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Delve into the fascinating realm of Nematoda, commonly known as round worms, with over 20,000 species found in various habitats. Discover their anatomy, nervous system, reproduction, and parasitic life cycles.
ZOO 115 Invertebrate Zoology Nematoda
hooge.developmentalbiology.com/meiofauna/media Phylum Nematoda • Common name: round worms • >20,000 species. • Mostly widespread and abundant of all metazoans • 90,000 worms in a decomposing apple. • Marine and freshwater benthos, soil, parasites on plants and animals
/creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/nematode Nerve cords Digestive tract Ovaries Excretory canal Phylum Nematoda - Anatomy • Most freeliving <2.5 mm in length. Some parasites > 50 cm in length. • Body is cylindrical with a pseudocoel • Complex cuticle • Must molt (Ecdysis) • Anterior end is radially symmetrical but the rest of the body has bilateral symmetry
Sensilla /creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/nematode Sensilla • Ring-like brain • Sensilla • Chemosensory • Males also have them near the anus /creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/nematode Brain • Dorsal, ventral and lateral nerve cords www.unice.fr/LEML/coursJDV/images/biologie/ www.unice.fr/LEML/coursJDV/images/biologie/ Phylum Nematoda - Head RegionNervous system
/creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/nematode Stylet - like a Hypodermic needle • Muscular pharynx 3 to 6 lips Pharynx /creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/nematode Buccal Cavity Phylum Nematoda - Head Region • 3-6 lips at the mouth • Buccal Cavity varies depending on prey • Bacteria - no teeth or stylet • Plant root - stylet • Carnivore - small teeth and sometimes stylet • Intestine - large hook-like teeth
/creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/nematode /creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/nematode /creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/nematode • Foregut (buccal cavity and pharynx shown earlier) • Midgut -Intestine Cuticle Anus • Hindgut - Rectum Rectum Intestine Phylum Nematoda - Digestive tract
www.ustboniface.mb.ca/cusb/abernier/Animaux/Pseudocoelom Longitudinal Muscles Nerve cords Digestive tract Ovaries Excretory canal Phylum Nematoda – Excretion • Excretory glands and canals thought to be involved in: • Osmoregulation • Ionic regulation • Excretion of waste metabolites • Ammonia secreted through body wall
www.ustboniface.mb.ca/cusb/abernier/Animaux/Pseudocoelom Longitudinal Muscles Nerve cords Digestive tract Ovaries Excretory canal Phylum Nematoda – Musculature • Longitudinal muscles only!
Spicule Testis www.apsnet.org/education/LessonsPlantPath/PineWilt/images/ Rectum - Cloaca creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/nematode/ Phylum Nematoda - Reproduction • Separate sexes - usually • Males have hook-like posterior • Testis • Male Rectum - Cloaca • Reproduction • Digestive waste • Spicule for sperm transfer • Retractable
creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/nematode/ Ovary Seminal recepticle Eggs Vulva creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/nematode/ Phylum Nematoda - Reproduction • Females • Ovaries • Eggs • Vulva • Seminal Receptacle
Baylisacaris procyonis Racoon parasite www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/cropsystems/images Human Parasite Plant parasite Ascaris lumbricoides Phylum Nematoda - Parasites: Roundworm Life Cycles
www.biosci.ohio-state.edu/~parasite/lifecycles Phylum Nematoda - Parasites: Hookworm
www.cvm.okstate.edu/~users/jcfox/htdocs/DISK1/IMAGES/ Phylum Nematoda - Parasites: Filariasis