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Muon offline reconstruction

Muon offline reconstruction. Reconstruction steps Local muon reconstruction ‘Global’ track reconstruction Muon ID Low P T physics b   + X. Reconstruction steps. Muon local system. Hit reconstruction. Raw data. Hits. Local track reconstruction. Segment reconstruction.

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Muon offline reconstruction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Muon offline reconstruction • Reconstruction steps • Local muon reconstruction • ‘Global’ track reconstruction • Muon ID • Low PT physics • b   + X Muon Reconstruction

  2. Reconstruction steps Muon local system Hit reconstruction Raw data Hits Local track reconstruction Segment reconstruction Segments Muons Muon Tracks Global track reconstruction Tracks Muon ID Muon Reconstruction

  3. Segment reconstruction • Pattern recognition done in each layer (A, B or C) separately • Good angular resolution in drift plane • Bad  resolution • B and C segments can be matched to BC Muon Reconstruction

  4. Resolution - theta, A layer Note: angle in drift plane !=  Smearing caused by bad  resolution Muon Reconstruction

  5. Resolution - theta, B layer -resolution in end caps worse due to problem with scintillator Muon Reconstruction

  6. Resolution - y Muon Reconstruction

  7. Local Track reconstruction • PT of track found by angle between A and B(C) segment B layer Mult. Sc. Toroid Mult. Sc. A layer Muon Reconstruction

  8. Track momentum resolution Resol in 1/Pdev A: ~ 35% Resol in 1/Pdev B: ~ 45% Muon Reconstruction

  9. ‘Global’ track reconstruction • Reconstruction by TRF++ in SMT and CFT • Problems: • Overlap region between SMT and CFT • Slooooow (~5 sec/evt) Muon Reconstruction

  10. Track matching • Extrapolates muon track to inner tracker • Looks for match in z, ,  and PT • Track parameters are taken from global track • If mismatch, muon reconstruction completely wrong! Muon Reconstruction

  11. Muon ID • Muon = Object in muon system + matching GTrack • Tight: • GTrack (PT > 3) + A,BC track • GTrack (1.5 <PT < 3) + A segment • Loose: • GTrack (PT > 3) + A or BC segment • Extra loose: • GTrack (PT > 1.5) + hit coincidence Calorimeter: ~1.5 Gev Toroid (BC): ~ 3 GeV Muon Reconstruction

  12. ID efficiency (single , 5-100 GeV) Muon Reconstruction

  13. Single b Muon Reconstruction

  14. Single b Muon Reconstruction

  15. Reconstruction plans • Implement tracking in calorimeter • Improve matching with inner tracker • Implement local muon fit Muon Reconstruction

  16. Conclusions • Muon local tracking needs fix • Matching with inner track is problem • Low PT physics is going to be hard • Needs a LOT more work Muon Reconstruction

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