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The 8 th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety, May 28 - June 1, 2007, St.Petersburg, Russia. Expert Group on Assay Data of Spent Nuclear Fuel (EGADSNF) of Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety in OECD/NEA Nuclear Science Committee.
The 8th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety, May 28 - June 1, 2007, St.Petersburg, Russia Expert Group on Assay Data of Spent Nuclear Fuel (EGADSNF) of Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety in OECD/NEA Nuclear Science Committee K. SuyamaJapan Atomic Energy AgencyY. RugamaOECD/NEA DatabankM. Brady-RaapPacific Northwest National Laboratory
Back Ground(1) • How we can validate our burnup calculation code and method? • Measured isotopic composition (PIE) data are required. • Difficult to conduct PIE under limited man-power and budget condition. • To share PIE data is useful for future activities. • Development of database “SFCOMPO.” ICNC2007 : SS on PIE data
Background(2) • In may 2006, OECD/NEA sponsored a PIE workshop in the Czech republic. • The general requirements for PIE data for other reactor types and applications were also discussed and confirmed among the meeting participants. ICNC2007 : SS on PIE data
Background(3) • At the NEA/NSC/WPNCS meeting at Aix-en-Provence on 2006, setting up a subgroup on PIE data was proposed and endorsed by the group. • The recommendation was an “expert group” under WPNCS, instead of “subgroup” under EGBUC. ICNC2007 : SS on PIE data
Structure • Expert group on Assay Data of Spent Nuclear Fuel (EGADSNF). • Date of creation: December 2006 (after endorsement at the bureau meeting of NSC in December 2006). • Duration: two years (December 2008). ICNC2007 : SS on PIE data
Mandate - 1 • A review of PIE activities and facilities with such capabilities in OECD member countries, and PIE data in SFCOMPO database operated by OECD/NEA in order to understand current situation. ICNC2007 : SS on PIE data
Mandate - 2 • To collect new isotopic composition data from PIE and input them and their associated operating histories/data into SFCOMPO. ICNC2007 : SS on PIE data
Mandate - 3 • To keep and archive original reports of any PIE data included in the SFCOMPO database, including the addition of data references that were used in the original development. ICNC2007 : SS on PIE data
Mandate - 4 • To provide technical advice in support of PIE activities in member countries and to promote international collaborations in order to compensate for the fact that few PIE data are openly available. ICNC2007 : SS on PIE data
Nomination of members experiments to applications • WPNCS members. • Burnup Credit Application. • Radioactive Waste Management. • NEA Radioactive Waste Management Committee. • Integration Group for the Safety Case (IGCS). • Reactor Safety. • NEA Nuclear Safety Division. • Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI). • Specialists of experiment (PIE for assay data). • Institute for Trans Uranium (ITU), Belgonucleaire, CSK.CEN. ICNC2007 : SS on PIE data
Deliverables • Revised SFCOMPO database itself. • Archive of original report and references. • New PIE data (if possible). • Report on PIE. • State of the art report on PIE (method, error, quality of the data). • To be used if someone conducts PIE in future. ICNC2007 : SS on PIE data
Meetings • October 2006 (NEA HQ). • Kick off meeting. • 10 participants from 6 countries and one international organization. • April 2007 (NEA HQ). • 1st meeting (official meeting). • 13 participants from 6 counties and 2 international organizations. • General discussion, allocation of homework. ICNC2007 : SS on PIE data
Highlight of last meeting • Well-defined work plan was confirmed. • PIE is one of the key issues of nuclear technology development. • Long half-life nuclide (required by waste management) • Our report will include: • State of the art of measurement of PIE data (techniques, errors). • Sensitivity analysis (error estimation) of PIE data considering missing data in open-document. • Requirement of PIE data not only BUC but also other applications. ICNC2007 : SS on PIE data