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Background of project and recap Designing for Ouseburn – what we are offering Outline of forthcoming sessions Designing for Ouseburn – an approach to assessing and commenting on schemes Break for food The development process and consultation Neighbourhood Forums Opportunities and Next steps.
Background of project and recap • Designing for Ouseburn – what we are offering • Outline of forthcoming sessions • Designing for Ouseburn – an approach to assessing and commenting on schemes • Break for food • The development process and consultation • Neighbourhood Forums • Opportunities and Next steps session 1 Written for the Designing Ouseburn’s Future project 2012 www.northernarchitecture.com
Background and recap • Too many groups or committees • No going over old ground • Action not words • Relationship to existing strategies • Relationship to NCC • Complex and contentious issues • Differences of opinion www.northernarchitecture.com
What are we proposing? • Information, training and support to help understand and critically assess planning proposals on the basis of design quality (through these sessions and web resources) • A bespoke Designing for Ouseburn handbook and assessment criteria within a structured process that facilitates critical assessment, referencing existing policies and key issues • Exploring the opportunities and options beyond this (which we’ll explain more about later) www.northernarchitecture.com
Outline of sessions Session 1 Introduction, Designing for Ouseburn Handbook and criteria, the development process, neighbourhood forums, thoughts for beyond – questions to revisit in session 3 Session 2 The role of design quality, principles of good design, what are the criteria? (general and Ouseburn-specific) Session 3 Engaging with the planning process and how it works (NCC), assessing a proposal, discussing opportunities (Igloo) and ‘to group or not to group’ www.northernarchitecture.com
Aims of the handbook and criteria • The handbook provides the background and context. The criteria provides a set of questions to help evaluate any proposal that you want to assess • Focuses on accepted principles of good design and place-making • Provides a practical, working, clear way of methodically assessing proposals and creating feedback • Based on Building for Life, a tried and tested assessment mechanism and one that local authorities are familiar with • Draws on general principles as well as existing policy and planning guidance relevant to the Ouseburn and other relevant key issues (plenty of scope for input) • Draws out only planning issues that will be taken into consideration at pre-planning consultation and planning committee stages • Stands up to being used on an individual or group basis and is adaptable to policy change www.northernarchitecture.com
Draft Criteria www.northernarchitecture.com
Draft Criteria www.northernarchitecture.com
Draft Criteria www.northernarchitecture.com
Draft Criteria www.northernarchitecture.com
Points to note • As outlined here, this approach will mainly allow being responsive rather than pro-active and applies to the planning application consultation stage. • But it should provide a good platform from which to establish pre-application discussions with developers and NCC. • Developer interest is currently low, however the key forthcoming opportunity is to engage with Igloo. www.northernarchitecture.com
Break for food www.northernarchitecture.com
What are Neighbourhood Forums? • Community groups that are designated to take forward neighbourhood planning in areas without Parish or Town Councils. • An existing organisation or group of individuals can decide to establish a proposed neighbourhood forum and then approach their local authority to become officially designated as the neighbourhood forum for that area. www.northernarchitecture.com
The basic criteria • It is established for the express purpose of promoting or improving the social, economic and environmental well-being of an area that consists of or includes the neighbourhood area concerned. • Its membership is open to all people who live in the neighbourhood area concerned, people who work there (whether for businesses carried on there or otherwise), and elected members. • Its membership includes a minimum of 21 people each of whom either lives or works or is an elected member. • It has a written constitution. • It can also have the express purpose of promotion of business interests. www.northernarchitecture.com
Local Authority designation • The local authority can consider designating new organisations or existing organisations • Lasts for 5 years but can be withdrawn earlier • There can only be one Forum in an area • The boundaries for the neighbourhood will be proposed by the community group but the council will need to agree this. • They will also check that community groups meet the right standards. The planning authority will say “no” if, for example, the organisation is too small or not representative enough of the local community. • It isn't first come, first served - others can propose alternatives • If the local planning authority decides that the community group meets the right standards, the group will be able to call itself a ‘neighbourhood forum’. www.northernarchitecture.com
How do you become a Neighbourhood Forum? • Submit a statement to the local authority that: • Names the proposed neighbourhood forum, contains its constitution and gives contact details of members • Says why the applicant qualifies as a neighbourhood forum • Names and sets out the area it covers • Says why the area is suitable for neighbourhood planning www.northernarchitecture.com
For business neighbourhoods • The Localism Act included amendments that allow businesses to play a leading role in the setting up of neighbourhood forums and the development of neighbourhood plans in certain areas. In designating such a neighbourhood, the local authority will have to decide whether it should be specifically designated as a “business neighbourhood”. • Businesses, investors, developers and other commercial organisations will be able to get involved with the forums or parishes. With their agreement, businesses could sponsor the process of developing a neighbourhood plan. www.northernarchitecture.com
Things to consider (not to be answered today!) Do you want to be involved in setting up an Ouseburn Neighbourhood Forum? Could the Neighbourhood Forum be hosted by an existing organisation or would a new independent group be preferable? Are you interested in developing a neighbourhood plan for the area, which is one of the primary functions for a NF? www.northernarchitecture.com
Opportunities and next steps Sessions provide foundation for either minimum or maximum outcomes. This is for you and others beyond the room to decide. Sessions provide platform for dialogue with Igloo about the future of key sites and with other future developers. www.northernarchitecture.com