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by: Micaiah Kelly

by: Micaiah Kelly. Facts Humming birds. Habitat and location. Habitat: It appears that ruby throats are most common at areas where wooded edges are near water. Diet. They like flowers include jewelweed and cardinal lobelia, both wetland plants.

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by: Micaiah Kelly

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Presentation Transcript

  1. by: MicaiahKelly Facts Humming birds

  2. Habitat and location Habitat: It appears that ruby throats are most common at areas where wooded edges are near water.

  3. Diet They like flowers include jewelweed and cardinal lobelia, both wetland plants. They feed not only on flower nectar, but also on insects and small spiders they pluck from flowers or catch in mid-air. They are also easily attracted to artificial feeders and will use many garden flowers as asource of nectar and insects. 

  4. Most Interesting fact The male ruby throated hummingbird dose indeed have a srikik red throat though the female of the species dose note you would have to look quickly to see either however as these speedy little birds can beat their wings 53 times a second and fly in an airobobat

  5. Sourcesof websites http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/species_a_to_z/SpeciesGuideIndex/rubythroatedhummingbird/tabid/6746/Default.aspx

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