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Sacrificial Love. One English Word, Many Translations. English. Greek. Eros—boy + girl love Philios —friendship love Storge —familial love Agape—Sacrificial love. Love. Agape =Unconditional, all-consuming love. Sacrificial love. . 1 John 4:8-19.
One English Word, Many Translations English Greek Eros—boy + girl love Philios—friendship love Storge—familial love Agape—Sacrificial love • Love
Agape=Unconditional, all-consuming love. Sacrificial love.
1 John 4:8-19 • God does not merely love, God IS love. • Everything God does flows from His love. • God loves because that is the nature and the expression of His being (not as we tend to do--out of response). • Unconditional, sacrificial love!
Jesus In Agape… 1. Demonstrated reverencefor us as people who have worth in God’s eyes. 2. Gave Himself to others. 3. Loved othersfor their own sake and for God’s sake—NOT for His own sake. 4. Was willing to be hurt yet stay connected. To vulnerable rather than to be safe. 5. Became our equal, a fellow sufferer—not a “kind” superior.
God’s love is displayed most clearly at the Cross, where Christ died for the unworthy creatures who were, dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1). “God commends his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8). The object of agapelove is always a recipient of grace.
As Christ Loved Us… • John 13:34-35- “…as I have loved you” • 1 John 3:14-18- “Christ laid down his life for us...” • Luke 10:25-37- “…go and DO likewise.” When we show Agape, Christ is ALIVE in us!
“…so you MUST…” “show a radical commitment to the welfare of the other that sees the other with an equal regard DESPITE their response; that seeks to understand without NEEDING to understand or be understood; that risks, cares, gives and shares with NO NEED for reciprocity; no need to be respected, no need to be appreciated nor thanked and no need to enjoy the process.” -David Augsburger, Dissident Discipleship, pp 50-51
Hallelujah • Hallel(Hebrew) meaning “to praise” • Jah (derived from the name Yaweh) To praise God