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Johnson Middle School

Johnson Middle School. SCHOOL PROFILE 700 Student Population Virginia Public Schools Grades 6 - 8 Number of Classrooms: 28 . Johnson Middle School. At Johnson Middle School , we believe:. OUR MISSION.

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Johnson Middle School

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  1. Johnson Middle School SCHOOL PROFILE 700 Student Population Virginia Public Schools Grades 6 - 8 Number of Classrooms: 28

  2. Johnson Middle School At Johnson Middle School, we believe: OUR MISSION All children can learn.All children benefit from developmentally appropriate materials, practices, and strategies.All children deserve a quality education in which individual needs are met, exceeded, and supported.Social skills, such as Life skills, deserve the same attention as academic ones.School is not just about children: it encompasses families, parents, community, stakeholders, society, the environment and the world.Children must be encouraged to see the connections between new learning and prior knowledge.Children are more than test scores.Children learn best in a safe, caring environment, one that values diversity, collaboration, and risk-taking.Children thrive when expectations are high and self-esteem higher.Direct instruction of students helps to increase student achievement.

  3. The School Day

  4. Current Expenses Per Pupil: $7,500.00 - 8,199.99 Instructional Computers: 35 Technology Measure: MEDIUM-LOW Educational Climate Index: HIGH Cost per elementary school student: At $9,709 per student per year, the United States ranked first, followed in order by Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Switzerland and Austria Data SCHOOL DATA

  5. Breakdown by Ethnicity • White 16.5% • Black 3.9% • Hispanic 74.9% • Asian/Pacific Islander 2.1% • American Indian/Alaska Native 2.6%

  6. Socio-Economic Background

  7. Johnson Report Card Year

  8. Student Achievement Objectives Here at Johnson Middle School, our objective is to increase student achievement in all areas.

  9. Conclusions About The Learning Environment • Although our school showed a trend in scoring below the national and state standards from 2008-2010, 2011 scores showed marked improvement • We will focus on continuous improvement of our instructional strategies in order to boost test scores in the upcoming 2011-2012 school year • Academic standards will be reinforced through professional development trainings, administrative reviews with feedback, and collaborative planning

  10. Parental Participation • We currently have a PTO organization in place with 45% of parents participating • We will focus on improving parental participation in our school by holding membership drives at back to school nights and orientation nights. • We will improve parental participation at our school by improving communication through updates on the school website, e-mails, and a Johnson Middle School PTO Facebook page

  11. Classroom Profile Students Per Teacher 28 Enrollment 700 Economically Disadvantaged 30%

  12. Attendance Rate Attendance at Johnson Middle School is high. Students are expected to attend school everyday unless they have an excused absence.

  13. Technology Technology here at Johnson Middle School is adequate .

  14. Professional Development Professional Development is essential in keeping our staff up to date and helping them in continuing to learn.

  15. Faculty and Staff Morale Improvement Strategies for 2011-2012 • Low morale equals low test scores. • 2010-2011 Test scores are lower than the state average. • An assessment of teachers and their behavior toward the students will be conducted to ensure morale standards remain intact throughout the 2011-2012 school year. • Faculty and staff should be capable of motivating and creating a learning environment for students to improve test scores by 5%.

  16. 2011-2012 Curriculum • Lesson plans should include student/teacher interaction and student teacher conferences. • Faculty and staff will have to participate in a mandatory meetings to share strategies for improving test scores. • All lesson plans will include critical thinking, classroom objectives, procedure, course work and homework assessments

  17. Student Disciplinary Conduct Reports Johnson Middle School does not permit inappropriate behavior. Students who violate school rules will be subject to disciplinary action based upon the severity of the behavior. Repeated failure to follow school rules, even of the minor rules, can lead to more serious punishment. These actions can include the following Student Disciplinary Conduct Reports: • Referral • Conduct Notice • In School Suspension • Out of School Suspension • Expulsion

  18. Conceptual Framework Although Johnson Middle School is a public school, we integrate the Conceptual Framework into all aspects of our School Improvement Plan. • Seeking Knowledge – We as educators seek knowledge from each other through our mentoring program and working together on various committees. • Seeking Wisdom – We seek wisdom from each other as we work together on a daily basis, just as our students and in some cases our parents seek wisdom from us as teachers. • Serving Others – WE strive to serve our students, parents, co-workers, and administrators in everything that we do from mentoring programs, tutorial classes, staff development, etc. • Edifying Others - We as educators work hard to edify others. We lead by example and in doing this , we are modeling for our students the importance of building up, aiding, and encouraging others.

  19. Johnson Middle School Improvement Goals for 2011-2012 State and National school year • Only 45% of students scored passing on mandated testing. • 40% of students scored below average. • Improve faculty moral. • Improve learning strategies , since 1993 more children live in lower income households (Weisman, Knight, Cooner 2005) • Develop afterschool learning programs.

  20. Thank You We believe that our students and faculty deserve the best. We endeavor to create a school climate that will lead to the realization of their overall success.

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