Award: (N) prize – ödül.Praise: (V) express warm approval or admiration of something or somebody –övmekPreventive: (ADJ) designed to keep something undesirable such as illness or harm from occuring – önleyiciDescription: (N) a spoken or written occount of a person, object, or event - açıklamaIgnore: (V) refuce to take notice of or acknowledge disregard intentionally –görmezlikten gelmekCure: (N) Treatment - çareHug: (V) squeeze (someone) tightly in one’s arms, typically to express affection - sarılmak
What is the behaviour management? Behaviour management is uses all the methods to increase positive behaviours and to decrease negative behaviours of the children.
DO NOT FORGET !!!!!!! When child receives reward, he understands that he did something good. Praise the behaviour you want and ignore the behaviour you don’t want. Listen to the child before the punishment. Punishment should be the last resort.
Showyourchildthatyoucareandyoulovewhiledirecting his behaviour.
1)Which of following is intended to increase desired behavior? • Preventive Description • Awarding • Ignoring • punishment
3)Which method should be used to reduce unwanted behaviour? A)Awarding B)Praising C)Smiling D)Ignoring