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CONTOUR FARMING. How does contour farming reduce the average annual soil erosion rate from a watershed? Why is contour farming not effective in controlling erosion on very steep land? Text, page 107. CONTOUR STRIP CROPPING REDUCES EROSION BY .
CONTOUR FARMING • How does contour farming reduce the average annual soil erosion rate from a watershed? • Why is contour farming not effective in controlling erosion on very steep land? • Text, page 107 ASAE S268.4
CONTOUR STRIP CROPPING REDUCES EROSION BY • Each year only part of the field is open to the highest erosion rates • Erosion from open strips is trapped in the vegetation on the close-growing strips. ASAE S268.4
FUNCTIONS OF TERRACESFrom ASAE Standard ASAE S268.4 • Reduce Soil Erosion • Retain Soil Moisture For Crop Use • Remove Surface Runoff w/o erosion • Create level land for farmability • Control Sediment Loss from Fields • Reduce Peak Runoff Rates • Improve Water Quality ASAE S268.4
TERRACES FOR EROSION CONTROL • Terraces affect the topographic factor on the USLE (LS). • To be effective for field erosion control terraces need to be spaced at nearly constant vertical intervals. • For Sediment Control terraces need to be level or at a very flat slope, particularly at the lower end. ASAE S268.4
Terrace System Classification • Parallel or Non Parallel • Gradient or Level • Cross-Section • Outlet Type ASAE S268.4
100 95 90 Nonparallel Gradient Terrace System ASAE S268.4
100 95 90 Parallel Gradient Terrace System ASAE S268.4
Broadbase TerraceCross-section ASAE S268.4
Broadbase Terrace • Designed to fit smoothly in the field so that machinery can work the entire area. • Used for erosion control and to retain soil moisture • May be constructed with level or graded channels. • Limited to field slopes <8% ASAE S268.4
Steep-Backslope Terrace Cross Section ASAE S268.4
Steep-Backslope Terrace • Developed for use on field slopes too steep for Broadbase terraces. • Push-up construction reduces overall field slope. • Backslope is a barrier to machine travel. Normally planted to permanent grass. • Less effective for field erosion control ASAE S268.4
Narrow-Base TerraceCross-Section ASAE S268.4
Narrow-Base Terrace • Steep Ridge on both sides planted to grass • Less expensive to construct than broadbase or steep backslope cross-sections. ASAE S268.4
Ridgeless-Channel Terrace Cross-Section ASAE S268.4
Ridgeless-Channel Terrace • Designed for nearly level land • Cut soil spread between terraces • Little interference with field machine operations. • Low cost construction ASAE S268.4
Conservation Bench Terrace Cross-section ASAE S268.4
Conservation Bench Terrace • Moisture Conservation in semi-arid locations with field slopes <5% • Layout includes a watershed area above and the flat channel to catch runoff from the watershed. • Watershed area 2 to 4 times channel area, depending on expected runoff. ASAE S268.4
Bench TerraceCross-section ASAE S268.4
Bench Terrace • Used to create level land for farming, particularly with surface irrigation. • Concept used in ancient mountainside farming systems in Asia and South America. • Used in irrigated areas in the American west. ASAE S268.4
Bench Terraces in Japan ASAE S268.4
Bench Terraces in the US ASAE S268.4
Terrace System Spacing Slope = VI / HI x 100 VI HI ASAE S268.4
VI = Xs+YEq. 7.1, p. 116 in Text • VI is the Vertical Interval between terraces in Feet • s is the Field Slope between terraces in percent • HI = Horizontal Interval or spacing • s = VI / HI * 100 (definition of field slope) • HI = VI / s * 100 ASAE S268.4
VI = Xs+YEq. 7.1, p. 116 in Text • X is a factor that depends on the climate (rainfall) in the area • Related to R in the USLE • See Fig. 7.10, page 117 in the Text • 0.4 < X < 0.8 • Higher value for less rainfall • Use 0.7 for Iowa ASAE S268.4
VI = Xs+YEq. 7.1, p. 116 in Text • Y is a factor that depends on the soil erodibility and cover protection • Related to K and C in the USLE • Lower Value for easily eroded soil with little cover protection • 1 < Y < 4 • Use Y = 2 for average field conditions ASAE S268.4
TERRACE SPACING • Estimate the required terrace spacing for average field conditions on a 5% slope in Northern Arkansas. • From Fig. 7.10: X = 0.5 • For average field conditions: Y = 2 • VI = (0.5)(5)+2 = 2.5+2 = 4.5 ft • HI = (4.5/5)(100) = 90ft. ASAE S268.4
GRADES IN TERRACE CHANNELS Would there be more erosion at the top or bottom of a slope? Why? ASAE S268.4
GRADES IN TERRACE CHANNELS A B C Which of these slopes would have the most erosion, and why? ASAE S268.4
GRADES IN TERRACE CHANNELS • The allowable terrace channel grade is greatest at the upper end of the terrace. • When water removal is a concern, terraces have a minimum grade requirement to prevent ponding • See table 7.2, page 119 in text. ASAE S268.4
MAXIMUM TERRACE LENGTH • The maximum terrace length is based on a maximum drainage area. • Terrace channels should drain no more than 3 acres of watershed • Length x Spacing = Drainage Area ASAE S268.4
100 95 90 Parallel Gradient Terrace System ASAE S268.4
Terrace Channel Water Storage • Runoff Volume = Length x Spacing x Depth of Runoff • Storage Volume = Length x X-section Area • Required X-section for Storage = Spacing x Depth of Runoff • L x S x D = L x A • S x D = A ASAE S268.4
Terrace Channel Water Storage • Terrace Length = 500 ft • Terrace Spacing = 100 ft • Runoff Depth = 0.2 ft • Runoff Volume = 500 x 100 x 0.2 = 10000 ft3 • Storage Volume = 500 x Area • 10000 = 500 x Area • Area = 10000/500 = 20 = 100 x 0.2 ASAE S268.4