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Group II E-Learning, Distant Learning and E-Education in the Rural ICT

Group II E-Learning, Distant Learning and E-Education in the Rural ICT. Group Members. Mr. Tum Yousos Mr. Chieng Sisovin Ms. Pin Ravin Mr. Sann Sivutha Mr. Hong Rithy Mr. Puth Sotithia. What is the benefits to link to rural ICT Developement ?

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Group II E-Learning, Distant Learning and E-Education in the Rural ICT

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Group IIE-Learning, Distant Learning and E-Education in the Rural ICT

  2. Group Members Mr. TumYousosMr. ChiengSisovinMs. Pin RavinMr. SannSivuthaMr. Hong RithyMr. PuthSotithia

  3. What is the benefits to link to rural ICT Developement? - Empowerment and Capacity Building to Rural people - Saving time due to easy access to course contents - having equal chance to educational system - Assisting formers or children knowledge with appropriate new technique

  4. How to establish E-Learning, Distant Learning and E-Education? Infrastructure - Software - Internet Access Content - Agriculture - Health Skill - General basic knowledge to train to local people in the community based Sustainability - Financial supports by project. - looking for local privates entrepreneurs

  5. Conclusion -3 Topics are necessary to support rural people. -To learn more knowledge from Telecenter through rural ICT Development. Recommendation - To have above 3 topics sustainable unless the strongly supported by the RGC and the relevant line ministries . - To have private sectors involved. - Should have strong leadership engagement.

  6. Thanks.

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