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Stay informed about curriculum, homework, reading, behavior, P.E. schedules, uniform guidelines, appointments, attendance, and more for Year 4. Parent support is essential for your child's progress. Contact us for any queries!
Year 4 Welcome Meeting Thursday 15th September 2016
Staff in Year 4 5 Classes in Year 4 at St. George site (2 at Bonham): AmethystTeacher: Mrs Kiffin Jade Teacher: Miss Burns Turquoise Teacher: Mrs Choudhury/Mr Zamora Sunstone Teacher: Miss Stock Moonstone Teacher: Miss Tinney Support Staff Mrs Mukith, Ms Mason, Mr Mulia, Mrs Ruprah Ms Pearson, Ms Grant
Our Topics North and South America Europe Romans Anglo Saxons and Scots Save our Planet Rivers and Water Cycle
Curriculum Forecasts At the beginning of each half term we will send home a curriculum forecast that will inform you of what the children will be learning in all subjects during that half term. There will also be information about trips, assemblies and P.E. days.
Homework Spelling activity: Given on a Tuesday for a test the following Monday. Literacy:Given on a Tuesday and returned the following Monday. Maths: Given out on a Friday, due in the following Friday. This school/parent partnership plays a crucial part in your child’s progress. Please support your child with their homework.
Reading Reading is taught through daily Reciprocal Reading session. Each child will “read” in a small group with the teacher, once a week. Focus on comprehension and discussing the themes, characters and ideas in the book. Please help your child to develop a love of reading by encouraging them to read a range of things – books, comics, leaflets, newspapers, magazines, instructions etc Try to ask “Why … ?” and “How … ?” questions, followed by a discussion. Please ensure that you are signing your child’s reading diary as it will be checked (and rewarded!)
Behaviour Stay on green Every class has a display with the colours red, yellow, blue, green, bronze, silver and gold. Every day the children start fresh on green. If children make positive choices they are moved to bronze, silver or gold. If negative choices are made they are moved to blue, yellow or red. These children are then helped, by the teacher, to get back on to green. At the end of the day points are added up and the class with the most at the end of the week is rewarded.
P.E. Jade: Thursday Amethyst: Monday Turquoise: Tuesday Sunstone: Wednesday Moonstone: Friday P.E. Kit P.E. kit must stay in school all week. White T-Shirt, Black or Blue Shorts, Black Plimsolls in a P.E. Bag, ALL labelled please! Jogging bottoms may be sent in as an extra for outdoor P.E. Long hair must be tied back. No earrings to be worn.
Making an appointment to see the class teacher Teachers are usually able to chat with you briefly after school once they have dismissed their class. If you would like to make an appointment please call, or pop in to the school office. Tel: 020 8270 6520
Attendance and Punctuality School starts at 8:45am. Late children must go to the office and will not be allowed to enter through their usual doors after 8.55am. Please ensure that your child is in on time. Work is set at tables from 8:45am. If they are absent or late, they will have missed a part of their day’s learning. Each week, the class that has the highest percentage in attendance and punctuality is rewarded with a class trophy and extra play time. Over the past year the classes have developed a healthy competitive streak over this and are all desperate to be the winners! Please help your child’s class win!
School Uniform Children must arrive to school in full uniform. Royal Blue sweatshirt and/or fleece with Valence Owl logo Grey trousers/skirts or pinafore dresses Blue gingham dresses for summer White polo top or shirt Black footwear only Grey, white or black socks and tights Hair bands in uniform colour Book bags, P.E. bags are also available in school colours. No jewellery or make up to be worn by pupils (only ear studs allowed).
School Website You can check for dates of upcoming events by reading our school newsletters that are sent out (mostly by email). You can also access this information on the school website: www.valenceprimaryschool.com If you would like to keep updated on social media we have facebook and twitter pages
Thank you for coming! If you have further questions we can arrange a time to speak to you individually.