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Connect with the government and help solve urban challenges through the Startup in Residence program. Get training, support, and the chance to further develop your proposals for potential implementation.
Startup in Residence The Hague April 26th 2018
Startup in Residence programmeWhat is it? • New way of connecting government and startups • Startups help solveurbanchallenges, municipality acts as a development partner • Municipalitycanlearnfrom startups and startups canbuildtheir business • If solutions are successful, the municipality has the option to act as launching customer • Request for tender • What do you get? • After application: 3 weeks training in problem/fit solution and chance to further develop proposals • After pitches:participation in 4 month SIR Programme • This includes: • 7.000 euro • valuable trainings and workshops • support of professional mentors • inspiring work environment/work space • access to municipality’s network, corporate partners and events
ConditionsTo participate, the startup must: • not have been registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce or a similar chamber in this country for more than five years • agree to register with the Chamber of Commerce before the start of phase 3 (September 2018) • consist of natural persons or a legal entity • have a team of at least 2 people • have no more than 10 salaried employees • not yet implemented or applied the product provided as a solution for the market • not be a startup that has originated from another business that has 250 salaried employees or more
Elements on which jury evaluatesyourproposal Vision, innovation and impact Quality of problem descriptionExtent to which solution solves problemInnovativeness of solution Realisation and implementationHow easily solution can be implemented Whether timeline is financially feasible Continuity How far along the startup is Exxperiences in entrepreneurship
Important Dates 2018 • May 9 Answerstoquestionswillbepublished on our website (FAQ page) • May 22Deadline signing up forSIR 3.0 • June 12 Announcement of participation in 3 weeks training (phase 2) • June 28 First meeting withcivilservants • September 4 Pitches • September 5Announcement of winners of SIR 3.0 (phase 3) andStart SIR programme • September-December 4 months SIR Programmeincludingtrainings, coaching, writingyour business plan andtestingyourideas in thecity • Beginning December Demo day
Intellectual property rights • All personal data obtainedduringtheactivities of participantswillbekeptstrictlyconfidentialandaccordingtothevalid data protectionlegislation. The selectedparticipants in the pilot phaseprovide a project descriptionsuitableforthe public whichwillbepublished on www.startupinresidence.com/thehague • The intellectual property rightsremainwiththe startup duringtheprogrammeandthereafter. The Municipality has user rights. Thus, ifitchoosesto act as a launching customer, theMunicipalitycanalwaysusethe solution formulatedbythe startup. IftheMunicipality is willingto act as a launching customer but the startup does not want this option, theMunicipality reserves the right to have the solution implementedbythirdparties.
1 EASY PAY FOR PARKING The challenge: Develop an innovative and easy solution for paid parking. MAKKELIJK BETAALD PARKEREN Gezocht: Vernieuwende en laagdrempelige betaalmethodes voor betaald parkeren.
2 SMARTER ON THE GRID The challenge: Develop a smart system that monitors and manages heat pump installations. SLIMME METER Gezocht: Een innovatief systeem voor het monitoren en aansturen van een warmtepomp.
3 EASY ACCESS The challenge: Find new ways to ensure that local entrepreneurs retain their customers after road closures. BEHOUD BEZOEKERS VOOR LOKALE ONDERNEMERS Gezocht: Nieuwe manieren om ondernemers te helpen hun klantenbezoek op peil te houden, ook na realisatie van wegafsluitingen.
4 VOTING WITHOUT BORDERS The challenge: Develop a digital and secure way to send voting documents making sure that citizens living abroad will receive their voting documents at all times. STEMMEN ZONDER GRENZEN Gezocht: Manieren om stempapieren digitaal en veilig te versturen, zodat kiezers in het buitenland ten alle tijden hun stempapieren ontvangen.
5 THE NUMBERS TELL THE TALE The challenge: Develop a system to accurately measure visitor numbers at free events in the city. BEZOEKERS EVENEMENTEN: METEN IS WETEN Gezocht: Manieren om nauwkeurig het totale aantal bezoekers (bewoners van Den Haag en toeristen) van met name gratis evenementen in de stad te meten.
6 UPCYCLING ELECTRONIC WASTE The challenge: Develop new products from parts of old, discarded computers and other electronic devices. UPCYCLEN VAN ELEKTRONISCH AFVAL Gezocht: Startups die nieuwe producten kunnen maken van specifieke onderdelen uit oude, afgedankte computers.
7 THE HYBRID WORKER The challenge: Develop innovative smart combinations of people and technology solutions so people overcome their physical or mental limitations and can get back to work. MENS EN TECHNIEK OP DE WERKVLOER Gezocht: Innovatieve toepassingen waardoor uitkeringsgerechtigden met een fysieke beperking, minder beperkt zijn en sneller actief zijn op de arbeidsmarkt.
8 UBER-FANTASTIC TRANSPORTATION The challenge: Develop an uber-like solution for transportation options for residents with disabilities. ONTWIKKEL EEN INNOVATIEF VERVOERSPLATFORM Gezocht: Een uber-achtige oplossing voor vervoersmogelijkheden voor inwoners met een beperking.
9 NO LUNCH TO WASTE The challenge: Find a way to reduce food waste at organized lunches, starting at the municipality. VOORKOM VOEDSEL VERSPILLING Gezocht: Een manier om voedselverspilling tegen te gaan bij georganiseerde lunches, te beginnen bij Gemeente Den Haag.
10 GO FOR SOCIAL RETURN The challenge: Make alternative ways of social return more attractive to entrepreneurs. GA VOOR SOCIAL RETURN Gezocht: Toepassingen van social return die gemakkelijker en aantrekkelijker zijn voor ondernemers.
Stayconnected! • Wheretoapply1. Go towww.starthubs.co/den-haagOR https://startupinresidence.com/the-hague/social-issues/ • 2. Select yourchallenge3. Log in and upload therequesteddocuments • Newsletter • https://startupinresidence.com/the-hague/contact/ • Social mediafacebook.com/startupinres070twitter.com/startupinres070 • instagram.com/startupinres070 • Email startupinresidence@denhaag.nl DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS?