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Namaskar Baba had said …. (5). Although I have said this before, I will say it again: seventy-five per cent of the evils in society are the result of the injustices that people commit against each other.
Namaskar Baba had said …. (5)
Although I have said this before, I will say it again: seventy-five per cent of the evils in society are the result of the injustices that people commit against each other. Human Society-I
Those who indulged in vain criticism and slandering instead of trying to remove the factors diving the human race, created even more problems for society. That’s why there is more disunity than unity in the human society today. AFPS-2
Although English came from overseas it alone was responsible for forging a unifying link among the diverse population of India.… English alone is qualified to become the world language. Human Society-I.
Bengal civilization is a blending of three deltaic civilizations and secondly, it is not a simple civilization but a great, complicated civilization. AFPS-5
Let the light of Chattisgarh be ever effulgent, like a luminous star in human society, so that all may learn and be benefited by it. AFPS-4
Tamil is one of the oldest languages of India. It is more than four thousand years old. Varna Vijinan
Maethilii language is the second most ancient. This language is at least 1200 to 1300 years old. A Few Problems Solved-4
At one time Bengali, Assamese, Maethilii, Oriya and so on were one language. They became separate languages about eight hundred and fifty years ago. Varna Vijinan
Oriya also contains about ninety percent Sanskrit words. Among the south Indian languages, Malayalam has about seventy-five percent Sanskrit words. Among non-Indian languages, the languages of Sumatra, Java, Bali and Thailand have an abundance of Sanskrit words. Varna Vijinan
You are all human beings. You are all dignified human beings. Forget all fissiparous tendencies that sometimes function within the human mind. AV-7
This running blindly without discriminating between the proper and the improper is called sentiment. Socio-sentiment has, in the past, caused much bloodshed and created enormous division and mutual distrust among human groups, separating one group from another and throwing them into the dark dungeons of petty dogmas. Humanity’s movement is then no longer like a broad and flowing river, but like a stagnant pool. …. Intelligent people must keep themselves aloof from this geo-sentiment and support nothing that is based on it, because it pollutes the devotional sentiment; it degrades human beings and undermines human excellence. Neo-Humanism m
If I had used big intellectuals and spiritual giants to do My work, where then is the greatness of the work? Baba
I define immorality as that which, in order to further the personal interest of an individual or group, aims to exploit another individual or group or the rest of society, or aims to deprive them of the right to self-preservation. Behaviour based on such immoral intentions is a crime. HS I
I therefore think that the term ‘penal system’ should be deleted from social terminology. If and when somebody, whether a judge or an ordinary person, takes any type of action against another, it should be corrective, not punitive. Human Society-I
All the great warmongers, the great politicians of the world, belong to this vipra gang of satanic intellect. At their command, or due to their fiery lectures or diplomatic intrigues, millions of foolish shúdras have lost their lives. Human Society
The only problem in human life is the lack of a cosmic perspective. Baba
Struggle is the essence of life and inaction is death. Avoidance of struggle is hypocrisy. AFPS-6
Till now human beings have not been able to form a real society....Ananda Marga keeps its gates open so that each and every man and woman may enter. Anybody may join, anybody may sing in chorus with the rest. The united march of the people is a march of victory. Ananda Marga states this in unequivocal language. AFPS-6
Instead of reacting to apparent differences, one should seek internal unity. AFPS-2
It is the Sadvipras who must take most of the responsibility to remove the disunity. Sadvipras will not give any importance to the points of difference, but will continuously inspire and encourage the common bonds of unity and thus strengthen humanity. Only then will the human society become one and indivisible. Only then will it be worthy of being called a “human society”. AFPS-2
Movement means the active effort to destroy an existing structure and construct another. The very effort to destroy old, worn-out systems gives rise to the possibility of creating newer systems and codes. Human Society-I
All the countries of the world can apply Ananda Marga philosophy according to their distinctive national Práńa Dharma. AFPS-6.
Many social problems arise due to lack of magnanimity, such as not properly understanding or respecting the views of others. This not only keeps people apart, but also makes them hostile to each other. PNS 3
Do good. But do not be arrogant and vainglorious. Arrogance and false pride can ruin Ananda Marga. Ananda Vacanamrtam, Volume 1