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Survival Use of plants. CW4 Hays. “I have made a satisfactory dinner off a dish of Purslane which I gathered and boiled …yet men have come to such a pass that they frequently starve, not from want of necessaries, but for want of luxuries. ” Henry David Thoreau. Universal edibility test.
Survival Use of plants CW4 Hays
“I have made a satisfactory dinner off a dish of Purslane which I gathered and boiled…yet men have come to such a pass that they frequently starve, not from want of necessaries, but for want of luxuries.” Henry David Thoreau
Universal edibility test • If you are in a survival situation and cannot identify any edible plants you can test plants for safety. Choose a plant that is plentiful.
Check on learning • Name the parts of plant • When you smell the plant what are you checking for? • How long should you fast before beginning the test? • What can you do during the test period? • When you place a small portion on your outer lip, what are you checking for and how long do you leave it in contact? • How long does the whole test take? • Should you do the test for each part of the plant?
Hackberry Common tree in Tennessee. Pproduces thousands of small berries that ripen in September- October. The berries are edible and if eaten whole contain up to 20% protein. They are hard to harvest as Hackebrry trees grow to 90’ We have several on our property.
Persimmon The genus name for the American Persimmon means "Fruit of the Gods". This is a reference to the delicious golden-orange fruits that often hang on the tree after the leaves drop in autumn. When ripe, these fruits are very sweet. But they must be fully ripe. If you try to eat one too soon, your mouth will likely pucker from the bitter taste of tannic acid. Yet a ripe fruit is a real treat. Native Americans relished them, and they are a popular food for wild turkey, mockingbirds, deer, raccoons, foxes, squirrels, rabbits, and other wildlife. They can be made into pudding, preserves, beer, and brandy, and can also be dried for winter eating.
Sassafras The bark of the roots is used to make a pleasant tasting "tea". The powdered leaves are used in Louisiana to thicken soup. Sassafras is derived from an old French word referring to its use in medicine; albidum refers to the light-colored wood.
Common food sources in tennessee--nuts Hickory • shagbark—sweet, large, edible kernels • shellbark—same as shagbark • pignut—bitter but edible • bitternut—bitter but edible Walnut • black walnut • butternut Pecan • Too many varieties to list Oak
Oak Trees Oak trees are broadleaved trees. The scientific name for oak trees is Quercus. Oaks are hardwood trees that can live well over 200 years. Oak trees are an important source of food for wildlife. Oak trees produce acorns once a year in the fall. Some oaks begin to produce acorns at age 10 and others do not produce until they are 50 years old. Oak trees may not produce acorns every year. The trees need to store up energy after a heavy production year and thus may produce a very light crop or no crop at all. Heavy acorn production may occur only about 4 out of 10 years. Oak Species: White Oak, Chestnut Oak, Gambel’s oak, Blue Oak, Red Oak
Eating kudzu • Saute or eat raw tender leaves and shoots in the spring • Leaves are a good source of protein and fiber • Fried leaves are delicious and taste like potato chips • Dried, pounded roots are a good source of starch and can be used for thickening stews and sauces CAUTION! Gather Kudzu from sources away from roadsides as KUDZU is heavily sprayed for weed control
Dandelion • Dandelion leaves produce a diuretic effect while the roots act as an antiviral agent, appetite stimulant, digestive aid, and may help promote gastrointestinal health. Dandelion flower has antioxidant properties. Dandelion may also help improve the immune system. • Health care providers clinically use dandelion root to promote liver detoxification and dandelion leaves to support kidney function.
Plantain—Narrow Leaf, Broad Leaf Plantain is edible and medicinal, the young leaves are edible raw in salad or cooked as a pot herb, they are very rich in vitamin B1 and riboflavin. The herb has a long history of use as an alternative medicine dating back to ancient times. Being used as a panacea (medicinal for everything) in some cultures, one American Indian name for the plant translates to "life medicine." And recent research indicates that this name may not be far from true! See citation from Edible Wild Plants
Wild Onion Habitat and Distribution Wild onions and garlics are found in open, sunny areas throughout the temperate regions. Cultivated varieties are found anywhere in the world. Edible Parts The bulbs and young leaves are edible raw or cooked. Use in soup or to flavor meat. CAUTION There are several plants with onion like bulbs that are extremely poisonous. Be certain that the plant you are using is a true onion or garlic. Do not eat bulbs with no onion smell. Other Uses Eating large quantities of onions will give your body an odor that will help to repel insects. Garlic juice works as an antibiotic on wounds.
Cattail All parts of the cattail plant are edible. American Indians prepared the different parts in many ways. The leaves of Common Cattail are used to weave baskets, chair seats, and mats. People sometimes plant cattails along the shores of water to prevent erosion. The fluffy seeds are used as insulation for pillows and coats. An adhesive (glue) can be made from the stems. The pollen is sometimes used in fireworks.
Shepherd’s Purse FOOD USES: Uncharacteristically mild for a mustard green, the leaves benefit from plenty of seasonings. Add them raw to salads; simmer in soups, stews, and sauces; or sautÈ or steam them. They cook in about 10 minutes, and shrink by about 75%. I find the seedpods and the tiny, spherical seeds inside the mature pods to be without flavor, although they are reputedly peppery.
Wild Carrot The leaves are poisonous but the root is a carrot, the ancestor of todays cultivated carrots. This plant has a poisonous look a like called water hemlock.
Hemlock Poisoning Water Hemlock Poisoning -- Maine, 1992 On October 5, 1992, a 23-year-old man and his 39-year-old brother were foraging for wild ginseng in the midcoastal Maine woods. The younger man collected several plants growing in a swampy area and took three bites from the root of one plant. His brother took one bite of the same root. Within 30 minutes, the younger man vomited and began to have convulsions; they walked out of the woods, and approximately 30 minutes after the younger man became ill, they were able to telephone for emergency rescue services. Within 15 minutes of the call, emergency medical personnel arrived and found the younger man unresponsive and cyanotic with mild tachycardia, dilated pupils, and profuse salivation. Severe tonic-clonic seizures occurred and were followed by periods of apnea. He was intubated and transported to a local emergency department. Physicians performed gastric lavage and administered activated charcoal. His cardiac rhythm changed to ventricular fibrillation, and four resuscitative attempts were unsuccessful. He died approximately 3 hours after ingesting the root. Although the older brother was asymptomatic when he arrived at the emergency department, he was treated prophylactically with gastric lavage and administered activated charcoal. He began to have seizures and exhibit delirium 2 hours after eating the root; he was stabilized and transferred to a tertiary-care center for observation. No additional adverse effects were reported.
Purslane About the large-leaf purslane, they say, “… these erect, tangy and succulent stems are high in vitamin C. The leaves contain the highest concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids found in land plants. This is 5 times more than spinach and 10 times more than any lettuce or mustards.
Star of Bethlehem Resembles wild garlic but lacks any garlic odor. Bulbs are poisonous.
Horse Nettle Leaves and fruits contain alkaloids that are poisonous and cause gastric distress, vomiting, nausea, and death with certain species.
Yellow Sweet Clover Harvested leaves mold easily. The mold is a powerful anticoagulant that causes internal bleeding and death.
Butterfly Weed All parts are potentially poisonous. Kills sheep, cattle, horses, and goats. Causes weakness, staggering, convulsions, and death.
May Apple Leaves and roots cause severe cathartic reaction (vomiting and diarrhea) and death in larger quantities. The fruit is edible. Common in Tennessee.
Water Hemlock Very common yet one of the deadliest plants in North America. All parts of the plant are poisonous. Causes severe abdominal pains, excessive salivatation, and vomiting within minutes. Death with larger quantities.