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Session Materials

Evaluation with Fidelity Tuesday, April 30 , 2013 Joyce Gardner Becky Pearson Jason Rhodes Region 8 Professional Development Consultants. Session Materials. region8wnc.ncdpi.wikispaces.net. Your Region 8 Professional D evelopment Team. Joyce Gardner joyce.gardner@dpi.nc.gov 828.242.9872

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Session Materials

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Evaluation with FidelityTuesday, April 30, 2013Joyce GardnerBecky PearsonJason RhodesRegion 8 Professional Development Consultants

  2. Session Materials region8wnc.ncdpi.wikispaces.net

  3. Your Region 8 Professional Development Team Joyce Gardner joyce.gardner@dpi.nc.gov 828.242.9872 Becky Pearson becky.pearson@dpi.nc.gov 828.803.8315 Jason Rhodes jason.rhodes@dpi.nc.gov 828.279.8020

  4. Purpose • To develop a deeper conceptual understanding of each of the NC Professional Teaching Standards. • To practice assigning ratings for Inter-rater reliability

  5. AGENDA • Review the components of the NC Vision for Teaching in the 21st Century • Observe and Evaluate a fifth grade classroom teacher for practice collecting and analyzing observation data. • Deep Dive Into Standard IV • Engage in Collaborative Discussions to Ensure Inter-Rater Reliability • Review Principals’ Evaluation Process resources.

  6. Who is in the room?

  7. State Board of Education Mission “Every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st Century.” -Adopted August 2006

  8. North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards

  9. 21st Century Instruction

  10. Putting the Pieces Together EffectiveLeadershipStudentLearningQuality Teaching promotes Assessing teacher performance Designing a professional growth plan

  11. A Look into the Future with • Truenorth Logic is providing the technology software (management platform) which will house the educator evaluation model that was implemented in every school district in 2011. • This platform will improve the processes already in place by creating a more streamlined, more intuitive and more user-friendly experience. • The platform will be in place for teacher evaluations by July 1, 2013, and for principal evaluations by October 2013, with the professional learning management system coming online in January 2014.

  12. New and Improved Platform!

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