lifecycle.
The IT infrastructure to allow different applications to exchange data and participate in business processes.
New technology wrapped around an old idea
Standardized methodology for modules (services) to speak
Application software version of “plug-and-play” CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
18. What is a “Service?”
A “black-box” module which performs a business function with a well defined set of inputs and outputs
Performs a business process based on one input and returns through one output – no interservice interaction
Well defined results – can define/build unit tests
No user interface interaction – must validate and perform independently with no assumptions.
Same results regardless of how called CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
19. SOA Versus Web-Services:
While SOA services are easily exposed as a web-service, web services are not a SOA
Web-services: Exposing useful business processes in a standard way to the web
SOA: An architectural design promoting module (service) plug-and-play and reuse
SOA: Easily exposed as a web-service because of service design (defined inputs/outputs and no user interface) CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
20. Why Web Services Is Just Not Enough
Exposing business processes for reuse great for 3rd party interaction
Generally, a new front end to an old methodology and technology
Does not improve internal architecture
Adds another layer to already existing complicated structures
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
21. Why a True SOA is Better
Ensures all services are ready for reuse and sharing
Promotes best practices independent service development (“black box”)
Separates the user interface and the business services
Promotes the use of plug-and-play
Enables the system for easier integration of 3rd party services
Enables integration of disparate technologies CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
22. What is SOA Not
Not a silver bullet solving all interface problems
All interfaces are small conversions
Must still perform data mapping (XML)
Solves the How not the What CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
23. Why is SOA Important?
Increased ability for re-use, plug-and-play
Increased ability for automated testing
Separates user interface from business processes
Well defined communications
Well defined security
Strong Internet support
Much Easier B2B Communication CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
24. How Can SOA Save My Company Money?
Component reuse – smaller more concise code base
Separate user interface from processes – can have multiple user interfaces, new technology
Reduction of system issues – easier to test
Integration of 3rd party components – Less code to develop
Integration across unlike platforms – leverage old technology while introducing new
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
25. Examples:
Rating engine service – (Arrowhead)
Quoting service
Eligibility service (rules)
Billing status inquiry service
Policy status inquiry service
All available for system / web / 3rd parties
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
26. Implementing SOA
Start by converting commonly used business functions into individual services:
Number issuance
Policy search
Address verification (3rd party?)
Continue with combining services forming service chains to perform complete processes:
Finally, develop new user interfaces to utilize the common service chains to form a system.
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
27. How Do I Ensure Success?
Business services not technical services
Adopt an accepted framework / standard (SOAP)
Implement a test harness (JUnit)
Adopt a common dictionary / model
Ensure well defined inputs and outputs for all services
Ensure no cross service execution
Expect a huge paradigm shift
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
28. Summary
SOA and Web-Services are not the same
SOA is more powerful and an architectural style
SOA is not a silver bullet – defines how not what
SOA ensures better code reuse and plug-and-play
SOA separates the user interface and the business processes
SOA enhances integration capability
SOA can save money, make applications more robust and “future-proof” systems
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
29. What’s Next for SOA?
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
30. What is Cloud Computing?
SOA on Steroids (Services at a hardware level)
Wikipedia Defines:
A new label for (…) the use of shared computing resources.
- The gigantic data center in the sky!
Often referred to as HaaS (Hardware as a Service)
Hardware, software and services on a pay as use basis
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
31. Why is Cloud Computing Important?
Solves issues of:
Disaster Recovery
Equipment/Software Obsolencence
Cost of Idle Equipment
Power Consumption / Cooling / Space
Required Expertise
Allows smaller companies to provide enterprise services and components (low startup costs)
More innovative
Many services available – more competition
Many Open Source or Free services available
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
32. Where is Cloud Computing Used?
SaaS providers
Internet service company startups
Small companies needing quick expansion
Companies concerntrating on business wanting to outsource infrastructure
SmugMug.com (400 Terabytes, 750 instances)
MileMeter, Inc. (Texas Auto Insurance)
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
33. Current Computing Clouds:
Amazon Web Services
IBM – Blue Cloud
Many Others CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
34. Current Cloud Computing Services
Gmail / Yahoo Mail / Hotmail
Quicken Online
Google Docs (Microsoft office competition)
Adobe – Photoshop Express
Many More!!!
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
35. What Do Clouds Provide?
Infinitely scalable technical infrastructure
Completely managed, backed up, etc.
Disaster Recovery
Application building tools (some – Force, Google)
S3 – Simple Storage Service
EC – Elastic Compute
SimpleDB – Relational DB
Others: SimpleQueue, FlexiblePayments, Mechanical Turk, Alexa
Force.com Sites
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
36. Today’s Practical Insurance Uses
Partial/Complete Data Center Replacement -
(Primary and/or Backup)
Point Business Services (SaaS Options)
Output generation
Data Services
Electronic Payments
Data Reporting CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
37. Tomorrow’s Potential Insurance Uses
Completely hosted systems
Completely out-sourced Business Solutions
Stat Reporting
BPO Services:
Loss Notice Processing
Claims Adjustment
Complete solutions from combining many SaaS offerings
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
38. Summary
Cloud computing is the future
New technology on an old concept
Entrepreneur magazine -> top 10 business influences
You hear a lot about it
Need to understand it and start to use it –
April Insurance & Technology: 35% or more of CEO’s admit to not knowing what SOA or Web 2.0 is!
Look into how it can save money
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
39. If you have questions specifically regarding this portion of the presentation, please contact:
Andy Scurto
ISCS, Inc.
100 Great Oaks Blvd. Suite 100
San Jose, CA 95119
Phone: 408-362-3000 ex: 101
Email: andy.scurto@iscs.com
And now, back to our moderator, Jennifer King, for the Q&A portion of our program.
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
40. Q&A with Today’s Presenters
Jennifer Overhulse-King, Principal Owner – St. Nick Media Services
Adam Nordost, Director of Professional Services – Commercial Lines – Arrowhead General Insurance Agency, Inc
Andy Scurto, President – ISCS, Inc. CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems
41. Thank you for your time. If you have questions or comments, or if you would like a copy of this presentation sent to you via email, please contact:
Jennifer Overhulse-King, Principal Owner
St. Nick Media Services
15695 Glencoe-Verona Road
Verona, KY 41092
(859) 803-6597
Email: jen@stnickmedia.com
CO5: Using SOA to Modernize Critical Systems