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The quality of product or service is related to be effective and lucrative with respect to enhance the sales ratio. The major outcome of this report is related to the fact that market segmentation and different other marketing techniques have direct relationship with the sales revenue of hotel. View our sample for Sales Development.
SALES DEVELOPMENT The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1 TASK A: ELEMENTS OF PRODUCTS IN A BUSINESS AND SERVICE......................... 2 A) Products components and role of products mix in maximizing sales....... 2 B) Contrition of Market segment in boosting sales................................................. 5 TASK B: EXTERNAL SALES DEVELOPMENT TECHNIQUES.......................................... 7 A) Factors affecting buyer behavior..............................................................................7 B) Effectiveness of advertising media..........................................................................9 C) Use of External Merchandising..................................................................................9 TASK C)...................................................................................................................................... 10 A. An assessment of the influence of design and layout on customer spending................................................................................................................................10 B. A review and evaluation of the effectiveness of internal merchandising materials.................................................................................................11 C. An evaluation of different promotional activities according to different scenarios...............................................................................................................................12 TASK D)......................................................................................................................................13 A. An evaluation of personal selling techniques...............................................13 B. A discussion about the influence of operational design on sales revenue..................................................................................................................................15 The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
C. Key principles that should be included in a sales training programmed 16 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................16 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................18 Sample on SALES DEVELOPMENT Contact: help@instantassignmenthelp.com.au The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
INTRODUCTION In the modern era, there exist high amount of competition and rivalry in the business environment and therefore it is required to incorporate sound strategies in this context so that effectual results can be attained with it. In this regard, sale is one of the key areas that essentially supports in boosting the competency of the firm and hence it is required to develop it. This is so because it is one of the practice from which firm earns revenue and it act as a base through which they able to sustain in the market place for longer (Deist, 2007). Considering this, present research is prepared in order to gain information about the development of sale and factors associated with it. For this purpose, Marriot International has been taken into account so that practical knowledge can be attained with it. It is an American diversified company into hospitality sector that certainly manages and franchises wide range of hotels and other related lodging services. In present time, Marriot is one of the largest hospitality firms that own around 4000 establishments in not less than 80 countries. Company possess relatively high market share throughout the globe and hence gains attention from large set of audiences (Bahng and Kincade, 2012). In order to boost the sale of Marriott Hotel, they incorporates various modes like social media marketing, hoarding on airport and other related so that they able to attract more of customers on their side. Present report involves different set of areas over sales development so that better knowledge can be attained with it. Areas that are covered in this report are key components of products, attainment of profit through product mix, gaining insight about maximization of sales through market The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
segmentation, external sales development techniques, internal sale promotion and merchandising, role of staff in boosting the sales of Marriott Hotel. Sample on SALES DEVELOPMENT Contact: help@instantassignmenthelp.com.au TASK A: ELEMENTS OF PRODUCTS IN A BUSINESS AND SERVICE A) Products components and role of products mix in maximizing sales Marriot being a giant hospitability organization involve series of products in their operations through which they able to attain an edge over their rivals. In this context, accommodation and lodging are the key products that are being offered by Marriot to wide range of customers (Hastings, 2011). With this scenario, products and services can be understood as a item or offering that aids in satisfying the ultimate needs and wants of consumer in effective manner. In this regard, there are 4 major competent of the products of Marriot Hotel and these are described below: The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
Actual Products: Company offers products in the context of accommodation to their guest. This helps them in gaining attention from tourist and visitors. This acts as a core product of Marriott. Another product that is being offered by this hotel is food and beverages which also support them in gaining high amount of attention from different target customers (Mattsson, 2003). This product also plays a crucial role in boosting their sale among local residents also. Core Benefits: Company being a premium hospitality firm involves high amount of customization in their product setting and this is the core benefits that are being offered to varied guests. Also, they offer tailored products to their customers so that better meeting out with the wants and needs of customers can be done and hence ultimate objectives can be attained with it. In addition to it, Marriot involved different sort of cuisines in their foods and beverages section from which they able to satisfy the diverse needs of their customers (McNaughton, 2002). Additionally, hotel also incorporated the practice of preparing foods in an authentic manner in order to target niche segment. This helps them in boosting their sales in a significant manner and also aids in boosting their market share gradually. Supporting product: There are various products of Marriott that act as a supporting product to their core products. These are cosmetics and bathing items that are being offered to guest. Also, cab facility and providing of guide is another set of supporting products. The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
Augmented Product: Apart from accommodation, lodging, foods and beverages section, company also involves augmented products in their operations with a motive to boost their revenue in a significantly manner. For this, hotel entailed the practice of offering their premise to prominent fashion brands such as Armani, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Hermes, Burberry, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, etc. so that they can increase footsteps in their hotel (Gebauer, Kucza and Wang, 2011). This aids them in gaining more of attention from local royal customers and hence they able to enhance their sale. Hence, these are the main components of products of Marriot that aids in offering high amount of satisfaction to customer of varied nature. This prominently helps in boosting the sale of hotel that ultimately results in boosting their profit margin also. It is being viewed that customized and tailored products of accommodation helps cited organization in gaining attention from royal customers and this is the main USP of products and services that are being offered to customers. Also, it supports in addressing diverse needs of customers in an effective manner from which they able to gain customers loyalty (Cavale, 2006). In this context, product mix can be referred to different sort of products that are being offered to end users. Product mix of Marriott involves accommodation, foods and beverages, cab facility, hospitality and other related. With the help of product mix, company able to achieve regular purchase of their products and hence this boost their sale and profit margin significantly. Same is the scenario with their food and beverages section in which they able to attract both local as well as foreign individual which lead to rise in their sale. Hence, it can be articulate with this The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
that product mix of Marriott is sound and this supporting firm in addressing diverse needs of customers in a significant manner (Knapp and Sciglimpaglia, 2006). Also, it helps in boosting their profit margin and this is the reason behind expanding the business of Marriot International. B) Contrition of Market segment in boosting sales Sample on SALES DEVELOPMENT Contact: help@instantassignmenthelp.com.au Beside product mix, it is also requited that company must segment their market so that they able to gain best out of it and also to align this with the needs and wants of customers. In this context, segmentation is a process of dividing whole market into segment so that most appropriate segment can be focused and also different strategy can be developed that best fits for them. Marriot segment their market on the basis of income level and geographical basis. Through income level, they only focus high income class The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
customers in order to offer highly customized and royal services to them. Company possesses an aim of delivering quality hospitality to their guest and addressing their needs in most effective manner (Musyoka and et.al, 2007). For this, they employed the strategy of offering premium products ops that only high income class people can only afford it. This segment criterion helps in gaining high amount of attention from target customers through which they able to boost their sale in a significant manner and hence attain market opportunities in a desired manner (Venugopal, 2008). Another segment criterion is on the basis of geographical region in which they usually target visitors only but they do target local residents also on occasion like Christmas Eve, New Year and other related. With this, they able to gain high responses from visitors through which regular business get attained by organization. This eventually helps in maximizing their sale. The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
TASK B: EXTERNAL SALES DEVELOPMENT TECHNIQUES A) Factors affecting buyer behavior Buyer decision making process is a systematic approach and hence incorporates 5 basic steps i.e. need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase and post purchase evaluation. Figure 1: Buyer Decision Making Process (Source: Dutta, 2011) Beside this, their behavior gets influenced from different attributes and hence different set of theories are developed upon it. These are generic theory, cultural theory and environmental theory. Generic is normal decision The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
making process whereas cultural theory states that culture and social class influences the decisions. Moreover, surrounding and scenario affects the decisions as per environmental theory. Figure 2: Theories of Buyer Behavior There are 4 major factors that affect the buyer behavior of particular products and hence same is applied in case of Marriot also. These are as follows: Cultural factors: This factor is inherent in individuals due to their social environment and hence influences one to make decision whether to buy it or not. Indian culture are inclined towards saving therefore Marriot are not able to gain same responses as they are gaining in European culture where people wants to explore new places and things (Havaldar, 2010). Social factors: This involves family, friends, reference groups and social roles which generally tracts one to purchase the products of Marriott or not. Individuals gains recommendation from social factors regarding Marriot and hence they makes decision over it for buying. Personal Factors: This majorly includes age, sex, occupation, interest, opinions, demographic and other related factors through which one makes decision to go for the products and services of Marriot or not (Etzold, 2009). Psychological factors: Under this, motivation, perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes are the key determinants that makes an impact over the buyer at the time of purchasing products of Marriott. The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
B) Effectiveness of advertising media Advertising is a paid form of promotion that aids in communicating with large set of audiences in an effective manner. It is essential to incorporate different sort of media in an advertisement field so that Marriott can able to boost their sales in a significant manner. For this purpose, digital media is one of the key source that aids in publicize the products and schemes of cited hotel. Under this, television and radio of airport and other station plays a crucial role in gaining high amount of response from visitors. Further, hoardings over airport and other station of cities also aids in attracting foreigners on their base. Additionally, magazines also support in creating awareness among customers and hence it boosts the sales volume of company up to a significant level (Vries and Boonstra, 2012). With the change in time, social media marketing and online marketing is one of the most effective media that are being practiced by Marriott that aids them in communicating with range of individuals in a significant manner. Hence, these are few of the effective advertisement media for Marriott international. C) Use of External Merchandising Merchandising is an act of promoting goods and services with a motive to cater the attention of large set of audiences on their side. Marriott International involves the use of external merchandizing in the field of food and beverages which eventually helps them in offering quality and varied cuisine throughout a year. With this, they able to attract more of customers on their side and it developed a unique image of Marriot (Jonsson and Mattsson, 2013). They can import different types of food and beverages in The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
their organization so that they can meet out effectively with diverse needs of their customers and this somewhere helps in increasing customer volumes. Sample on SALES DEVELOPMENT Contact: help@instantassignmenthelp.com.au TASK C) A. An assessment of the influence of design and layout on customer spending There is huge influence of design and layout on the customer spending. If customers find the design of the hotel and rooms to be lucrative and attractive then surely they spend more and try to experience the best. Marriott hotel must have the superb and elegant interior which will help them to make long term relationship with customers. Further if hotel is not having proper design and layout then it will help the sales person to convince the customer and they can spend lavishly. Further due to proper interior design the customers will show their interest into the hotel and will pay more The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
as they will get value to their investment (Dutta, 2011). Therefore in this way design and layout can influence the customer spending in favorable way. B. A review and evaluation of the effectiveness of internal merchandising materials The role of internal merchandising is very huge within the hospitality industry. It is significant in various ways and can provide different experience to the associate people. Merchandising is supposed to be done in very attractive manner so it may entice the customers and force them to make the purchase or to avail the services. J.P Marriott is one of the most elegant and luxurious hotels which has very eye catching and attractive interior (Baidya and Basu, 2011). The company has to make proper use of internal merchandising as with the help of this they can create the positive impact at the mindset of customers and can get the privilege of increased sales ratio. Merchandising is something which is highly responsible for improving the ambience of hotel and presenting the product in different and lucrative way. As mentioned above that merchandising is related to the display of products in very enticing manner. Thus the role of cultural aspects can be realized at very large scale (Greene, 2010). The cited hotel may take the help of cultural and social values and arrange their premises in such a way that it could be bound with the emotions and perception of customers. for instance if hotel is operating their business in Japan so the interior could represent the basic culture of Japan and rooms could be proper quoted with the social and cultural values of mentioned country. Thus in this way internal merchandising could be effective in different manner. The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
C. An evaluation of different promotional activities according to different scenarios. Sales promotion could be treated as situation in which any company has huge focus on increasing the sales of company. In order to promote the sales of any product at very large scale the organization can include various sales promotions activities. The main objective of sales promotion is that it helps in gaining the interest of customers so that they buy the product. Further another objective of sales promotion is to allure the common people and create such environment where they find more value in buying the product Mainly there are different types of promotional activities but it must be used as per the scenario and different conditions. For instance, if hotel has planned an offer for executives and other companies then they need to rely on direct marketing or internet based promotional tools. It includes the use of mail, SMS etc. It will help in developing the direct connections with the customers and they can bring them to the hotel. Another type of promotional activity comes into existence when company has something to offer for mass group. If hotel is planning some event and they want to inform the entire city or group of people then they can use advertisement or other means of communication. Social networking sites could be more appealing in these scenarios (Gupta, 2009). The company can generate the queries and can provide adequate information to them. Further the list of scenario includes if company is having association with the big event. In that case the company spread the offer through television or internet or other means of The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
communication which has huge reach among the customers. In this scenario the company can cater the attention of huge people and bring them to the hotel. The objectives of company also foster them to select the different types of promotional activities. If company has a motto to target the market or to disseminate the product information at one point of time (at international level) then they can go for event sponsorship type of promotional activities. It will provide them huge platform and they will be having huge potential to entice the customers (McKague and Tinsley, 2012). In case of achieving the target in very less period of time the company should focus on the television advertisement or internet based marketing. Thus these are different promotional activities which can be implemented in different scenarios. TASK D) A. An evaluation of personal selling techniques Personal selling comes into existence when company sends their sales person directly to the customers and they approach or influence them to buy any product. Customer oriented approach is something when the company focus on product development as per the needs and wants of customers whereas sales oriented approach is refers to the scenario in which company develop the product and then prepare their sales strategy to create its demand There are various personal selling techniques which are required to be developed in one’s own personality trait. The suitability of these techniques The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
can help in increasing the sales volume. The generation of personal relationship is one of the major factors which help in making the personal selling interesting and successful. After creating the healthy relationship one can easily win the trust of customers and can make deal with them. Personal selling is highly dependent on building the customer and seller relationship (Rickards and Ritsert, 2011). Without such factor it is impossible to increase the sales volume. Sample on SALES DEVELOPMENT Contact: help@instantassignmenthelp.com.au Another technique which can provide firmness to the personal selling is service delivery. Due to these factors the sales person can stay in touch with the customers and can meet out their demand in future as well. In small business the personal selling is only dependent on the customer satisfaction which can be raised through after sale service (Knapp and Sciglimpaglia, 2006). Once the sales person deal with the problems and customers and help them in get out into the troubles then they can easily create positive The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
image of the hotel. Further proper follow up and maintenance of contact is another technique for the personal selling (Vries and Boonstra, 2012). It can help the sales person to identify the need of customer and providing the best appropriate solutions to them. Thus these are the driving forces of personal selling which are required to be practiced by the staff of cited hotel. B. A discussion about the influence of operational design on sales revenue The definition of operational design explains the structure or lay out in which entire process is taking place. In more specific language it could be treated as systematic pattern which helps in implementing the strategies and operational design represents a complete trajectory to finish any task. In short Operational design refers to the entire process in which the company or hotel is working. The process of completing the task could also lie under the category of operational design. The way in which hotel is planning their objectives must be effective and well structured. It helps in avoiding the kiosk and the hotel can get rid of various operational troubles as well. If hotel is facing such aspects then it is quite obvious that it will put positive impact at the sales revenue as the pitfalls of customers will be high (Lim, 2010). Further the element of process is also required to be mentioned here. It also helps in the improving the operational deign. For hotel the way in which they are delivering the services could be consider as operational design. They are required to be quick and fast in delivering the services. The number of errors is supposed to be minimized at very large scale. Once the company has got hold on these aspects its will surely help them in retaining their customers. The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
The customer satisfaction will automatically improve. More than that, the company can improve the customer experience which has direct relationship with the increment in sale generation capacity of company or hotel (Simons, Steinfield and Bouwman, 2002). C. Key principles that should be included in a sales training programmed Sales training programme must be provided in very painstaking manner. While designing the sales training program the trainer has to understand that most importantly it is his duty to provide complete product knowledge so that the sales person can disseminate the product details in effective manner. Further improvement in communication is another factor which is required to be added in the sales training program. Here communication is not referred to conveying the message only; here the equal importance has been given to listening skills as well. Sales trainer has to explain the importance of effective communication with respect to increase the sales and putting the impact at customers (Jonsson and Mattsson, 2013). The creation of influence and convince power is another factor which should also get priority in sales training program. Therefore these are the various training factors which must be taken into special consideration in a sales training program. CONCLUSION The quality of product or service is related to be effective and lucrative with respect to enhance the sales ratio. The major outcome of this report is related to the fact that market segmentation and different other marketing techniques have direct relationship with the sales revenue of hotel. Further The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
the expediency of merchandising and advertising is also huge in the sales increment. Marketing and sales are two interdependent factors which put its impact at each other; this concept is clear in very articulated manner. The thorough analysis of this report will be helpful with a view of improving the selling techniques by making proper alignment between marketing and sales practices. Sample on SALES DEVELOPMENT Contact: help@instantassignmenthelp.com.au The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia
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Venugopal, P., 2008. Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective. SAGE Publications India. Vries, J. and Boonstra, A., 2012. The influence of ERP implementation on the division of power at the production-sales interface. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 32(10). pp.1178 – 1198. Sample on SALES DEVELOPMENT Contact: help@instantassignmenthelp.com.au The best assignment help and writing samples from Experts Writers of Australia