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Analysis of Weatherization Measures. Savings Methodology and Costs: Updated from 6 th Plan Regional Technical Forum June 1 st , 2010. Savings Methodology Existing vs. New Method. * Note: Upcoming slide (4) shows how cost-effective weatherization limits will be determined.
Analysis of Weatherization Measures Savings Methodology and Costs: Updated from 6th Plan Regional Technical Forum June 1st, 2010
Savings Methodology Existing vs. New Method * Note: Upcoming slide (4) shows how cost-effective weatherization limits will be determined.
Calibrating SEEM Model with Billing Analyses (from Nov 2009 RTF meeting) • Electric FAF and Zonal Electric • 66 degrees day and night • Uses the following SEEM inputs for the heating temperature setpoints: • Heat Pumps and Gas FAF • 70 degrees daytime • 64 degree night setback
Defining Roles and Clearing up Confusion from Last Meeting • Under the existing method, the following were determined jointly by the Council (Tom) and by the RTF (Tom), without clearly defined roles • cost-effective insulation limits and • insulation measure savings • In the new method, since potentially significant costs are at stake, roles are defined as follows: • Council: determine cost-effective weatherization limits • RTF: determine insulation measure savings • What this means: • Council to generate and document measure optimization methodology that incorporates SEEM • Who’s on Point: Tom and Ecotope, with input from Adam and RTF • Level of effort = $$$; timeline = longer • RTF to generate and document measure savings methodology that incorporates SEEM • Who’s on Point: Adam, with input from Tom, Ecotope and RTF • Level of effort = $; timeline = shorter • (Draft calculation spreadsheet for site built single family retrofit weatherization measures attached to today’s agenda) • Both systems feed each other, so collaboration is required. • Note: Since Council portion won’t be completed soon enough for October PTR update, cost-effective weatherization limits will initially be estimated from 6th Plan analysis, and updated when available.
Insulation Measure Costs • Existing Method (from 5th Plan) • Average of four sources • PSE Reported Costs • EWEB Reported Costs • Pacific PUD Reported Costs • 1996 Power Plan Costs • New Method • Median of ETO Program Data (electric) • May 2007 through July 2008 • Cost per ft2 = [Median (ETO cost/ft2/∆R)] × [∆ R]
ETO Cost Data for Ceiling Insulation Median: 2.3¢/ft2/∆R
ETO Cost Data for Floor Insulation Median: 4.7¢/ft2/∆R
ETO Cost Data for Wall Insulation Median: 9.1¢/ft2/∆R
Window Measure Costs • Used ETO Program data for Multifamily • Multifamily costs expected to best convey the cost of the efficiency improvement • Single Family costs expected to be biased high due to additional “features” • U-0.30 to U-0.25 assumed to be $2.00/ft2 • Recommend change to $1.36/ft2 per June 2009 RTF meeting decision • Gary Curtis’ research on costs for a 0.30 window package versus 0.22.
Cost Comparisons Window Replacement (Not Shown) PTR: $24.18 6th Plan: $20.07
RTF Review • Updated deemed savings will be shown to RTF when complete (goal: August RTF meeting) • Any recommendations for changes to methods or data sources for savings or costs?