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Toward Empire

Toward Empire. The “Splendid Little War”. 1895- Cuban rebels demand independence from Spain Why? US officially declares neutrality, but. . . 113 days of war. Naval interests US still looking for coaling stations, new markets Support for rebellion vs. old war power

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Toward Empire

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  1. Toward Empire The “Splendid Little War”

  2. 1895- Cuban rebels demand independence from Spain • Why? • US officially declares neutrality, but. . . 113 days of war

  3. Naval interests • US still looking for coaling stations, new markets • Support for rebellion vs. old war power • ValerianoWeyler- “reconcentrado” camps • Jose Marti- poet exiled in NY, organizes resistance • Cuba Libre! • “I know the Monter, because I have lived in its lair.” • Sugar • 1894 Wilson- Gorman Tariff (tax on sugar imported) • Territory = no tax, more $$ • Hearst/Pulitzer • Competition, headline wars, YELLOW JOURNALISM War Fever

  4. Cuban spy stole a letter from Spanish minster to the U.S. (Enrique Dupuy de Lome) • Published (2/9/1898) in New York Journal • De Lomeaccused McKinley of being “weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd.” The De Lome Letter

  5. 2/15/98- USS Maine exploded in Havana harbor (270 dead) • Yellow Press • “The warship Maine was split in two by an enemy’s secret infernal machine” (Journal). • Many demand war: “Remember the Maine! To hell with Spain!” Remember the Maine!

  6. March-April, 1898- The Ultimatum (to Spain) • End fighting (by US force if necessary), autonomy to Cuba, end reconcentrado • McKinley asks Congress to use military force in Cuba • Protect US property/trade • Teller Amendment • US had no intention to annex Cuba, would withdraw forces w/ Cuban independence • April 22- 200k volunteers, draft of 60k authorized • Civil War = knowledge of modern technology • April 25- War declared & blockade on Cuba Towards War!

  7. May 1- Battle of Manila Bay • TR sends Adm. Dewey & Asiatic fleet to Philippines • Whole Spanish fleet destroyed + 170 men, but doesn’t take city • Filipinos (Emilio Aguinaldo) hope to gain freedom from Spain. • Joined vs. Spain • August 13, Spanish troops surrendered to U.S. 113 Days of War

  8. June 14- From Tampa to to Cuba • 17k Regulars (Gen. Wm. Shafter) + 3k Buffalo Soldiers (John Pershing) + US Volunteer Cavalry (Col. Leonard Wood, LTCOL TR, 560 Rough Riders) • Polo players, Ivy Leaguers, hunters, miners, cowboys • Plant Hotel • Difficulties: • Heat, rainstorms, mud, terrain, YELLOW FEVER • June 21- US fleet to Guam (occupied) • June 22- US troops land @ Daiquiri & Siboney Bay US EXPEDITIONARY FORCE

  9. June 30- US forces march on Santiago • July 1- Battles of Kettle Hill & San Juan Hill • Soldiers move vs. Spanish on high ground • TR & RR from Kettle San Juan Hill • Take heights E & N of Santiago bombardment of city • July 7- HI annexed • July 17- Surrender of Santiago & Spanish troops • July 31- Nelson Miles takes Puerto Rico Battles

  10. "...the entire command moved forward as coolly as though the buzzing of bullets was the humming of bees. White regiments, black regiments, regulars and Rough Riders, representing the young manhood of the North and the South, fought shoulder to shoulder, unmindful of race or color, unmindful of whether commanded by ex-Confederate or not, and mindful of only their common duty as Americans.” -Pershing

  11. Armistice agreed to on Aug. 12 • EA, Gen . Wesley Meritt assault/occupy Manila, 13 • Plan by Sp. & Am. forces- surrender to US, not Filipino rebels • Mock battle • Surrender of Spain on Aug. 14 • Casualties & Costs: • 306k served: 385 died in battle, 2k+ from disease • $250 m. An End to the War

  12. Treaty of Paris, Dec. 10 • Cuba becomes independent • Puerto Rico & Guam ceded to US • US purchase of Philippines for $20 m. • Benevolent Assimilation Proclamation • Friendship, protection, freedom • Help out “little brown brothers” • US gain control of area on SE corner of island • Guantanamo Bay Aftermath of War

  13. 1902- US Troops withdraw from Cuba • Why stay? • Positive • Built schools, farming techniques, sanitation, medical research (eliminated threat of yellow fever) • Negative • Want to see constitution passed that favors US • Platt Amendment • Right to intervene in affairs, buy/lease land for naval interests, no treaties that limit independence or allow foreign power to control any part of territory, couldn’t go into debt. Cuba as Protectorate

  14. Feb. 4, 1899- EA led rev. vs. Americans in Phil. • 1900- Foraker Act  relative indep. to PR • 1916- Jones Act  US plans to withdraw from Philippines Around the Empire

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