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Who Wants to Pass an SOL Test

Who Wants to Pass an SOL Test. A. Socrates. B. Pericles. C. Aristotle. D. Herodotus. The Tutor of Alexander the Great Was:. What type of writing is this?. Where can this type of building be found?. How did the signing of the Magna Carta affect future monarchs in England?.

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Who Wants to Pass an SOL Test

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  1. Who Wants to Pass an SOL Test

  2. A. Socrates B. Pericles C. Aristotle D. Herodotus The Tutor of Alexander the Great Was:

  3. What type of writing is this?

  4. Where can this type of building be found?

  5. How did the signing of the Magna Carta affect future monarchs in England?

  6. Which group of people came up with this form of writing?

  7. Which group of people came up with this form of writing?

  8. A. Myron B. Pericles C. Sophocles D. Michelangelo Who created this statue?

  9. A. Barter B. Trading C. Cultural Diffusion D. Theocracy What is the exchange of goods and ideas between peoples?

  10. A. Wheel B. Fire C. Religion D. Boat Of the following, which was invented during the Neolithic Revolution:

  11. A. Australopithicus B. Hominids C. Nomads D. Tribunes All humans and humanlike creatures fall into what category?

  12. A. Anthropology B. Archaeology C. History D. Education The study of written records is:

  13. A. Monotheism B.Theocracy • Polytheism D. Theology The worship of one god is called:

  14. A. Jupiter B. Athena C. Venus D. Zeus Who was the King of the Greek gods:

  15. What is the Name of this building:

  16. A. Abraham B. Moses C. Jesus D. Exodus Which of the following individuals do Jewish people trace their roots back to?

  17. A. Mild Climate B. Water C. Cold Winters D. Fertile Soil Which of the following is not a characteristic of an ancient river valley:

  18. Egypt B. China C. India D. Pakistan The oldest continuous civilization in the world is:

  19. A. Longitude B. Latitude C. Parallels D. Distortion The Lines Illustrated on this globe are:

  20. A. 28 º B. W C. South D. 35 º In the following coordinate, which is latitude, 35ºN, 28ºW

  21. A. Socrates B. Pericles C. Aristotle D. Myron The Greek Leader who built the Parthenon was:

  22. A.5,550 years ago B. 10,000 years ago C.50,000 years ago D.4.4 million years ago Many scientist date the existence of humanlike creatures to about:

  23. A. Narmer B. Hammurabi C. Yu the Great D. Sargon I The author of a great code of laws was:

  24. A. Theocracy B. Dynasty C. Bureaucracy D. Monarchy A long line of rulers from the same family is called a:

  25. A. Rosetta Stone B. Cuneiform C. Oracle Bones D. Book of the Dead The key to translating Egyptian Hieroglyphics was:

  26. A. Hippocrates B. Myron C. Euripides D. Thucydides The Discus Thrower was carved by:

  27. A. South B. Northeast C. Right D. North-Northwest Which of the following is a cardinal direction:

  28. A. Jerusalem B. Babylon C. Damascus D. Persepolis The holiest city for the Jewish people is:

  29. A. Shiva B. Judah C. Torah D. Yahweh What is the name for the Israelite God?

  30. A. Agricultural Villages B. City-state C. Nomads D. Empires Put the following in the order in which they occurred:

  31. A.Cultures B. Cooperatives C. Civilizations D. Agricultural villages Complex societies with advanced knowledge of farming, trade, government, and art are called:

  32. A. The Chinese B.The Phoenicians C. The Persians D. Zoroaster The Greek alphabet was based on the easy-to-learn 22 character writing system of:

  33. A. Ramses II B. Ramses III C. Hatshepsut D. Akhenaton Claiming to be the sun god’s equal, Amenhotep changed his name to:

  34. A. Tigris and Euphrates B. Huang He C. Nile River D. Neander All of the following valleys are sites of early urban civilizations EXCEPT:

  35. A. Plutarch B. Herodotus C. Socrates D. Plato The Greek Philosopher who was the 1st to challenge the sophists:

  36. A. Alexander B. Socrates C. Nebuchadnezzar D. Herodotus The “Father of History”:

  37. A. Persian War B. Punic War C. Peloponnesian War D. Trojan War The Spartans fought the Athenians in :

  38. Name the continent :

  39. A.23.5º S B. 23.5º N C. 25.3º S D. 25.3º N What is the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer?

  40. A. India B. China C. Babylon D. Greece The Furthest East that Alexander the Great got was :

  41. A. 180ºN B. 23.5ºN C. 90 ºN D. 75 ºN What is the latitude of the North Pole?

  42. Where can this building be found :

  43. A. Greece B. Rome C. Persia D. Sumer Hieroglyphics is to Egypt as Cuneiform is to :

  44. A. Aramaic B. Satraps C. Pharaoh D. Ziggurat Title meaning “great house of the King”

  45. A. Pyramid B. Ziggurat C. Church D. Phalanx Terraced temple found in Sumerian cities:

  46. A. Marathon B. Salamis C. Thermopylae D. Alexandria Where Leonidas made his valiant stand:

  47. A. Old Testament B. The Koran C. The Torah D. The 10 commandments Includes the first five books of the bible:

  48. A. Aristotle B. Socrates C. Herodotus D. Sophist Student of Plato, tutor of Alexander:

  49. Name this continent :

  50. A. Key B. Compass Rose C. Scale D. State Lines Which of the following is NOT an essential map component :

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