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Rule 1:. Be where you’re supposed to be. Rule 2:. Know what you’re supposed to know. Rule 3:. Do what you’re supposed to do. Weekly Privilege Level:.
Rule 1: • Be where you’re supposed to be.
Rule 2: • Know what you’re supposed to know.
Rule 3: • Do what you’re supposed to do.
Weekly Privilege Level: • The weekly privilege level is determined by adding the prior week’s daily point total and dividing by the number of days those points were earned. New privilege levels are posted each Monday. • Points may not be added if you are missing a parent signature on your returned summary sheet.
Automatic Level Drops: • School Suspension • Physical Aggression with objects or people. • Verbal Aggression/Cussing/Disrespectful Language • Office Referral • Should any of these incidents occur, you will immediately drop one or more privilege level(s). You will remain at your lowered privilege level until a new privilege level is earned through your point sheet and posted on the following Monday.
Level 5 - Automacity: • You have earned 90% and above of the possible weekly points as listed on your personal point sheet. • Students enjoy the benefits of increase privileges and independence during the school day. • Level 4 Privileges continue to apply with specific increases in your responsibility. • You are eligible to attend all passing periods. • You are eligible to attend dances, pep rallies, etc. • You may sit with the general population during lunch. • Shop any day (may purchase 3 items – your choice). • Any free time: you can choose your own school appropriate activity.
Level 4 – Collaborate: • You have earned 80-89% of the possible weekly points as listed on your personal point sheet. • Appropriate behaviors are evident and occurring automatically. You are likely listening without interruption, state situations clearly, and have a willingness to cooperate with a teacher’s final decision on an issue. • Points can be addressed and negotiated once before lunch and at the end of the day (twice a day). • Level 3 Privileges continue to apply with specific increases in your responsibility. • Freedom to arrive and leave campus without an escort. • You are eligible to attend field trips* • You are eligible to attend dances, pep rallies, etc. • You may sit with the general population during lunch, just communicate with the teacher where you plan to sit. • Shop Wednesday & Friday (limited to what you can purchase 2 small items). • Any free time: you may choose from options the teacher gives or you may provide a suggestion for teacher approval.
Level 3 - Fluency: • You have earned 70-79% of the possible weekly points as listed on your personal point sheet. • Appropriate behaviors are evident and occurring limitedly. You are likely needing to continue to build consistent and appropriate behavioral fluency and skills. • Points will be addressed throughout the day at the end of each class. • Level 1 and 2 Privileges continue to apply with specific increases in your responsibility. • You earn passing periods (possible adult shadow). • Lunch is the same as Level 2. • Friday Shop Day (you may purchase 2 small items). • Any free time: you can choose an activity from options the teacher provided.
Level 2 – Guided Practice: • You have earned 60-69% of the possible weekly points as listed on your personal point sheet. • Appropriate behaviors are limited. You are likely increasing your use of appropriate behavioral skills as identified on your point sheet. You are beginning to utilize strategies to make more appropriate and positive behavioral decisions. • Points will be addressed throughout the day during class and at the end of each class. • Level 1 Privileges continue to apply with specific increases in your responsibility. • Morning OR afternoon passing period (time determined by teacher). • Escort to lunch to sit in designated area. • Friday Shop Day (you may purchase 1 small item). • Any free time: you can choose an activity from options the teacher provided.
Level 1: • You have earned 0-59% of the possible weekly points as listed on your personal point sheet. • You are learning basic behavioral skills and appropriate alternatives to past problems. We will try and view your behavioral ‘mistake’ as learning opportunities, however there will still be appropriate consequences. You are likely increasing your use of appropriate behavioral skills as identified on your point sheet. You are beginning to utilize tool as strategies to make more appropriate and positive behavioral decisions. • Points will be addressed throughout the day during class and at the end of each class.
Level 1 - Acquisition: • All privileges revoked unless specified. • Escort from area of entry onto campus. • Escort to bathroom @ approximately 10:30 and @ 2:00. • Escort to lunch to sit in the lunch detention area. • You may choose lunch or you may not; your behavior is the deciding factor. • Any free time: you will complete an activity provided by the teacher. • Escort to area of exit from campus.
Remember: • Free your mind of distractions. • Organize yourself • C heck the expectations and get started. • U se help wisely. • Supervise yourself.