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6 Habits of Highly Effective Teams

6 Habits of Highly Effective Teams. By: Morgan Allen, Morgan Minto, Read Capron, Ana–Marie Azor, Zach Nunn, & Alex Cosimeno. Introduction. Our formative experiences with teams Speaking of teeing up People styles Teams that are sponsored and compete Teams aggregate expertise

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6 Habits of Highly Effective Teams

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  1. 6 Habits of Highly Effective Teams By: Morgan Allen, Morgan Minto, Read Capron, Ana–Marie Azor, Zach Nunn, & Alex Cosimeno

  2. Introduction • Our formative experiences with teams • Speaking of teeing up • People styles • Teams that are sponsored and compete • Teams aggregate expertise • Teamwork is fun

  3. Resonating With A Team Experience • Experiences with groups • 6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses • Relationship skills and teams

  4. Teams vs. Effective Teams What is a team? “Any group of interacting individuals sharing a common goal and the responsibility for achieving it” Effective Teams Consist of: • Highly complementary skills • Highly common objectives • Highly common performance goals • Highly accountable members

  5. Characteristics of Effective Teams • Size • Overpopulation can waste time and resources • Under population can cause delays in deadlines and resource shortages • Complementary Skills • Right mix of people • “2+2=8” • Common Purpose • Team unity

  6. Characteristics of Effective Teams Cont. • Performance Goals • Set milestones • Approach • Best opportunity for success • Combine planning with relationship-focused efforts • Mutual Accountability

  7. How to Measure Team Effectiveness • Performance Effectiveness • Present quantity and quality concept • Behavioral Outcomes • External rate of satisfaction • Member Attitudes • Members sense of outcome

  8. Performing Stage “Who does what, when, and where?” • Characteristics of Performing Stage • Instruction is no longer needed • Shared vision • Disagreements are resolved positively

  9. 6 Habits of Highly Effective Teams • Foundation • Strengthen Emotional Capacity & Improve Team Relationships • Expand Team Self-Awareness • Practice Empathy and Respectfulness • Apply Caring Skills to Processes • Establish and Regulate Team Norms • Think Laterally • Build Team Trust • Entrust Team Members with Appropriate Roles

  10. Habit #1:Strengthen Emotional Capacity To Improve Team Relationships • Understand how to balance interconnected relationships • Members’ relationships with each other • Members’ relationship to the team itself • The team’s relationship to external clients and stakeholders

  11. CHEEARS! • Establish a process to meet relationship needs of clients. • CHEEARS • Competence • Honesty • Empathy • Easy To Work With • Accessibility • Responsiveness • Sharing Information

  12. Habit #2:Expanding Team Self-Awareness Team self-awareness can also be described as the team’s identity shared by all team members and people who associate with the team.

  13. Ways To Find Team Identity • Shared Mission • Norms That Stem From Shared Values • Team Competencies and Strengths • Perceptions of People Who Interact with the Team

  14. Get A Team Name! • Helps people connect to the team’s entity • Provides something for the team to form its identity around • Should be congruent with the team’s mission, purpose, and function or client

  15. Develop a Mission Statement • Helps the team clarify its purpose and common objectives • Should be clear, concise, and understandable • Should be outcome oriented Our mission statement: “ We exist to increase funding for Habitat For Humanity by conducting and promoting two successful fundraisers.”

  16. Mission Statement Cont. • Why is the team necessary? • What objectives does the team have? • Who benefits from the effectiveness of the team? • What performance standards does the team have? • What actions show the team’s purpose?

  17. Clarify Team Values • Values contribute to the team’s norming process. • Values identify the team’s underlying core beliefs. • Our team believes…?

  18. Habit #3:Practicing Empathy & Respectfulness Empathy is “prioritizing understanding over imposing one’s own views on others.”

  19. To Have Empathy: • Seek first to understand • Be “other-oriented” • Feel “with” the other person • Listen actively • Practice empathetic interpersonal methods

  20. Empathetic Personal Methods • Slow down • Note physical reactions • Focus on emotional reality • Empathy drives team relationships and leads to better team communication!

  21. Respectfulness • Share information evenly across the team. • Notify team members in advance about role changes. • Evenly distribute difficult tasks among team members. • Be honest and fair.

  22. Habit #4:Establishing & Regulating Team Norms High S O C I A L I Z A T I O N Emotionally Intelligent, Creative, Individualism Conformity Rebellion Isolation Individualization High Low

  23. Revisiting Norms • Questions to discuss • Team 1: Orientation Sequence • Team 2: Orientation Sequence

  24. Norms Cont. • Norms • Behaviors • Shared Expectations

  25. Habit #5:Thinking Laterally • Emotional self-awareness • Self management competencies • Reading situations well • Managing relationships

  26. The Six Thinking Hats • White Hat: Facts • Red Hat: Feelings • Black Hat: Cautions • Yellow Hat: Benefits • Green Hat: Creativity • Blue Hat: Process

  27. Habit #6:Entrusting Team Members With Appropriate Roles • Capstone attribute of highly effective teams • Designate specific roles for each team member • Match roles with each members respective competencies • Role designations, competence, & trust are highly interconnected

  28. Developing Trust • Can NOT be dictated • Grows as teams members worth together more efficiently • When those closest betray our trust, we’re less likely to trust others in similar situations • 3 variables of Trust: • Evaluations of ability • Integrity • Benevolence

  29. Levels of Trust Development • Calculus vs. Identity based trust • Calculus based is behaviorally oriented, risk and reward-based approach • Identity based is the highest level and enhanced by strong emotional bonds

  30. Flexing To Team Roles & Members’ People Style • Certain team roles just fit a team member better than another • When the fit is right, team competence and mutual trust is heightened • People styles: • Amiables • Drivers • Expressives • Analyticals

  31. Birthday Line Up Activity • Line up according to birthday (not year, but the day of the year you were born, e.g. February 11). NO VERBAL COMMUNICATION! • Starting Point • January 1 • Ending Point • December 31

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