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Kód ITMS projektu: 26110130519 Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia. Discoveries. Science - vocabulary. Look at the vocabulary. How do we call the people who are interested in these areas? What is their job?. INVENTIONS OR DISCOVERIES ???.
Kód ITMS projektu: 26110130519 Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia Discoveries
Science - vocabulary • Look at the vocabulary. How do we call the people who are interested in these areas? What is their job?
INVENTIONS OR DISCOVERIES ??? Discoveries and inventions may seem similar because of something new being revealed, however they are two different words and have different meanings. Discovery is finding out or figuring out something that preexists, while invention is using objects that preexist to create something new that is first of its kind.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS WHEEL 5000 BC - EGYPT Was it a scientific discovery, an accident, or a profound invention? The world may never know. We might not know which Joe Schmoe caveman first invented/discovered/tripped over the wheel but it simply must be noted in a list of greatest discoveries. It changed our world profoundly and cannot be ignored.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS ELECTRICITY 1752 Without it, we would be left in the dark. We would not have computers, no microwaves, and say goodbye to your TV and radio. Our society is hugely dependent upon electricity to fuel the lifestyle that we've become accustomed to. It was good old Benjamin Franklin, who first brought us this wonderful scientific discovery, through his curious desire to fly kites in a rainstorm.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS LIGHT BULB 1878/79 If you are not sitting in the dark then you should be thankful to Thomas Edison for inventing the light bulb. Joseph Swan did similar work in Britain at the time, and eventually the two merged their ideas into a single company, Ediswan.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS PENICILLIN 1928 We do have Alexander Flemming to thank for this discovery, when he forgot to clean up his workstation before going on holiday. When he returned, he discovered that fungus had grown on the cultures he'd been looking at and that the bacteria perished in the vicinity of these cultures. So we have to thank Mr. Flemming for being less than tidy, and special thanks also to Howard Florey and Boris Chain for isolating and purifying penicillin, helping us to use it as an antibiotic. Penicillin has helped to treat many diseases.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS GUN POWDER 9TH CENTURY TheinventorswereChinese alchemists. Ever since its invention, it has been used for the purposes of hunting, warfare, entertainment, and even helped to give birth to rocket science. While not always used for the best of things, it must certainly be included as one of the world's most profound scientific discoveries - without it, we would never have been able to develop the technology to eventually put man into space.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS GUN It does not need any introduction for we all know about its function and capability. The first gun was fired in the late 13th century, and modern versions of the metal bullet were first introduced in 1857.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS ANATOMY 1543 The study of anatomy can be traced clear back to an ancient Egyptian papyrus, created around 1600 BC. While Aristotle and Greek Physicians, Herophilus and Erasistratus, all studied various forms of anatomy during the 3rd and 4th century, it wasn't until 16th centurythat Vesalius created a modern text that didn't rely upon 1000 year-old studies and misconceptions.Andreas Vesalius was considered about as black as sheep as they come, with his penchant for carving up cadavers. However, because of his strange hobbies and idea to read a book about it, we actually know what a liver is and where it's located in the body.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS PLASTIC 1869 John Wesley Hyatt would discover a way to produce a substance that would revolutionize the known world. Plastic. Today, we have plastic chairs, plastic bags, plastic in our cars and even plastic reefs, slowly taking over our oceans. As if plastic wasn't already wonderful enough, when we're done with our plastic, we can melt it all down and remake it into new plastic things - like new recycled furniture!
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS TELEPHONE 1870s Alexander Graham made the first working phone. Today there are 1.3 billion phone lines in use around the world. The modern telephone network, consisting of a worldwide net of telephone lines, fiber optic cables, cellular networks, communications satellites, and undersea telephone cables connected by switching centers, allows any telephone in the world to communicate with any other.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS COMPUTERS 1951 – 2nd generation Today, because of computers, our lives are (supposedly) more organized and efficient. We have an unlimited source of information at our fingertips and we have achieved a form of global communication that was unheard of as recently as 20 years ago.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS BAR CODE This boring set of black and white lines was developed by Norman Woodland, but they can be found on almost every single item in the grocery store. At first glance, it seems hard to see how they could possibly make any impact on the world, but they have fundamentally changed the way we shop.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS 1947 MICROWAVE OVEN The first commercial microwave oven was sold in .... They are most commonly used for rapid reheating of previously-cooked foods and rapid heating of slowly-prepared cooking items, such as melting chocolates or butter. Any modern kitchen would be incomplete without this amazing and helpful machine.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS INTERNET The department of US defense first used a service called ARPANET in the 1960s. Then, in 1989, Tim Berner Lee invented the World Wide Web, which shrank the world like nothing else. Today more than 1.7 billion people, or 25 per cent of the world use the Internet. It is such a powerful invention that we’ve probably only begun to see its long term effects.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS E-MAIL The worldwide spread of email affected the exchange of communications. Before email, a business in the US sending an important document overseas printed the document, packaged it, paid for the delivery service and waited days for it to arrive at the destination. After email grew to be a part of all international businesses, companies and students possessed the ability to send formal communications to the recipient in minutes.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS MOBILE PHONE There are more than 5 billion mobile phones in the world, and the number is growing rapidly in China and India. Mobile technology has changed how we communicate, as it allows us to make calls, send text messages or even update our facebook status from any location.
THE GREATEST INVENTIONS INVISIBILITY CLOAK 2012 • http://science.howstuffworks.com/invisibility-cloak.htm Sounding like it came straight off of James' Bond's wish list or out of the pages of the latest HarryPotternovel, the invisibility cloak has become reality.
THE GREATEST DISCOVERIES TERRACOTTA ARMY A farmer in Xi’an named Yang was drilling for water when he found the Terracotta Army in 1947. The Army was carved by 700,000 forced workers and was buried underground in front of the tomb of Qin Shi Huang so they could protect him in the afterlife. Qin Shi Huang was the first Emperor to unify China and is as much reviled for his tyranny as he is admired as a visionary. Tens of thousands of human and animal statues were created in several pieces and then assembled, each of which is unique.
THE GREATEST DISCOVERIES DEAD SEA SCROLLS Similar to the Rosetta Stone the Dead Sea Scrolls are one of the major archaeological finds of the last century. They contain the earliest known surviving copies of biblical documents that date all the way back to 150 BC.
THE GREATEST DISCOVERIES MOUNT OWEN MOA In 1986 an expedition was making its deeper and deeper into the cave system of Mount Owen in New Zealand when it came across the huge claw you’re now looking at. It was so well preserved that it almost seemed like whatever it belonged to had just died recently. Upon excavation and inspection, however, it was determined to belong to an Upland Moa, a large prehistoric bird that apparently came with a nasty set of claws.
THE GREATEST DISCOVERIES NAZCA LINES Although they were literally beneath the feet of archaeologists for hundreds of years, the Nazca Lines weren’t discovered until the early 1900′s for the simple reason that they are nearly impossible to see unless you are directly above them. While there have been numerous explanations ranging from UFO’s to technically advanced ancient civilization, the most probable explanation is that the Nazca people were excellent surveyors, although why they would construct such enormous geoglyphs remains a mystery.
THE GREATEST DISCOVERIES PIRI REIS MAP Dating to the early 1500s this map shows the coastlines of South America, Europe, and Africa with amazing precision. Apparently it was constructed by general and cartographer Piri Reis (hence the name) from the fragments of dozens of others. 2500 BC. Inventor : Sumerians (clay tablets). Earliest world map by Eratosthenes c. 220 BC.
THE GREATEST DISCOVERIES VOYNICH MANUSCRIPT Described as the “world’s most mysterious manuscript” this piece of literature has been dated back to early 15th century Italy. With most of its pages filled with what seems to be herbal recipes, none of the plants match known species and the language remains undecipherable.
THE GREATEST DISCOVERIES ACAMBARO FIGURES Although most of the scientific community has now agreed that these figures were part of an elaborate hoax, their discovery at first created a bit of a stir. Found in the ground near Acambaro, Mexico were hundreds of little figures resembling both humans and dinosaurs which for a little while led some to believe that the ancients were better archaeologists than previously thought.
THE GREATEST DISCOVERIES RAPA NUI Popularly known as Easter Island, this is one of the most isolated places in the world, thousands of miles off of the Chilean coast in the South Pacific. The most baffling thing about the island, however, isn’t the fact that humans even managed to find and settle it but that they then proceeded to construct enormous stone heads around the island.
Použité zdroje • http://voices.yahoo.com/my-top-ten-list-worlds-most-important-scientific-5990512.html?cat=15 • http://list25.com/25-inventions-that-changed-our-way-of-life/2/ • http://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dejiny_po%C4%8D%C3%ADta%C4%8Dov • http://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BDiarovka • http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-most-important-historical-finds.php • http://list25.com/25-most-intense-archaeological-discoveries-in-human-history/2/ • http://kalyan-city.blogspot.com/2010/09/inventions-discoveries-list-who.html