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Information Session (10.10.13). Franziska Edler (Mo 10.00-11.30) Theresa Finck (Di 14.30-16.00) Anna Wörsdörfer (Do 12.00-13.30) http://www.uni-giessen.de/ http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/fbz/ fb05/romanistik/institut/erasmus Erasmus@romanistik.uni-giessen.de Tel.: +49-641-99-31113
Information Session (10.10.13) Franziska Edler (Mo 10.00-11.30) Theresa Finck (Di 14.30-16.00) Anna Wörsdörfer (Do 12.00-13.30) http://www.uni-giessen.de/ http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/fbz/ fb05/romanistik/institut/erasmus Erasmus@romanistik.uni-giessen.de Tel.: +49-641-99-31113 Fax: +49-641-99-31129
Information Session • How to immatriculate at Giessen • Registration at the City Bureau • Timetables / Learning Agreements / Writing term papers / Plagiarism • Registration for courses • Orientation test for German Evening Classes • End of stay / Prolongation • End of stay / Transcript of Records 8. How to find courses
1. How to immatriculate at Giessen The immatriculation takes place at the International Relations Office (Goethestraße 58). Tutors will help you to immatriculate. Please bring along the following documents: • Letter of admission as an Erasmus student • Passport photo • Payment receipt of the semester fee • Valid health insurance certificate • If you do not have the European health insurance card, you have to take out an insurance here (e.g. with the TK (Liebigstraße 14)).
2. Registration at the City Bureau All citizens from the EU and Efta have to register in the City Bureau of Giessen: Ausländerstelle Einwohnermeldeamt (Berliner Platz 1)
2. Registration at the City Bureau Youhaveto bring alongthefollowingdocuments: • Valid pass • Passportphoto • Certificateexplaininghowyoufinanceyour studies (non-EU) • CertificateofImmatriculation • Tenancyagreementforyourroom at Giessen
3. Timetables / Learning Agreements • In general, youcanchoosethecoursesthatyouareinterested in. Ifyourhomeuniversitywantsyoutochoosespecificcoursesto valid yoursemester, youhavetofollowtheirguidelines. In general, studentsarerequestedtoobtain 30 Credits per semester. • Ifyouhaveproblemsorquestions, comeandseeusduringourofficehoursorwriteus an email. Information aboutcoursesfrom different departments: - English: Dr. Andrea Rummel, Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10 B, room 328b, Tel. 99-30092 - German: Prof. Dr. Sascha Feuchert, Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10B, room 133, Tel. 99-29072 - Economics: erasmus@wirtschaft.uni-giessen.de Pleasehandus in yourlistofcoursesuntil Nov. 13th!
Writing term papers /Plagiarism • If you attend a seminar, you will probably have to write a term paper to get a grade. Please note: Do NOT copy anything from the internet or any literature without quoting it correctly! All extracts that are not your personal ideas have to be quoted correctly!
Writing term papers / Plagiarism • Copying a text without quoting its source is plagiarism. Plagiarism is cheating! Consequences: 0 points (= fail) • Yor are expected to use scientific literature for a seminar paper: If you do not know how or where to find literature or how to quote it correctly, ask your professors.
Credit Points • Usually, you only get Credit Points for a course, if you pass an exam successfully. Please make sure you take the exam, if you need the Credit Points urgently!
4. Registration for courses Registration system at Giessen: Flex Now You have to be registered in Flex Now for most of the courses, in order to pass the final exam. We will register you. Therefore, we need your complete course lists until Nov. 13th at the latest!
5. Orientation Test for the German Evening Classes • The orientation test takes place on October 16th, 12.30-13.30 o‘clock, Philosophikum I, Otto-Behaghel-Straße 10, room A4. • The test is obligatory for the students wishing to attend the German Evening Classes. • Exception: If you have obtained a certificate with a mark during the summer semester, you do not have to take the orientation test. • Everybody has to register online by October 11th: http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/internationales/sprachkurse/in/abendkurs
6. End of stay Prolongation • You have been nominated for only one semester but you wish to study at Gießen for two semesters? Deadline: January 31st We need: - a confirmation of your home coordinator (by mail or printed version) http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/internationales/erasmus/in/bewerbung/anreise
6. End of stay / Transcript of records • At the end of your studies at Giessen, you will get a Transcript of Records with all your marks and the credit points. • For all courses which are not in Flex Now you should hand us in a certificate from the teacher, on which the mark is noted. If this is not possible, the teacher can also send us an email with your mark (Erasmus@romanistik.uni-giessen.de). • If you leave Giessen, before you know all your marks, please ask the teachers to send us your marks. • Before you leave, a caretaker will have a look at your room. If everything is alright, he will give you a certificate that you have to show the „Studentenwerk“ in order to get back your security deposit. If you leave on weekend, you should go and see the Studentenwerk until Friday, 12 o‘clock.
7. Important Links International Relations Office: Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Akademisches Auslandsamt Goethestraße 58 D-35390 Gießen Tel: +49-641-99-12131 Fax: +49-641-99 12139 Email: europa-aaa@admin.uni-giessen.de Contactperson/Institutionalcoordinator: Julia-Sophie Rothmann
7. Important Links Homepage of the Universität Gießen: http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/ Our homepage (Erasmus office): http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/fbz/fb05/ romanistik/institut/erasmus Information for incoming students http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/fbz/fb05/romanistik/ institut/erasmus/incoming
7. Important Links Department for Romance Studies: http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/fbz/fb05/romanistik International Relations Office: http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/internationales Academic Calender: http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/studium/semesterzeiten Timetable of lectures: http://evv.uni-giessen.de/
7. Important Links Faculties : http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/fbz/fb05/ romanistik/institut/erasmus/incoming/studium/fb Term times http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/fbz/fb05/romanistik/ institut/erasmus/incoming/studium/semesterzeiten Different types of classes: http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/fbz/fb05/romanistik/institut/ erasmus/incoming/studium/lehrveranst
7. Important Links Living in Gießen: http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/fbz/fb05/ romanistik/institut/erasmus/incoming/vorderabreise/wohnheim Download Learning Agreement / Transcript of Records/ Online Application / Application for a place in a hall of residence http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/internationales/erasmus/in/bewerbung/forms
7. Important Links Classes taught in English: http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/ internationales/ce Language Classes for Erasmus-Students: http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/ internationales/sprachkurse/in
Timetable of lectures of some departments of the JLU Giessen: Department of Economics: http://wiwi.uni-giessen.de/lv/vv/fb02/ Department of International Law: http://studip.uni-giessen.de/studip/evv/ extern.php?parent_id=9e1c87497c7b145418cb7cd61a18f33b&lang=de&mode=full
Timetable of lectures of some departments of the JLU Giessen: Department of Languages, Literature and Culture (Romance philology): http://studip.uni-giessen.de/studip/evv/extern.php?parent_id =2f47dd1da1a403c1d5e6ac7c2e7507d1&lang=de&mode=full Department of English: http://studip.uni-giessen.de/studip/evv/extern.php?parent_id =0f8c74fb1d74184ba2d3f3e66a0e5376&lang=de&mode=full German classes for international students: http://studip.uni-giessen.de/studip/evv/extern.php?parent_ id=bc9916fc0054d4a0384bf8027d9f8a90&lang=de&mode=full
Additional Courses ZfbK Language Courses http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms/fbz/ zentren/zfbk/forumsprachen/sprachangebot/englisch Sportprogramme http://www.uni-giessen.de/cms /fbz/svc/ahs
The different types of courses in Giessen: VL = Vorlesung (lecture): You have to write a test at the end of the semester, if you need the Credits. Ü = Übung ([language] practice): You will probably have to do a written test at the end of the semester and sometimes also during the semester. Sometimes you have to do a presentation.
The different types of courses in Giessen: Si = Seminar (seminar): You will have to do a presentation and a term paper at the end of the semester. GK = Grundkurs (Introductory course): This type of course is an introduction into a topic which finishes in general with a test.
Short Presentation of Stud.IP • https://studip.uni-giessen.de/studip/
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