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TEAM AROUND THE LEARNER Overview of the Team Around the Learner approach. Module 2: Describing the Team Around the Learner approach. Module 2: Describing the Team Around the Learner approach. Overview
TEAM AROUND THE LEARNEROverview of the Team Around the Learner approach Module 2: Describing the Team Around the Learner approach
Module 2: Describing the Team Around the Learner approach Overview The aim of this module is to provide an overview of the Team Around the Learner approach to improving outcomes for learners and families. Focus This module will support your understanding of:
What is Team Around the Learner? What is it? • Team Around the Learner provides a framework that promotes a holistic,team-basedand individualisedapproach to supporting learners who are vulnerable and at risk of disengaging or have disengaged from education and learning. • Key people are brought together as a team to coordinate a planthat meets the needs of the learner and supports them to continue to engage in or re-engage in education and learning.
What are the Key Aspects of Team Around the Learner? • What are the key aspects? • Learners are viewed within the context of their family and their environment and are supported by ateam. • There is no time limit to the Team Around the Learner process. The focus is on making sure the needs of the learner are met and sustained. • Team Around the Learner is not a new concept. It demonstrates good practice in supporting learners who require additional support to engage in education and learning.
Who is involved in Team Around the Learner? • Who is involved? • Team members may include the learner, education professionals, health professionals, community members, parents/caregivers, external agencies and community members involved in the life of the learner and their family. • A Lead Professional coordinates the efforts of the team and ensures that all team members are part of the solution. • The team meet regularly regarding the design, implementationand review of a coordinated plan put in place by the team to meet the individual needs of the learner and family.
When to use Team Around the Learner approach? The Team Around the Learner approach can be adopted as early as needs are identified. The Team Around the Learner approach can be adopted at any stage of a learner’s journey. Although not all issues experienced by students are problematic initially, it is beneficial to support the learner early to prevent such issues impacting on their learning. Continuum of Student Engagement Education professionals may choose to adopt a Team Around the Learner approach at any time. A coordinated approach will help to provide appropriate support for the learner.
Key Principles of the Team Around the Learner approach Team Around the Learner Model • Team Around the Learner Key Principles • The learner and family are at the centre • Learners experience a coordinated and seamless service • Team Around the Learner promotes positive engagement • Team Around the Learner is outcomes focused • Team Around the Learner is a collaborative and collective team effort Initiate Contact Plan Transition Monitor & Evaluate Analyse Needs Plan & Coordinate Support
Team Around the Learner Model - Overview The Team Around the Learner model guides the process for improving the outcomes of learners. Analyse Needs Initiate Contact Plan & Coordinate Support Monitor & Evaluate Plan Transition
Team Around the Learner Model – Initiate Contact Phase Initiate Contact • At the Initiate Contact phase, a learner is identified by a teacher, student wellbeing coordinator, principaletc as vulnerable and recommends a Team Around the Learner approach. • A Lead Professional is identified as early as possible to guide a collaborative team response. • The learner and family formally provide consent as to how their information will be used and with whom it will be shared. • This phase lays the foundation for collaborative team work, goal setting and planning in future phases. • Points to Consider: • Most often the person who makes the initial contact is someone who has the appropriate knowledge and skills to begin the process. This person may be anyone who cares for, supports or works with the learner and must be able to recognise and articulate the need for a co-ordinated service response to address the learner’s vulnerability and complex needs. • The Team Around the Learner approach recognises that for each learner the focus and complexity of need will be different. This will impact the composition and membership of the team and the choice of Lead Professional. • Questions to reflect on when considering membership of the team and choice of Lead Professional include: • Are thereagencies already involved? • Who else needs to be involved? • Who is best placed to play the Lead Professional role? • How can we share information and planning on a need to know basis?
Team Around the Learner Model – Analyse Needs Phase • A comprehensive needs analysis is conducted with the learner and family to understand the underlying and presenting issues of the learner. • This phase may be initially conducted as a broad conversation with the learner and family which may identify the need for referrals to additional services. • Through this process, additional people may be identified who need to be part of the team and should be contacted and briefed with the permission of the learner and family. • This phase should be as thorough as possible as it will inform the urgency and type of assistance that is required by the learner and their family. • Ideally, this phase should happen within 7 working days of the Initiate Contact phase, or within 2 working days if considered urgent. • This phase does not have a specified end point and may be an ongoing process depending on the learner’s needs. • As the learner moves into subsequent phases, analysis of the learner’s needs may continue as an ongoing process as a result of the Monitor and Evaluate phase. • Who is involved and how? • This phase is initiated by the Lead Professional. However ,if more formal assessments are required, they should be conducted by persons or providers with the appropriate qualifications, skills and knowledge in the particular area of service delivery. • This phase may be conducted by one person, or by different people over several days. Individuals should have a broad understanding of the service system and have experience interviewing learners and families. Analyse Needs
Team Around the Learner Model – Plan & Coordinate Support Phase • The Engage learner, family and team aspect of this phase is characterised by building team trust and developing shared planning processes to support the immediate and longer term needs and goals of the learner. • The Plan & Coordinate Support phase is initiated by the Lead Professional who makes arrangements for shared planning and review meetings. • It is critical that this process is embedded in a person centred and family sensitive practice approach. This approach eliminates potential barriers and supports the implementation of successful strategies and actions. • The learner and family should be equal members of the team and see that their perspectives are central to the process so that shared ownership is developed. • Key activities: • Develop a partnership between the learner, family and the other team members. • Address any legal and ethical issues. • Focus on the learner’s strengths, family context, culture and vision for the future. Plan & Coordinate Support
Team Around the Learner Model – Plan & Coordinate Support Phase • The Develop and Implement Plan aspect of this phase focuses on the specific needs of the learner by collaboratively developing goals and working towards their achievement. • The Lead Professional facilitates and guides the development of an individualised plan and ensures the learner and family are fully engaged in this process. • This process begins by focusing on the needs of the learner identified in the Analyse Needs phase to inform the development of short term and long term goals. • A number of strategies are developed to achieve individualised goals with specific actions that are assigned to members of the team. • The actions for achieving the goals in the plan should be explicitly outlined so that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities for successful outcomes. • This process is characterised by brainstorming, options development, negotiation, information sharing and effective communication. Plan & Coordinate Support
Phases of the Team Around the Learner Model – Monitor & Evaluate Phase • Progress and successes are continually reviewed during the Monitor & Evaluate phase to ensure strategies are working and the learner is achieving the planned goals. • This phase is predominately led by the Lead Professional who monitors and evaluates the input and achievements of the team. • The Monitor & Evaluate phase relies on open communication channels being maintained. • The team needs to be responsive to changing circumstances during the course of implementation. Any changes that are required to the plan are discussed in team meetings and implemented together. • Where necessary, the Analyse Needs phase is also revisited to make sure that, if needs have changed, they are addressed appropriately. • The Monitor & Evaluate phase is repeated as each new set of learner goals are implemented. When the team determines that the learner no longer needs the additional support provided through the Team Around the Learner approach, the Plan Transition phase should begin. • There is no defined timeline for the Monitor & Evaluate phase. • Points to consider: • The Lead Professional is also tasked with working to maintain the team’s satisfaction, cohesiveness and buy-in throughout the process. • Celebrating successes as a team (e.g., accomplishment of actions, strategies and goals) is an important way of sustaining momentum and buy-in. • This is particularly crucial when actions do not go as planned and momentum and trust in the process can easily decrease. A strong culture of team work, respect and trust will make a difference to perceptions of success in achieving the needs of the learner. Monitor & Evaluate
Team Around the Learner Model – Plan Transition Phase Plan Transition • Plans are made for a purposeful transition from intensive wrap around services to more natural supports. • This will include a Transition from Additional Support Plan that takes into consideration the need for post-transition crisis planning. • This phase begins as the responsibility of the Lead Professional but ends with the learner and family taking on responsibility for their own success. • This phase is entered once it has been agreed by the learner, family and team that the goals outlined in the individualised plan have been achieved and sustained. • It is assumed that by this stage the learner and family will be equipped with the knowledge and coping skills to manage crises as they arise and they will contact the appropriate supports as required. • The formal Team Around the Learner process is concluded with a celebration of the achievements of the learner, family and team. • The Lead Professional should continue to follow up with the learner and family to ensure they are continuing to experience success and provide advice where necessary. • It is acknowledged that crises and other life events that occur in the learner’s life may provoke a need for an increased level of support. At these times, the Team Around the Learner approach may need to be reinstated to support the learner. • The activities of this phase have no defined timeline.
Team Around the Learner approach Determining the practice implemented in schools. To assist schools to measure their practice of the Team Around the Learner approach, a five level Rubric has been developed that describes what Team Around the Learner might look like in a school. It is not a definitive description, however it gives schools some ideas for discussion about what would work best with their school communities. • To complement the Rubric, a Planning Improvement tool has been developed to assist schools. This tool supports schools to put improvement plans in place for any phase of the Team Around the Learner approach which is identified as needing further development. • This tool asks the school to identify: • current strengths in practice • the evidence they have that clearly demonstrates the • established practice • the next steps they will need to take to improve practice • the tools they will use in improving practice • Resources • Team Around the Learner Rubric • Planning Improvement tool