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Tracking Progress Towards QNV 2030 Development Goals Environmen t Targets and Related Monitorable Indicators Presented by Noura Essa Abdullah and Sharon Ng Department of Socia l Development, GSDP. QSA Workshop on Environment Statistics Concepts and Frameworks 24 September 2012.
Tracking Progress Towards QNV 2030 Development Goals Environment Targets and Related MonitorableIndicators Presented by Noura Essa Abdullah and Sharon Ng Department of Social Development, GSDP QSA Workshop on Environment Statistics Concepts and Frameworks 24 September 2012
Presentation Themes Context Qatar National Vision 2030, National Development Strategy 2011-2016 and Sustainable Development Environment Points of Stress NDS Environmental Management Outcomes Monitoring NDS Projects, Sector Outcomes and QNV Goals Conclusion 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Qatar – A Dynamic Arab Islamic Gulf State Rapidly rising prosperity and high human development Qatar - one of 6 Gulf Cooperation Council States….. ….with an increasing global presence • Rapid economic growth averaging 16.2% in real terms between 2004-2010 • Qatar now highest per capita globally propelled by growth of its hydrocarbon industry, especially liquified natural gas • Very rapidly growing population 1.7m in 2011 compared with 0.7m in 2004 • Includes large, growing and culturally diverse expatriate population • High human development with HDI ranked 37th in world in 2011 compared with 57th a decade earlier • Leading country in terms of GNI per capita • Health and education dimensions of HDI below those of average of highest human development countries
Qatar’s GDP and Population Grew Unsustainably Between 2000 and 2010Called for planned growth with balance Exceptionally rapid rise in population, averaging 15% a year between 2004-2008 when economic growth was at its peak, called for substantial planning as well as infrastructure and social services
Need for Sustainable Development and Environmental Management Increasing percapita Income Rapid population growth Environmental impact per $ of income Increasingimpact onQatar’senvironment Qatar’s growing urban population, rising per capita income and rapid economic growth affecting the environment To meet this challenge Qatar establishing comprehensive environmental management system that aligns national growth and prosperity to realities of environmental constraints, supported by increasing capacity and sustainable technologies
Qatar National Vision 2030Sustainable development,intergenerational equity, an underlying and cross-cutting principle 2 QNV 2030 beginning to transform Qatar into an advanced country, capable of sustaining its own development and providing a high standard of living for all Qatar National Vision 2030 • QNV 2030 is built on four inter-related development pillars that envisage that development will be carried out with responsibility and respect, balancing the needs of economic growth and social development with environmental protection Human development Develop all peopleto enable themto sustain a prosperous society Social development Develop just andcaring society withhigh moral standards and active role in global development Economic development Develop competitive diversified economy to secure prosperity for all in present and future Environmental development Ensure harmony between economic growth,social development and environment Institutional Development and Modernisation Sustainable Development
3 Sustaining the Environment for Future GenerationsAddressingenvironmental points of stress Priority Areas Environmental Challenges Environmental Points of Stress Water Management • Lack of integrated water management system • High water consumption and increasing demand • Rising water table in Doha that raises construction costs and threatens marine life Energy and Climate • Flaring intensity and high carbon dioxide emissions contributing to greenhouse gases • Qatar vulnerable to rising sea levels as a small coastal country Pollution and Waste • Poor air quality as a result of high levels of particulate matter which impact on respiratory illnesses • Large quantities of solid waste generated by high income households, construction and industry Biodiversity • Threats to biodiversity with species vulnerable to extinction • Lack of comprehensive biodiversity database limits effective policy • Protected areas lack effective management plan and public awareness of biodiversity issues low
NDS Environmental Management OutcomesPriority projects with related targets 4 10 Projects 14 Targets to be Achieved by 2016 7 Outcomes • Enact a comprehensive National Water Act establishing an integrated system of quality requirements, discharge controls and incentives for conservation • Monitor groundwater, conserve freshwater aquifers where possible and eliminate excess water in Doha’s water table National Water Act Urban water table management plan Cleaner Water and Sustainable Use Improve air quality Management Reduction of gas flaring and venting • Eliminate instances of excess ozone levels through improved air quality management • Halve gas flaring to 0.0115 billion cubic metres per million tonnes of energy produced from 2008 level of 0.0230 billion cubic metres per million tonnes of energy produced Cleaner Air and Effective Climate Change Reponses Establishing a solid waste management plan • Establish a solid waste management plan, strongly emphasizing recycling • Recycle 38% of solid waste, up from the current 8% • Contain domestic waste generation at 1.6 kilogrammes per capita per day Reduced Waste, More Recycling and More Efficient Use
NDS Environmental Management Outcomes(Cont) 10 Projects 14 Targets to be Achieved by 2016 7 Outcomes Creating a National Biodiversity Database • Establish a comprehensive electronic biodiversity database • Expand actively managed protected areas Nature and Natural Heritage Conserved, Protected and Sustainably Managed Functional Green Spaces • Establish three shady greenspace corridors in Doha and monitor their effect on urban air quality and health Sustainable Urbanization and Healthier Living Environment An Increasingly Environmentally Aware Population Environmental Awareness • Build an environmentally aware society • Appoint a well known national champion for the environment to raise awareness and commitment through demonstration projects and conversation partnerships Environmental Information Database Strategic Partnerships • Create a searchable electronic information source at the Ministry of Environment • Lead one regional environment effort, and launch two environmental projects involving private sector participation Improved Governance and Cooperation
5 Monitoring NDS Projects, Sector Outcomes and QNV Goals What are we monitoring? Level of monitoring What we will be learning QNV 2030 goals Quantitative and qualitative indicators Monitoring high level goals Have we achieved QNV development goals QNV Pillars Implementation Planning Monitoring achievements Have the project deliverables contributed to the stated outcomes NDS Sectors NDS sector outcomes Quantitative and qualitative indicators NDS Projects Monitoring deliverables Project outputs Quantitative and qualitative indicators Have the tasks we have implemented led to the desired results(eg legal, policy, regulation changes, awareness campaigns ) Project activities Monitoring tasks What tasks we are going to do through projects (eg drafting legislation, policy, regulations, organising campaigns) Monitoring input investments What resources we are investing in projects(eg financial, human,enabling environment) Project inputs
19% Who Monitors What and WhyTransparency and Accountability Who will monitor and what will they monitor? Expected Results Why are we monitoring? Effective National Planning: Managing for Results GSDP QNV 2030 Goals • To measure gap between reality and development vision Higher Level Development Results • To determine extent to which projects have contributed towards achieving desired development outcomes, to learn lessons and to support future planning GSDP NDS Sectoral Outcomes GSDP and Ministries and Agencies Project outputs • To determine extent to which deliverable have been met, to assess project effectiveness and take corrective measures Ministries and Agencies Project activities • To determine extent to which activities have been completed (rate of project implementation), to learn lessons and to adjust project activities through corrective measures • To monitor resource effectiveness MoEF and Ministries and Agencies Project inputs
19% Tracking Progress in Achieving NDS Results – Illustrative Example What results are we aiming to achieve? Indicators of progress (Baselines and targets) Results chain Develop a sound social structure with effective public institutions and active civil society organisations QNV Goal • CEDAW and CRC ratified and complied with NDS Outcome • Number of reported cases of domestic violence reduced • Increase in % of women who feel that domestic violence has decreased Reduced family violence Outputs (Deliverables) O1. Comprehensive domestic violence prevention, protection and support system established O2. An early child neglect and abuse detection mechanism established • Increased awareness of harmful effects of domestic violence • New policy and legislation on child abuse implemented Activities (Tasks) • Procure services • Collect and review data • Drafting legislation • Training programme • Create hotline • etc, etc Inputs Budgets, human resources • Budget allocated and spent for each activity
19% Towardsa NDS Monitoring FrameworkMeasuring For Results Indicator frameworks at different levels, including baselines and targets (process, outcome and goal indicators), methods of collection, sources of data, level of detail, frequency of collection, assumptions and risks need to be factored Template(s) to collect monitoring information along with reporting matrices of monitorable indicators (piloted and validated) E-monitoring system for data storage, analysis and reporting with defined accessibility with flexibility to modify according to evolving needs (Institutional and participatory dimensions need also to be factored in measuring for results)
A Guiding Principle When it comes to indicator selection less is more ... and be SMART Does indicator capture essence of desired result? Specific Will indicator show desired change/results? Measurable Are desired changes/results realistic? Achievable Is it applicable to intended development result ? Relevant Are data available or collectable at reasonable cost? Trackable
6 Conclusion • GSDPwill • monitor and report twice yearly to the Supreme Committeefor Development Planning on NDS progress, including on strategy outcomes in relation to QNV goals • prepare a mid-term review of the NDS by end 2013 as part of its mandate in the 6 year planning cycle • QSA will work with GSDP on indicator selection and continue to support with relevant data for monitoring the progress and achievement of QNV 2030 development goals