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Gerund Phrases. Definition. A GERUND is a verb form that ends in ING and acts as a NOUN (gee, that sounds simple… ) These may look like participial phrases, but they act differently in the sentence.
Definition • A GERUND is a verb form that ends in ING and acts as a NOUN (gee, that sounds simple…) • These may look like participial phrases, but they act differently in the sentence. • Gerund phrases take on all of the functions that a noun would normally take in a sentence: Subject, DO, PN, OP and even IO
Examples • As a subject: Swimming in spaghetti feels great. • Object of a Prep: I get my daily exercise by swimming in spaghetti. (by = prep) • Dir. Object: Fortunately, my cat also loves swimming in spaghetti. (my cat loves what??)
Examples • Pred. Nom: In fact, her favorite activity is swimming in spaghetti. (her activity is what??) • Indirect Obj. : I recommend that you all give swimming in spaghettia chance. (give a chance to whom/what?)
Identify the gerund and its function in the sentence • My daughter loves running around in circles. • Bob’s pet monkey jumped over the huge fence without falling on its head. • Kayaking down a river is an exhilarating experience. • Her wildest dream is going to a Hanna Montana concert. • If you give cooking a try, I bet you’d like it!