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Posibilities of strength-enhancing. Advanced material and technologies, MSc 2017. Increase of strength. Characters of metastable states T hey have a role in strength-enhancing. Increase of strength. What kind of strength-enhancing mechanisms are there?. Strain hardening (work hardening)
Posibilities of strength-enhancing Advanced material and technologies, MSc 2017
Increase of strength Characters of metastable statesThey have a role in strength-enhancing.
Increase of strength What kind of strength-enhancing mechanisms are there? • Strain hardening (work hardening) • plastic deformation, increase of dislocation density • (recently: radiation damages also) • Solution hardening (properties of dissolved elements, connection with the Hume—Rothery-rules!) • Precipitation hardening • Dispersion hardening • Quench hardening: high density of lattice defect, non-equiulibrium constituents • Grain refinement 3
Increase of strength – strain hardening Changes of hardness (and Young-modulus) due to changes in dislocation density The lowest and highest value in hardness of metals due to dislocation density Single crystal → recrystallized (tempered) state → state with high plastic deformation (high density of dislocations)
Increase of strength – strain hardening • I. phase: after the elastic range, the phenomenon of easy slip or single slip is dominant. • phase: high slope, independent of T (slip lines are short, inhomogeneous deformation ranges). • phase:parabolic (non-linear) range, less-known dislocation motion mechanism, start point and appearance depends on temperature. • The shape of the flow (yield) stress - true strain curve depends largely on the crystal structure!
Increase of strength – strain hardening 1 – tempered, recrystallized state 2 – effect of plastic deformation 3 – effect of quenching 4 – effect of thermomechanical process
Increase of strength – grain refinement Hall―Petch-equation:
Increase of strength – strain and solution hardening Increase of strengthcausedbyinteractionbetweendissolvedatoms and dislocations: dissolved atoms are concentrated in the stress field of the dislocations, modifying the local binding force (critical shear stress) thestressfield of thedislocation has interactionwithelectrostatic and mechanicalstressfield of thedissolved atom, thus making the movement of the dislocations difficult (increase local criticalshearstress) → ageing
Increase of strength – solution hardening Which effect determines the solubility?Hume-Rothery: atomic size, electron configuration (difference in valence electron structure), electronegativity, type of lattice Zn As Sn
Increase of strength – effect of ageing • Irrespective of atomic mechanism and/or changes in phase relationships, aging at alloys means: • increase of strenght, • ReH near to Rm, • decrease of ability to plastic deformation, • decrease of impact energy. → embrittlement
Increase of strength – precipitation hardening T 0. 1. 2. t mild state Steps of precipitation hardening: 0. Heating and heat retention for complete dissolving: heating in a homogeneous, single phase range where the second phase dissolves. 1. Establish a supersaturated solid solution over equilibrium dissolution conditions: - generally with quenching (from a homogeneous region which has a higher solubility). 2. Appearance of fine precipitated phases → the system approaching the equilibrium dissolution and phase relationships. - „artificial aging” with heat treatment: in a lower temperature as the 1. step, - natural ageing.
Increase of strength – precipitation hardening Slope of T0 curves and maximum supersaturation, solidification without compositional partition, phenomenon of glass forming • What are the boundary conditions? • Forming of supersaturated, crystalline solid solutions. • Forming of metallic amorphous states (glassy alloys)
Increase of strength – precipitation hardening Precipitation processes in one stepconcrete examples: in Fe-based alloys Ti, Mo, carbide precipitationmain point: high thermodynamic driving force! ΔGV: free enthalpy change of phase transformation (supersaturated solid solution to phase of precipitate) ΔGe: the energy of the stress generated by the change in specific volume What should be regulated during the precipitation process? Amount of precipitates, average size and distance! With what kind of parameters? - concentration, - temperature of the heat treatment - time of the heat treatment ΔGe > 0
Increase of strength – precipitation hardening Example for precipitation process from supersaturated solid solution • Precipitation hardening in Al-based alloys: in this case precipitation in more than one step! Curiosity: Al-brass (Cu alloys with Al) have same phenomenon as at steels → martensitic like transformations, after quenching high hardness and low inpact energy.
Increase of strength – precipitation hardening Process of precipitation in more than one stepPrecipitation hardening process of Al(Cu) alloys • When an equilibrium process of precipitation has more than one step • Spinodal decomposition • Guinier- Preston zones: decomposition of solid solution starts with long range fluctuation in composition, there is no definite surface of phases
Increase of strength – precipitation hardening System reaches the free enthalpy minimum in more steps(the whole process in details is function of time and temperature) Precipitation hardening process of Al(Cu) alloys
Increase of strength – precipitation hardening Precipitation hardening process of Al(Cu) alloys • The outcome of the process depends on the composition as well Description of precipitation process in alloys which capable for precipitation treatment
Increase of strength – precipitation hardening Precipitation hardening process of Al(Cu) alloys
Increase of strength – precipitation hardening Stabilization of the process in case of phase precipitation from Al(Cu) supersaturated solid solution
Increase of strength – precipitation hardening Stabilization with third component: Ti, Mg, B, etc.What should be improved?Decrease of changes in specific volume, mechanical properties during heat treatment (decrease property changes versus time), decrease of shrinkage during casting.
Increase of strength – precipitation hardening Effect of composition and ageing on strength Precipitation hardening process of Al(Cu) alloys
Increase of strength – precipitation hardening With micro-alloying it is possible to adjust:- distribution of precipitated phase,- average size of prec. phase,- parameters of heat treatment.