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David Croitor was born in Suceava, Romania, in 1958. He graduated from the Faculty of Geology, University of Bucharest, 1988. He is found with different works of art in private collections in the country, most of them in Bucharest, but also abroad: England, Austria, Belgium, USA, Germany, France, Greece, Holland, Sweden, Canada.
David Croitor was born in Suceava, Romania, in 1958. He graduated from the Faculty of Geology, University of Bucharest, 1988. He also attended painting and drawing lessons with the skilled artists Dimitrie Loghin in Suceava and Aurel Aniței in Bucharest. Currently, he lives in Vatra Dornei and works exclusively as an inde-pendent painter. He is found with dif-ferent works of art in private collections in the country, most of them in Bucharest, but also abroad: England, Austria, Belgium, USA, Germany, France, Greece, Holland, Sweden, Canada.
Balcic Toamnă la Balcic
Balcic, grădina Reginei Balcic, Castelul Reginei
Umbra Balcic
Balchik Balchik landscape
Balcic Balcic2009
Case la Balcic 60x50cm Albastru de Balcic